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Chapter 132

132 Hero Skill – Golden Dragon Break! Killing The Golem Lord!

Zhou Zhou looked at the loots of the Golems and lost interest.

This was because there was only a skill book called Rock Armor other than the Mist Cores.

It was similar to the loots of the previous three fog monsters, which were either skill books or ordinary


Zhou Zhou’s standards were also higher now with his 100% drop rate + perfect loot.

He was no longer interested in ordinary loot.

He would only be interested in monsters that would drop special loot, such as soldier class change

certificates, soldier recruitment books, building materials, and so on.

This was because these monsters could be brought back to the monster ranch and become his daily

fixed income.

Its value naturally far exceeded that of ordinary monsters.

It also made Zhou Zhou like it even more.

He stopped thinking and turned to look at Wu Xin.

“Elder Wu.”

“Take down this regional Scarlet Lord’s territory!”

He said.

“Yes, my Lord!”

Elder Wu said respectfully.

Then, he rode on the Dragon Horse, his golden cloak fluttering in the desert wind.


“Charge with me!”


Wu Xin took the lead and rushed out accompanied by a furious roar.


“Kill them!!”


2,000 Sword Shield Soldiers and 1,000 Pudao Soldiers followed Wu Xin and rushed out.

The 2,000 soldiers left behind were all long-range soldiers.

Most of them were poisonous crossbowmen, and the rest were archers, crossbowmen, and


They began to attack the golems from afar.

Arrows streaked across the sky like meteors and shot at the 4,000 golems.

Even though low-level long-range soldiers could not cause much damage to these sturdy golems, high-

level long-range soldiers could shoot holes in their bodies.

Especially the new musketeers!

Zhou Zhou only received 18 Beginner Soldier Recruitment Books in the novice lord test.

Therefore, there were only 18 of each Beginner Soldier type and only 18 Musketeers!

Even though they were few in number, the commotion they caused was the greatest among the entire


Ear-piercing gunshots sounded.

It was so loud that even the distant soldiers beside them could not help but take a few more glances at


These Musketeers might only be at the lowest Black Iron-Tier Elementary Grade!

but the damage they caused was no less than the damage caused by Black Iron-Tier Advance Grade

archers as Beginner Soldiers.

The only disadvantage was that they were slow to reload.

Moreover, there was a limited amount of ammunition.

Zhou Zhou was deep in thought when he saw this.

Even though musketeers like them could make homemade gunpowder bullets.

The efficiency was low after all, and the power might not be much stronger.

“Maybe I can find that Military Industry Lord to see if I can buy some modern firearms from him.”

“I can also replenish my ammunition from him in the future.”

Zhou Zhou thought.

Even though these 18 musketeers were small in numbers, he would not give up any chance to become


At the same time…

Wu Xin also led his army to charge at the 4,000 golems.

These golems also discovered the 3,000 soldiers rushing over.

They roared fearlessly as they charged at Wu Xin and the others while enduring the attacks of bullets

and arrows.

Wu Xin looked at the charging golems.

Golden flames gradually burned in his eyes.


A true dragon roar sounded in his body.

His body slowly enlarged until he was four to five meters tall.

His armor also enlarged, matching his figure.

A pair of golden dragon horns grew on his head.

A thick golden dragon tail also grew out of his tailbone.

Yellow Gold-Tier Advance Grade Bloodline Skill—Dragon Blood Transformation!

At this moment, Wu Xin had turned into a half-dragon!

At the same time…

The Dragon Horse under him also let out a dragon-like roar.

Then, golden dragon scales appeared on the surface of its body. At the same time, its body expanded

until it could carry Wu Xin on its back.


Golden airwaves spread out with the half-dragon and dragon horse as the center, forming the phantom

of a golden dragon head.

The skin and pupils of the soldiers in the range of the golden wave also turned golden.

Their strength, speed, physical defense, and will to fight had all increased greatly, and they all caught

up to Wu Xin’s speed.

In the blink of an eye, they formed the winding figure of an Eastern dragon.

It charged at these golems with an unstoppable and magnificent aura!

Hero Skill – Golden Dragon Break!

[Hero Skill: Golden Dragon Break]

[Level: Special]

[Skill Effect: The Dragon Horse Spear will activate its own golden dragon bloodline and human

bloodline so that it transforms into a dragon, it will use the power of the golden dragon to stimulate and

mobilize the all-round quality of the soldiers under its command. It will also give the soldiers some

characteristics of the golden dragon bloodline, forming an unstoppable golden dragon on the battlefield.

It will break through the enemy’s formation and crush the enemy’s will!]

At this moment.

Wu Xin used the Diamond-Tier Advance Grade Army Formation— Furry Array and the Diamond-Tier

Advance Grade Army Formation— Fire Array to increase the soldiers’ strength, speed, and will to fight

by 15 times immediately!

The sudden increase in combat strength made the Eastern Golden Dragon even more lifelike, and it

even emitted a faint dragon pressure.

