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Chapter 158

158 I’m Willing To Call You The Strongest In Terms Of Thick-Skinnedness!

Zhou Zhou quickly became puzzled again.

How did their ranks increase so quickly?

Logically speaking, didn’t all of them, who had just joined the battlefield of the Lords of All Races, only

have one chance to rank?

For example, the fact that this True Lord of the Original Spirit Race could advance to a Yellow Gold-Tier

Advance Grade Lord in such a short period of time meant that it had completed a total of 12 rankings in

less than two hours!

Where did its remaining 11 ranking opportunities come from?

He pondered a moment and had a guess.novelbin

The other party had probably begun to attack the territories of many foreign race Lords or Scarlet Lords

before the Myriad Races Lord Battlefield started.

After the event began, these attacked territories were quickly conquered, giving these top-notch lords

many chances to rise in ranks.

That was why the ranks of these top Lords were raised so high in such a short period of time.

“I’m afraid it won’t be long before the first Mythical Lord is born.” Zhou Zhou thought.

Honestly, while he knew that the difference between him and these top-notch Lords might be huge, he

did not expect it to be such a huge gap.

He was only at the Black Iron-Tier Intermediate Grade while others were already Yellow Gold-Tier

Advance Grade.

He shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

He was a little shocked, but he was still very confident in his future with his Mythical Lord talent.

After that, he opened his friend list and opened Ling’er’s chat to type.

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Are you ranked?]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: Brother, I’ve just finished. Wow! I encountered a group of cute slimes!]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: But I still got the soldiers to kill them.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Yes, well done. Don’t pity the enemy. Being kind to them is cruel to yourself

and your subjects.]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: Yes, yes. Brother, how’s it going on your side? You must have won too, right?]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Yes, the victory went quite smoothly.]

When Zhou Zhou wrote this, he suddenly pondered for a few seconds before typing:

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Let’s team up in the future. The two of us together will have a higher chance

of winning.]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: But… I’m relatively weak. I might be a burden to you.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Why are you still talking about this when you’re already calling me brother?

Just listen to me.]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: Thank you, Brother! You’re the best!]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: Okay.]

Zhou Zhou’s decision was not without reason.

During this period of time, Ling’er had been sending him all kinds of medicinal herbs every day.

An increasingly larger amount of them.

His soldiers were growing extremely quickly but he had never worried about a shortage of potions even

under such circumstances.

The most important reason was that the amount of medicinal herbs Ling’er provided had never

disappointed him.

Moreover, the Lord of All Races Battlefield had already begun.

Not only did their Cerulean Planet Lord need internal competition, but the pressure on foreign race

lords from outside also began to increase.

He knew that it was difficult to hold on alone.

He could not be the only strong Cerulean Planet Lord!

He needed more allies.

He could not count on the other Lords, and he had never expected to count on them.

Zhou Zhou was already familiar with Ling’er.

As a Legendary-Tier Lord Talent holder, and his godsister, he currently felt that she was someone he

could nurture as an ally.

That was why he proposed to help her in a duo.

Her support ability was very strong while her combat strength was still relatively weak.

Working together could complement each other.

Then, he began typing again:

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: During this period of time, try your best to get the soldiers to conquer a few

foreign race territories or scarlet territories and obtain some Territory Tokens. This way, you can

exchange for the goods in the battlefield shop.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: I’ve seen the things inside. They’re quite good.]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: Yes, yes, Brother, I know. I’ve already conquered the territories of three

Scarlet Lords. I’ve been planning to defeat the Regional Lord in my area recently.]

Zhou Zhou was stunned.

Then, he could not help but shake his head.

He seemed to treat the other party as a child and wanted to instruct her about everything.

However, Ling’er was a very smart girl in her own right, she could think of whatever he could think of.

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: I don’t think I’ve ever seen you say anything on the World Channel. Don’t you

sell the medicinal herbs you nurtured in the Marketplace?]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: The herbs in my herb garden are enough for you alone.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: … You don’t have to do this. Your Lord’s talent is very strong. You can make

a name for yourself in the exchange under the premise that you don’t expose yourself. This way, you

can earn more Mist Cores to allow you to develop better.]

[Lord of The Blazing Sun: If possible, you can collect more potion formulas and medicinal herb seeds

on the World Channel. You won’t be able to use them now, but you will one day.]

[Spiritual Medicine Lord: Alright, I’ll listen to you!]

Then, the two of them chatted for a while before ending the conversation.

