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Chapter 286

286 The Performance Of The New Lord Talent!

At this moment, Ruoji walked up.

“My Lord, I have something to report!”

It said respectfully.

“What is it?”

Zhou Zhou asked.

“When the Lord attacked Dark Night Town, Lord Zaha of Dark Night Town once sent his subordinates to

inform the nearby East Demon City and Red Wasp Town to send reinforcements.”

“However, I was already loyal to the Lord at that time.”

“Therefore, the Green-Headed Fog Demons it sent out have already been intercepted and killed by me

halfway. The letter asking for help has also fallen into my hands.”

“However, the siege of Dark Night Town by my Lord would be known soon.”

“In order to prevent them from attacking, my Lord, it’s better to prepare early.”

Ruoji said.

Zhou Zhou looked at it in surprise.

This guy was quite smart. He actually stopped the letter asking for help.

He wanted to use this opportunity to see if he could fight the other party’s reinforcements.

“What are the levels of the Scarlet Lord’s territory in the East Demon City and Red Wasp Town? How

strong is the strongest person in their territory?”

Zhou Zhou thought for a few seconds and asked.

“East Demon City is the territory of the White Platinum-Tier Elementary Grade Scarlet Lord.”

“The Red Wasp Town is the territory of the Yellow Gold-Tier Intermediate Grade Scarlet Lord.”

“Because the two of them are the closest to Dark Night Town, Zaha wanted to ask them for help.”

“As for the strongest people in these two places, the strongest person in the East Demon City is a

Diamond-Tier Elementary Grade Sickle Fog Mantis Lord, and the strongest person in Red Wasp Town

is a White Platinum-Tier Intermediate Grade Red-Eyed Blood Wasp Lord.”

Ruoji said.

Zhou Zhou heaved a sigh of relief.

If the strongest was only at the Diamond-Tier Elementary Grade, Nezario could still deal with him.

The current Yellow Gold-Tier Advance Grade Nezario would have no problem dealing with the

Diamond-Tier Advance Grade Scarlet Lord.

With its hero slot, it could even fight an Extraordinary-Tier Scarlet Lord.

This was also where his confidence lay.

But at this moment, Ruoji said, “Other than the strongest experts in these two places, East Demon City

has an army of 150,000 fog monsters, and Red Wasp Town also has an army of 50,000 Bee


Zhou Zhou frowned slightly.

Then wouldn’t there be 200,000 fog monsters in total?

Nezario was not afraid, but if they really fought, his Blazing Sun City soldiers might suffer heavy losses.

Thinking of this, the thoughts of confrontation in his heart immediately faded.

If he had 200,000 soldiers, there was no harm in fighting a dozen reinforcements from these two


However, if they were at a disadvantage in terms of military strength, instead of fighting head-on, it was

better to take a step back and wait.

With the growth of his current military strength, 200,000 soldiers could be achieved in a few days, or

even surpassed.

Wouldn’t it be better to fight then?

At this moment, Bai Yun also walked over.

“I’ve something to report, my Lord!”

“I’ve found the territory stone tablet of Dark Night Town.”

She said respectfully.

“Take me there.”

Zhou Zhou came back to his senses and said.

“Yes! Please follow me, my Lord.”

Bai Yun said.

Then, the two of them arrived at the Lord’s Manor in Dark Night Town one after another. In a secret

room in the manor, Zhou Zhou saw the territory stone tablet.

Zhou Zhou could not help but click his tongue in wonder when he saw the Endurance of the three

million yuan stone tablet

Fortunately, Bai Yun was no longer the same as before. She only shot 20 arrows and shattered the

territory stone tablet with three million Endurance.

The Territory Token and Region Token were revealed from the broken Territory Token tablet.

Zhou Zhou walked over and picked up the Territory Token.

He realized that this was a Yellow Gold-Tier Advance Grade Territory Token.

“With this Yellow Gold-Tier Territory Token, I can upgrade my territory when I go back.”

A smile appeared on Zhou Zhou’s face.

His main goal in attacking Dark Night Town was this Yellow Gold-Tier Territory Token.