This caused the charging aura of the 4,000-odd golems to stagnate.

The Eastern Golden Dragon took advantage of this and instantly rushed into their formation,

accompanied by a mighty roar.

The golems were shattered one after another wherever it went!

No golem could stop the golden dragon’s charge!

This golden dragon rushed from the front of the battlefield to the back of the battlefield and then to the

front just like that.

After two Golden Dragon Breaks!

More than 1,500 of these 4,000 golems died.

Wu Xin, who had used Golden Dragon Break twice, had not exhausted his remaining strength and was

even maintaining his Dragon Blood Transformation.

However, the golden dragon gradually disappeared.

His golden dragon eyes looked at the golems coldly. He felt that there was still about a third of the

energy left in his body and felt that he could use the Golden Dragon Break again.

However, he would probably enter a weak state after using it.

As a wise and calm battlefield general, it was not what he wanted to see.

Behind the battlefield.

Nezario immediately raised its dragon head and looked at Wu Xin when he used the Dragon Blood


Its scarlet dragon eyes revealed a human-like puzzled expression when it saw a very different dragon

from its own dragon race arising from the Golden Dragon Break.

There seemed to be no record of a dragon in this strange form in its dragon bloodline inheritance.

However, Zhou Zhou, who was beside it, was immediately stunned when he saw Wu Xin use Golden

Dragon Break.

Wasn’t this their Eastern dragon?

He originally thought that Wu Xin’s golden dragon bloodline was a Western dragon bloodline like


He did not expect it to be the bloodline of an Eastern Dragon!

After coming back to his senses, he looked at the puzzled Nezario beside him, and a sigh appeared on

his face.

An Eastern Dragon and a Western Dragon were gathered on the same battlefield.

This could only be seen on a place like the High Continent where all races coexisted.

Actually, speaking of which, it was similar to the inheritance of Eastern civilization.

It also appeared in the talents of some Lords of all races.

For example, Zhou Zhou had heard that someone’s Lord Talent was a Yellow Gold-Tier Lord Talent Qi

Refiner when he was diving on the world channel once.

Not only did he have a special physique, the Spiritual Root Constitution, the subjects of his territory

also had a small chance of awakening their spiritual root physique.

Moreover, there was a chance of obtaining items from the Immortal Dao civilization when hunting


However, it was said that this Lord never appeared on the world channel again. He could not even be

added as a friend.

The Lords only knew that he was still alive, but no one knew where he was or what he was doing.

This became one of the unsolved mysteries in the hearts of countless Cerulean Planet Lords.

“That Qi Refiner Lord’s situation is similar to the Dragon God Lord and the Insect Lord.”

“What happened to them? Why can’t we contact them?”

Zhou Zhou frowned slightly.

After thinking for a moment.

He, who had no clue, did not think too much about it.

Everyone had the same destination, where they would eventually meet.

On the battlefield.

After Wu Xin used the Golden Dragon Break, Bai Yi also used her hero skill, Blood Fire Arrow Rain.

She was already at White Silver-Tier Elementary Grade!

The power of the Blood Fire Arrow Rain was even stronger than before!

A wave of arrows killed nearly 2,000 golems!

At this point, there were only about 500 golems left on the battlefield.

This time, the Golem Lord, who wanted to be a coward, could not sit still anymore.

It had always felt that an extremely terrifying aura was accumulating strength behind the battlefield.

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Unexpectedly, the two heroes opposite it killed more than half of its golem subjects.

This instantly stunned it.

There was only one thought left in its mind.



As the ground shook, a golem more than 20 meters tall crawled out from the ground.

Then, it balled up and rolled into the distance.

The remaining 500 golems were stunned when they saw this.

Why did Your Majesty surrender first when we are about to fight to the death?

The soldiers were stunned for a moment before laughing heartlessly.

At the back of the battlefield.

Nezario had already spread its dragon wings and flew into the sky in pursuit without the need for Zhou

Zhou to remind it.

A moment later, a kill notification appeared in front of Zhou Zhou.

[Your pet Lava Dragon – Nezario has killed the Golem Lord – Wan Shi (Scarlet Lord). Promotionnovelbin

energy +800! Loots condensed!]

[The territory of the Scarlet Lord has become ownerless. You can plunder or occupy it!]

[The Blazing Sun Desert has become an ownerless area. After you obtain the Regional Token, you can

become the Regional Lord of this area!]

A smile appeared on Zhou Zhou’s face.

A moment later, Nezario grabbed the corpse of the Golem Lord and placed it in front of Zhou Zhou.

He looked at the stone corpse.

Its stone brain had already been burned to lava, and the other parts of its body had also been burned

to charcoal.

This Regional Scarlet Lord’s defense was second to none, but it was still not enough against the

magma dragon breath of a pure-blooded dragon.

A corpse notification appeared.

[Monster Name: Golem Lord – Wan Shi (Regional-level Scarlet Lord)]

[Strength Level: White Silver-Tier Advance Grade]

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