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Chapter 1099

1099 Activate The Ten Thousand Spirit Saint! Huge Harvest!

The next second…

An invisible wave instantly spread from “His” right palm to a radius of 10 million kilometers, enveloping

Uriel and the 247 billion people of foreign races soldiers, 10,000 ordinary God Spirits, and 203 True

God-Tier existences!

Uriel’s expression changed when he saw Zhou Zhou’s actions.

“He” immediately took out a pure gold necklace and floated in front of him. Then, “He” injected “His”

True God-Tier divine power into it.

As the True God-Tier’s divine power continued to pour in, the pure gold necklace trembled slightly

before spreading out an invisible wave that protected all the soldiers, heroes, and God Spirits under


However, the methods “He” had prepared were completely useless against the Ten Thousand Spirit


Under the influence of the Ten Thousand Spirit Saint, the gazes of half of the soldiers, heroes, and God

Spirits immediately changed. Then, they attacked their companions beside them without hesitation.

The Titan battleship’s originally fierce and dense attacks also suddenly became scattered because of

this sudden internal strife, causing the pressure facing the Supreme Defence to instantly decrease


Seeing this scene, Uriel’s face instantly darkened, and his eyes were filled with disbelief.

The golden necklace in “His” hand was called [Guardian of the God of Mind].

This was a one-time-use treasure created by a Master God-Tier Advance Grade existence. Its level

had also reached that of a Master God-Tier Advance Grade existence. Later on, the other party made a

deal with the Titan Gods and traded this treasure to them.

Uriel checked Zhou Zhou’s information and knew that Zhou Zhou had a very shocking Incite Defection

method. After he could incite a large number of soldiers from the opposing camp to become his

soldiers during wartime, he immediately applied to the clan and obtained this treasure.

“He” originally thought that by relying on this one-time wonder item of a Master God-Tier Advance

Grade, “He” would be able to avoid the terrifying means of the Common People’s Regal’s Incite

Defection during wartime. “He” did not expect that the other party would still instigate half of “His”

soldiers and God Spirits to instigate Incite Defection.

“He” didn’t want to believe such a thing.

That was the treasure of a Master God-Tier Advance Grade after all!

Such a treasure actually could not affect the other party’s methods. He did not even use the weakening


Could the methods that the Common People’s Regal had mastered had already reached the Supreme

God Realm?

What a joke!

What “He” didn’t know was…

The Ten Thousand Spirit Saint that Zhou Zhou used was the effect of the Mythical-Tier One and Only

Lord Talent.

Its level was comparable to a Master God-Tier Advance Grade Law Skill. Moreover, it was a Lord Law

Skill of a Master God-Tier Advance Grade.

Once this Law Skill was used, it was naturally not something that an ordinary one-time wonder created

by an ordinary Master God-Tier could resist.

At the same time, in the capital of the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

Bai Yun, who was waiting for an opportunity in the dark, immediately received an order from Zhou Zhou

the moment the internal strife began.

[Lead the entire army and attack!]

As the Legion Commander, Bai Yun naturally knew that this was the best time to attack the other party.

As the Legion Commander, Bai Yun naturally knew that this was the best time to attack the other party.

“All soldiers, heroes, and Worshiped God Spirits.”

“Listen to my orders, Legion Commander!”

“Attack these invaders!”

“When you encounter enemies, don’t hold back. You must eliminate them as quickly as possible!”

“We can’t let ‘Them’ affect the lives of the Subjects in the capital! We can’t let ‘Them’ rush past us and

hurt the Subjects in the capital!”


Billions of soldiers roared in unison, their voices shaking the heavens and earth.

Then, all the soldiers and God Spirits immediately flew out of Galaxy and launched an all-out attack on

Uriel’s side!

The Yellow Talisman Dao Soldiers attacked first! The Forbidden Mage chanted an incantation!

All kinds of war machines began to accumulate energy!

One after another, God Spirit-level military formations rose from the army, emitting majestic battle


Seeing this scene, Uriel’s face deepened even more.

This guy’s total military strength was actually still hidden in the capital city, waiting for them to appear

and launch a surprise attack?!

The Blazing Sun Kingdom soldiers who had just flown away on the spaceship…

“He” thought of something and suddenly rotated his head. He saw 2,000 Galaxy appear silently behind

“Him.” Then, trillions of soldiers rushed out of these spaceships and covered the entire heavens in the

blink of an eye.

Zhou Fight stood in front of the trillions of soldiers. He wore golden True God-Tier Divine Artifacts and

held the Universe Destroying Blade in his hand as he looked at Uriel coldly.

“Kill!” Zhou Fight spoke coldly.


Chi Xuantian, Yuan Cong, Haros, Yellow Emperor, and the other True God-Tiers replied. Then, they

revealed their True God-Tier Divine Artifacts and led an troops of more than 1500 billion to charge

towards Uriel’s people of foreign races.

Seeing this scene, the True God-Tiers, God Spirits, and other generals of the people of foreign races

under Uriel’s command had ugly expressions.

Weren’t they on the side of the sneak attack?

In the blink of an eye, they had become the side that was ambushed and besieged. Even their escape

route was cut off.

“All troops, listen up!”

“From now on, our army will be divided into two. The front army will deal with the enemies of the

Blazing Sun Kingdom, and the rear army will deal with the enemies from the rear. At the same time, we

will deal with the enemies who have been incited by Incite Defection!”

“Even though the enemy came suddenly, our troops still has the advantage. We can definitely win this


The True God-Tier, who was also a Titan God like Uriel, shouted.

Then, he immediately led half of the allied troops and rushed towards Zhou Fight.

The God Spirits and soldiers of the people of foreign races calmed down when they heard this.

“He” was right.

Even though the situation was a little chaotic now, they still had their greatest trump card.

“They” looked at Uriel, who was in the middle of the army.

At this moment, Uriel was also looking at the vessel of dark purple divine blood in his hand, his eyes

flickering with a deep black light.

The Blazing Sun Kingdom.

When the soldiers, God Spirits, and soldiers rushed towards Uriel’s allied army, Zhou Zhou did not

follow them. Instead, he looked at the composition of Uriel’s army.

“Uriel’s people of foreign race alliance headquarters, the remnants of the alliance gathered by the

Shadow Clan, and the alliance troops of the Blood Moon Clan…”

“Good timing.”

“I originally wanted to get rid of you all one by one after today. I didn’t expect you to come knocking on

my door one by one.”

“It saved me a lot of effort and time.”

Zhou Zhou smiled faintly.

Then, he looked at the Lord Talent Notification in front of him.

[Prompt: You have activated your Mythical-Tier Unique Lord Talent, Ten Thousand Spirit Saint!]

[All spirits see you as a supreme saint and long to follow you!]

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[Lord Talent Notification Two: You have obtained a Spellcaster—

DeCarlos (True God-Tier Advance Grade)!]

When Zhou Zhou saw this result, he could not help but be pleasantly surprised.

Good God!

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Visit En.novelxo.com to read full content.

Thank you to the Titan—Uriel—for the Big Gift Bags!

Zhou Zhou was sincerely grateful.

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