Zhou Zhou looked at the content of their conversation and felt a little pressured.

Ling’er relied too much on him.

He did not refuse this dependence but he felt that this reliance was not good for Ling’er.


“I can’t set the expectation for a little girl like I would an adult.”

“She’s already done a great job.”

Zhou Zhou shook his head.

Then, he opened the World Channel to see the reactions of the Lords.

However, Zhou Zhou was stunned when he saw the first sentence from the Lords.

[Why is the Lord rank negative 1??]

[Is negative 1 rare? I’m negative 2. (Crying)]

[Don’t tell me that we have climb up the negatives rank by rank?]


[F*ck! I thought that we can afford to lose a few rounds since we can fight a few more times and would

definitely be able to reach the Green Bronze-Tier if we are lucky. Won’t we die directly if we lose a few

rounds in a row?]

[Why would the Supreme Will leave such a thing for us to take advantage of?]

[Why are these foreign race Lords so abnormal? There are many Lord friends in my friend list who

couldn’t defeat the foreign race Lords and directly became negative ranking.]

[This might be evil but I would still suggest that Lords who are not confident in their strength fight our

own kind if they are not too good. The battlefield of foreign race Lords is not something ordinary Lords

can fight.]

[I’ll start!]

[Everyone, let’s do it!]

[Top-notch Lords have the boldness of top-notch Lords indeed. I just looked at the rankings of the

Lords of the same race and realized that most of the top-notch Lords are not on the rankings. They

should have gone to fight the Lords of All Races Battlefield.]

[I saw it too. I didn’t expect the Knight Lord to be ranked first on our rankings. The Knight Lord is really


[Hahahaha, the Knight Lord really has the cheek to sit in this position. Did he ask the Lord of The

Blazing Sun, the Dragon God Lord, the Overlord Lord, the Dragon Lady Lord, and the others?]

[Knight Lord: I relied on my strength to sit in this position. What right do you have to criticize me? If you

have the ability, come up and squeeze me out. If the Lord of The Blazing Sun and the others don’t sit in

this position, why can’t I?]

[You’re quite thick-skinned to say that.]

[I’m willing to call you the strongest in terms of thick-skinnedness.]

“Knight Lord?”

Zhou Zhou thought for a while before remembering this person.

When the Cerulean Planet Lord first descended on the High Continent, this person became famous for

a few days because he revealed on the World Channel that he had the Diamond-Tier Lord Talent,

Knight Hall, which could nurture Combat Spirit Knights.

Later on, the Dragon Lady and the others rose one after another.

This person gradually faded from the vision of the other Lords.

Later on, this person seemed to have established a Knight Council and become famous again when

the Alliances had just gained in popularity.

However, Zhou Zhou did not pay much attention to him.

He did not expect him to become famous again today.

However, the way of gaining popularity…

Zhou Zhou shook his head.

He had to start an internal strife instead of showing his Diamond-Tier Talents against the foreign race

Lords. He did not agree with this method.

Nonetheless, everyone had their own choices.

Zhou Zhou could not interfere, nor would he interfere for no reason.

At this moment, he saw a few different Lord comments that made him narrow his eyes.

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With that…

The other party even put up a screenshot of his friend list.

It showed the name of the Thorn Lord.

However, this name had already dimmed.

[Storm Lord: Poor Brother Thorn Lord. He died tragically under the hands of the Lord of The Blazing

Sun just like that!]

There were many comments below that echoed his words.

[I could tell what kind of person the Lord of The Blazing Sun was from the moment he took down Lord

Mighty. I’m not surprised that he did such a thing now.]

[The Lord Battlefield is cruel but there’s no need to be so cruel to your own kind, right? Killing him just

like that?]

[My condolences.]

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[No way? No way? There are still people clearing Lord Mighty’s name now?]

Zhou Zhou looked at the Storm Lord’s name.

He knew this person.

Thorn Lord had mentioned this person’s name when he first told him about the conspiracies.

This person was said to be one of the initiators of the Sun Extermination Association, scheming to deal

with him.

“Looks like the Thorn Lord hasn’t taught them a good enough lesson.”

“They still want to deal with me.”

Zhou Zhou thought.

As for the reason why the other party defamed him and spread the threat theory of the Blazing Sun, he

could imagine it even with his toes.

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This way, he could take the initiative to deal with him after accumulating strength.

Thinking of this, Zhou Zhou’s expression turned cold.

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