Now, his wish had been fulfilled.

Then, he picked up the Regional Token.

Zhou Zhou looked at it.

A text notification appeared.

[Treasure Name: Regional Token]

[Region Name: Dark Night Town (Changeable)]

[Regional Grade: Yellow Gold-Tier]

[Area area: About 10,212 square kilometers]

[Treasure Description: The Regional Lord of Dark Night Town. A Lord who possesses the Regional

Lord and integrates it into the Territory Stone Tablet can become the Regional Lord of Dark Night Town

and obtain an exclusive Regional Treasure Chest!]

“More than 10,000 square kilometers.”

“This is comparable to three to four White Silver-Tier regional territories.”

Zhou Zhou lamented.

Then, he put it away solemnly.

After that, he walked out of the room and flew above Dark Night Town, quietly looking down at the city.

It was different from his Blazing Sun City.

As a Dark Night Town that had been established for hundreds of years, the city here was almost ten

times the size of Blazing Sun City!

All the building facilities were complete, and there were many Yellow Gold-Tier Life Profession


However, as Zhou Zhou took out the Territory Token, these buildings had already lost the

corresponding building Effect and became self-built.

“What a good place.”

“What a pity.”

“If only I could occupy this place.”

“If I can occupy this place, I won’t take the Territory Token.”

Zhou Zhou said regretfully.

However, he did not regret it.

Zhou Zhou had already figured it out.

Even though he could fight a Kingdom-level faction now,

However, this kind of fight was definitely not like occupying an enemy city and fighting a long battle with

the various reinforcements or even the main forces of a kingdom.

Instead, he should cooperate with the Aurora Kingdom. The Aurora Kingdom would restrain the main

forces of the Tahan Kingdom on the frontal battlefield while he fought the enemy from behind and

retreated. The enemy would retreat while he fought guerrilla warfare and plundering!

This made it impossible for the Tahan Kingdom to care about each other. In the end, they would

gradually devour the other party.

Therefore, he had already decided not to stay here for long, let alone leave any Subjects behind.

Since that was the case…

Then he would take the Territory Token and destroy this place.

He would definitely not give the reinforcements from the Tahan Kingdom a chance to make use of this

city again.

It would be easier for him to make a comeback in the future.

More than an hour later.

All the Green-headed Fog Demon’s corpses were extracted with Loots.

At the same time, all the injured and dead soldiers were healed and revived with the combined efforts

of the doctors and clergy.

Including the more than 4,500 Green-Headed Fog Demons that had survived the Incite Defection.

Not only did his number of subordinates not decrease when he came out to fight this time, but it even


After that, Zhou Zhou did not stay any longer. After getting the soldiers to bring all the loots they could

take away, he boarded the Black Ghost and prepared to return to Blazing Sun City.

This time, Zhou Zhou did not fly around randomly. Instead, he obediently entered the Sandstorm

Forbidden Land and passed through the safe passage that the Sandstorm Forbidden Land

automatically opened. Then, he returned to Blazing Sun City unimpeded.

Blazing Sun City.

Zhou Zhou had just returned when he saw Elder Zheng arranging for someone to register the identity

of the new Subject.novelbin

In front of Elder Zheng and the others were four long lines, each with more than 200 people.

“Why are there so many people?”

Zhou Zhou was stunned.

Then, he suddenly thought of something and immediately opened his information notification column.

There, he discovered many information notifications that he had ignored previously.

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Visit En.novelxo.com to read full content.

Visit En.novelxo.com to read full content.

There were many Lord Talent Notifications like this.

Zhou Zhou counted carefully and realized that there were a total of 76 of them. It was the total number

of Scarlet Lord territories and regional territories he had captured.

There were a total of 760 Professional Subjects and Professionals in these notifications!

Coupled with the refugees attracted by the Lord of Peace And Prosperity’s talent today and the Normal

Subjects and Professionals recruited by the Gate of Summoning,

His territory had gained more than 31,000 Subjects today alone!

Zhou Zhou pondered.

The population of Blazing Sun City was increasing.

Why don’t…

He move some population to Sand Gold City?

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