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Chapter 1164

1164 The Defeated Original Elven Empire! Zero!

In the Time World, 1,653 years ago, within the territory of the Spiritual Race.


Zhou Zhou, who had transformed into a scholar and traveled the continent to comprehend the Lord’s

laws, could not help but sigh when he learned that Nadia had died from the memories shared by Zhou


This was how war worked.

Those who participated would never be able to guess if the next person to die in the war would be them

or their relatives and friends.

However, “He” wasn’t too sad.

He had the ability to revive after all. He could directly revive Nadia after he obtained one of her relics.

There was nothing to be sad about.

“Nadia, you chose to reject my invitation in order to repay Elizariel for her resurrecting you.”

“Now, you died in the battle for the Divine Kingdom’s throne in order to protect Elizariel.”

“The kindness of resurrection that you care about has been returned to the other party, right?”

Zhou Zhou thought to himself

Nadia was the first hero “He” had come into contact with. Furthermore, “He” pitied her. He also had

some complicated feelings for Nadia.

That was why “He” had taken the initiative to invite Nadia to stay in his kingdom when he saw hernovelbin


However, the other party refused.

Zhou Zhou didn’t force “Him” to stay.

If he were to invite the other party again, the other party should have no reason to reject him, right?

This thought flashed across Zhou Zhou’s mind. Then, he shook his head with a smile and stopped

thinking about it. He continued to look at the Human Clan Classic in his hand as he walked into the


On the throne in the Blazing Sun Imperial Palace.

Zhou Manage said after a moment of silence.

“Collect Nadia’s relics that can be used for resurrection and send them back to This Emperor.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.” Wu Tu said respectfully.

“Any other information?” Zhou Manage asked.

“Your Majesty, there’s other relevant information.”

“According to the Heavenly Map Army, Elizariel’s Original Elven Empire army was divided into three

parts after being defeated by the Behemoth Divine Kingdom.”

“Some of them became stragglers who only cared about running for their lives.”

“The rest fled in the direction of the other Elven Empires.”

“And the last portion is coming to our country.”

Wu Tu said respectfully.

Zhou Manage raised his eyebrows.

These guys… Could they have been defeated and wanted to run to him to ask for help?

Even though he was old friends with Nadia, he was only old friends with Nadia.

What did it have to do with your Original Elven Empire?

It was impossible for “Him” to rely on this friendship to save the entire Original Elven Divine Kingdom.

Moreover, previously, the Elven Empire had promised to help him increase his faction points. There

was no such offer on the table now.

They hadn’t even returned the favor, and wanted him to help again and get him into trouble. Zhou

Manage wasn’t a fool, so he naturally wouldn’t accept it. “Your Majesty, how should we deal with these

fleeing Elven Empire deserters?”

Zheng Yuanqi probed.

“Stop them outside the border.”

Zhou Manage said calmly.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Zheng Yuanqi said respectfully.

“Wu Tu, continue to assign a portion of intelligence personnel to investigate this Divine Kingdom’s

battle for its throne.” Zhou Manage said.

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Wu Tu said respectfully.

Zhou Manage nodded slightly. Then, “He” thought of something and asked Zheng Yuanqi, “By the way,

how’s the matter of the human race moving out of the Primordial World?”

“Don’t worry, Your Majesty. This matter is going very smoothly.”

“Furthermore, we have also compensated the Human Clansmen whose interests were damaged during

the relocation process.” Zheng Yuanqi said respectfully.

Zhou Manage nodded.

After the three of them chatted for a while, Wu Tu and Zheng Yuanqi took their leave.

Zhou Manage also persisted to deal with government affairs.

Zhou Fight was in charge of keeping an eye on the front line. Unless “He” was in a desperate situation

and needed the help of more top combatants, this internal affairs clone did not have to leave the


At the same time, Zhou Fight had already led an army of ten trillion, more than 80,000 God Spirits, and

194 True God-Tier to the Chaos Scarlet Empire’s scarlet army. They were currently on their way.

High up in the sky, a black cosmic mothership that was 100 billion times smaller floated quietly in the


It was the Eternal Mothership!

However, even though “He” had shrunk by 100 billion times, “His” diameter had still reached an

astonishing one-light-


With such a huge creature, the 800 trillion-odd trillion-odd troops, 30 million-odd scarlet God Spirits,

and 5000-odd scarlet True God-Tier did not seem to notice it at all. They were still marching on their


They had no idea that the enemy had arrived.

Inside the Eternal Mothership, in the Eternal World, was a combat meeting space specially customized

by the Eternal Mothership for the captain and the core members of the mothership.

This was a combat meeting space specially customized by the Eternal Mothership for the captain and

the core members of the mothership.

Even though they were already prepared, they still felt a little suffocated looking at the terrifying number

of troops below.

Such a terrifying force, excluding the Master God-Tier techniques they possessed, even high-level

Divine Kingdom Lord factions would probably not be able to take them out, right?

Only the Legendary Overlord-level Lord factions or even Overlord-level races could take out such

troops, right?

However, when they realized that the scarlet army did not discover their location, they could not help

but click their tongues in wonder.

The upgraded Eternal Mothership was indeed extraordinary.

“They” did not escape into space and rely on the complicated interlayer of space as cover. Instead,

“They” only relied on the invisible function of the Eternal Mothership to hide in the sky.

How could he not be discovered by the other party?

The Eternal Mothership was awesome!

His Majesty is awesome!

They sighed in their hearts.

Zhou Fight was also very surprised by this.

Then, he felt refreshed.

The feeling of being crushed by technology was so comfortable!

It was not in vain that “He” had spent so many Lord Talent Crystal Fragments to upgrade the Gift of the

Machina to the Mythical-Tier Unique Level.

At this moment, a calm mechanical voice sounded.

[Your Majesty, all targets of special concern have been discovered.]

A virtual map appeared in front of Zhou Fight and the generals.

Zhou Fight and the generals immediately gazed over.

The virtual map displayed the marching situation of the scarlet army below. Dense red dots of various

sizes were marked on it, representing the strong and weak in the scarlet army.

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Everyone gazed over one by one.

[Chaos Scarlet Empire], [Demon Scarlet Empire], [Dark Capital Scarlet Empire], [Dark Gloom Scarlet

Empire], [Carpool Scarlet Empire]…

Yes, these scarlet factions that had been specially marked out were the targets of Zhou Fight and the

others—the 93 high-

level scarlet empires!

As Bai Yun and the rest gazed at the location of the Scarlet Empire, they were amazed.

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odd trillion-odd scarlet troops.

They had never expected that not long after they arrived, this Eternal Mothership would have already

found their target among the 8,000 trillion-odd trillion-odd trillion-odd trillion-

odd trillion-odd scarlet troops.

A faint grin appeared on Zhou Fight’s face.

The first performance of the Eternal Mothership didn’t disappoint “Him”.

“He” felt more confident in this war.

“Good work, Zero.”

Zhou Fight praised.


Even the highest authority sentient life form on this Eternal Mothership was the name of the

consciousness that the Machine God-Tier had assigned to this Master God-Tier spaceship!

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