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Chapter 179

179 Rapid Promotion! White Silver-Tier Intermediate Grade!

“What… What’s going on?”

“Did the other party use some curse spell?”

Lord Turner said stupidly.

He was the Black Iron-Tier Intermediate Grade Lord who brought Lord Anderson here.

Their situation was similar to Zhou Zhou and Ling’er’s.

They both brought one more Lord with them, allowing the other party to advance more easily.

However, these two Vampires were in an employer-employee relationship.

Lord Turner had spent a lot of money to hire Anderson, a Green Bronze-Tier Elementary Grade Lord,

to help him advance.

“Can’t you tell?”

“This is caused by the level suppression between our vampire bloodlines!”

“That human Lord is not simple.”

“There should be a Vampire Viscount like me.”

Anderson’s expression was a little gloomy.

He had thought that it would not be a problem to pass the Lord Battlefield with a Black Iron-Tiernovelbin

Intermediate Grade Lord but did not expect to encounter such a tough opponent.

“Then what should we do?” Turner asked in a panic.

“Don’t worry.”

“Am I not still a Vampire Viscount just because he is?”

“I’ll use the pressure of my viscount bloodline to fight him so that he won’t have time to deal with you

when the battle starts later and he uses his viscount bloodline to suppress our low-level vampires.”

“At that time, use your Blood Bat Form to fly past the city walls of these two human Lords and enter

their city.”

“Come back and help me after you break through the other party’s territory in the city.” Anderson said.

He also had the bloodline of a vampire viscount, so he was not afraid of Zhou Zhou’s bloodline


As for Turner, he was an ordinary Vampire Baron.

Turner immediately nodded.

A moment later.

Not long after both sides deployed their forces.

A text notification appeared.

[Deployment time has ended!]

[The Lord War has begun!]

The next second.

Zhou Zhou saw more than 20,000 Blood Bats flying out of the other party’s territory.

They were like blood clouds that covered the sky.

It flew towards Blazing Sun City and Spiritual Medicine City with an astonishing aura and pressure.

Zhou Zhou took a rough look.

With the ability of the Vampire Viscount bloodline, he realized that most of the 20,000 Blood Bats were

formed by low-level vampires.

Only a small number of them were transformed by the Vampire Baron after using the Blood Bat Form.

Seeing this, he was about to use the bloodline pressure of the Vampire Viscount to attack these Blood


At this moment, he suddenly felt the same vampire viscount bloodline appear out of thin air and block

the pressure of his bloodline.

Zhou Zhou raised his eyebrows.

He likes to resist pressure?

With a thought…

At this moment, Nezario, who was resting with its eyes closed in the territory, suddenly opened its



A dragon roar sounded.

Accompanied by the extremely terrifying dragon might,

Anderson, who was releasing the pressure of the Vampire Viscount’s bloodline, rolled his eyes and


“My Lord?!”

“My Lord, what’s wrong?!”

When the other vampire subordinates saw their Lord faint, they immediately surrounded him in panic.

“All long-range soldiers, kill these Blood Bats with all your might!”


“It’s your turn!”

Bai Yun ordered.

As soon as she finished speaking, more than 7,000 archers, crossbowmen, crossbowmen, poison

crossbowmen, and elemental archers drew their bows and shot at the Blood Bats.

Maris’ soul also emerged from its body. It held the God of Death Scythe and charged at the Blood Bats.

It was already at Green Bronze-Tier Advance Grade.

This meant that he could instantly kill all living beings below the White Silver-Tier!

Even if it was a White Silver-Tier Blood Bat, it was very likely to kill it as long as it attacked a few more


More than 95% of these 20,000 Blood Bats were below the White Silver-Tier.

Which meant…

If Maris was given enough time, it could even deal with all 20,000 Blood Bats without being injured by


Moreover, while another soldier type, might not be able to tell which of these Blood Bats hid the true

souls of the vampires, Maris, as a Divine Kingdom-level soldier type— the Soul Reaper, it was naturally

extremely sensitive to souls and could easily sense the location of the souls in these Blood Bats.

Therefore, it began to kill these Blood Bats and was able to deliver accurate kills which was extremely


In less than a moment, under the joint battle of Maris and all the ranged soldiers, all the Blood Bats

were killed.

More than 8,000 Sword Shield Soldiers and other melee professions broke into the cities of the two

vampire Lords and killed the two vampire Lords and the remaining vampires.

A text notification appeared.

[You and your teammates have defeated the Vampire Lord – Anderson (Green Bronze-Tier Elementary

Grade) and the Vampire Lord – Turner (Black Iron-Tier Intermediate Grade). You have won this ranking


[You have obtained 6 battlefield points!]

[Congratulations, you have advanced to Green Bronze-Tier Intermediate Grade in the Lord Battlefield

of All Races!]

[You need to participate in at least one ranking competition every three days. Otherwise, your rank will


[Your Battlefield Shop has been updated!]

[You can return to your territory!]

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

While the opponents this time were much stronger than his previous opponents, they were not much


On the other hand, Ling’er felt like she was dreaming.

How can my big brother deal with such a strong vampire Lord with such ease?!

Wasn’t this win too easy?

She had not forgotten the spectacular scene of more than 20,000 Blood Bats flying out.

It looked so scary yet they were killed by my brother like paper?

Ling’er clicked her tongue.

My big brother seems to be too ridiculously strong.

At this moment.

[Do you still have ranking tries left?]

Zhou Zhou’s voice sounded in her mind.

[Yes, there are three more times. My territory just took down the regional territory of my area last night.]

Ling’er hurriedly said.


[Get your soldiers to rest for a while.]

[Let’s continue ranking later.]

Zhou Zhou said.


A moment later.

Zhou Zhou and Ling’er activated the ranking competition again.

Two hours later.

Visit En.novelxo.com to read full content.

[Title: Lord of The Blazing Sun]

[Rank: White Silver-Tier Intermediate Grade]

[Number of Rankings: 18]

[Battlefield Points: 89]

Visit En.novelxo.com to read full content.

“Big Brother.”

“I don’t have any more ranking tries.” Ling’er was a little embarrassed.

“Then attack some more Scarlet Lord’s territories or foreign race Lord’s territories.”

“Let’s rank together again when you have more.” Zhou Zhou said.

Ling’er immediately agreed.

With the blessing of the Ten Gods— The Blessing of the War God, she also had a higher passion for

going out to fight.

After Ling’er left.

Visit En.novelxo.com to read full content.

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