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Chapter 1070

1070 Tarotcol Is On The Right Path! Persuade Surrender!

1070 Tarotcol Is On The Right Path! Persuade Surrender!

“Your Majesty, all the racial resources that the Shadow Clan can take away have been collected. The

Loots have also been sorted out.”

“Regarding the captives, according to Madam Wen Ya’s statistics, we have captured about 31.612

billion people of foreign race soldiers, 216 God Spirits, and two True God-


“As for the royal family of the Shadow Clan, we’ve also captured them all. Currently, they’re gathered in

the side hall of the Temple of Shadows with the ministers and God Spirits of the Shadow Clan. They’re

under the joint custody of Your Excellency Lu and Your Excellency White River. Your Majesty, do you

want to take a look?” Bai Yun asked respectfully.

“Are ‘They’ willing to submit to our Blazing Sun Kingdom?” Zhou Zhou asked.

“Most of them are willing to submit, but only a few stubborn old officials are unwilling to accept

surrender for the time being.” Bai Yun said.

“Let’s go take a look.” Zhou Zhou thought for a moment and said.

His kingdom would rule this territory in the future after all. He had to let these old ministers see who

their new master was.

Otherwise, he would have already conquered this territory. In the end, the former owner of this territory

did not even see him, the Lord in charge of the offensive. It felt strange.

“Your Majesty, please follow me.”

Bai Yun nodded.

Then, he brought Zhou Zhou and Tarotcol to the side hall.

On the way, Tarotcol suddenly whispered,

“Your Majesty, perhaps I can try to persuade those stubborn old ministers.”

“To be able to become the higher-ups of our Shadow Clan, they are not ordinary people. It would be a

pity to kill them. If they can be convinced by me and serve His Majesty, it can be considered their honor

and luck. They can also add bricks and tiles to His Majesty’s country.”


Zhou Zhou nodded slightly.

Soon, the three of them arrived at the side hall.

Even though this was a side hall, it actually occupied a huge area and could accommodate hundreds of

thousands of people.

However, when he thought of this, he felt that it was normal for the Shadow Clan, who had mastered

the Extraordinary-

Tier power, and even the gods who had mastered the laws.

At this moment, there were more than 100,000 Shadows and a small number of people of foreign races

in the huge side hall.

“They” were all detained by the Blazing Sun Kingdom’s soldiers and even God Spirits. No one dared to


When they saw Zhou Zhou arrive, all the soldiers and God Spirits immediately said respectfully in


“Greetings, Your Majesty!”

“Greetings, Patriarch!”

Zhou Zhou nodded. Then, he walked straight to the Temple Lord seat at the highest point at the front

and sat down. He looked at the Shadow Clan royal family, ministers, and God Spirits below.

“This King won’t say any nonsense.”

“Those who are willing to join our Blazing Sun Kingdom will naturally be rewarded with authority, status,

wealth, and strength. You will have everything you want as long as you are loyal and capable.”

“As for those who are unwilling to join my kingdom, it’s simple. We are enemies to begin with. If we lose

and are unwilling to surrender, please die.” Zhou Zhou said calmly.

His voice revealed an unquestionable attitude.

The expressions of the Shadow Clan emperors, ministers, and God Spirits immediately changed when

they heard this.

They could tell that the Regal in front of them was not just talking.

“He” had plenty of talents under “Him.” It didn’t matter what kind of powerhouse, genius, or master you

were. As long as you weren’t willing to submit, “He” could really kill you. “I’m willing to surrender.

Please don’t kill me, Your Majesty!”

“I’m willing to surrender too! I’ve admired His Majesty for a long time. It’s my dream to become His

Majesty’s subject.”

“Your Majesty, before you came, I already said that I was willing to join the Blazing Sun Kingdom.”

“This subject hates war and hopes to create peace. The peaceful environment of the Sun Kingdom

created by His Majesty is known by all races. You are the wise ruler that I dream of submitting to!”

“Hmph! So what if I die? You’re just a small human Lord. Even if you become a Regal, don’t even think

about making me, Zela, submit to you!”

“Well said. My Division is a God Spirit nurtured by the Shadow Clan. You, an enemy who destroyed my

Shadow Clan, still want me to surrender? Dream on! I wish I could eat your flesh and blood raw and

devour your soul!”


Zhou Zhou’s words immediately caused all sorts of reactions from these old Shadow Clan officials.

Some immediately surrendered, wishing that they were born into the Blazing Sun Kingdom.

There were also some who looked like they hated their country. They stared at Zhou Zhou as if they

were looking at their mortal enemies.

“How dare you!”

Before “He” could do anything, “He” saw Tarotcol standing up angrily and waving his right hand!

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh…

A large amount of dark gray shadow divine power transformed into shadow blades that shot towards

these old Shadow Clan officials who were cursing.

Most of these former Shadow Clan officials had not even reached the level of a God Spirit. Only a small

portion of them were God Spirits. How could they withstand the attack of a True God-Tier Advance


He was killed in one strike!

The surrounding Shadow Clan officials, regardless of whether they were willing to surrender or not,

were shocked and did not dare to speak after seeing this scene. They were terrified.

Zhou Zhou’s expression was calm. He didn’t say anything and only gave Tarotcol an appreciative look.

Tarotcol was delighted when he saw this. Then, he immediately puffed out his chest and took out the

Shadow Token to show these old Shadow Clan officials. Finally, he uttered solemnly,

“You should know me and the Shadow Divine Token in my hand.”

“Not bad.”

“Now, I, the second True God-Tier of the Shadow Clan, have by now grasped the Shadow Divine Token

and become the current master of the Shadow Clan!”

“Patriarch Aisis has by now died in battle.”

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“How can you be so stubborn?!”

“Don’t forget that in the beginning, we were the ones who had to give the order to stop the humans

from retreating to the Primordial World.”

“His Majesty is already magnanimous enough to ignore your past. Are you really only happy when

you’re about to die?”

The old ministers of the Shadow Clan fell silent as soon as these words were spoken.

When Tarotcol saw this, he knew that it was time. Hence, he raised the Divine Shadow Token in his

hand and uttered solemnly to them,

“I command you as the master of the Shadow Clan.”

“Join the Blazing Sun Kingdom and become a Subject of the Blazing Sun Kingdom. Offer all your

loyalty to His Majesty!”

“His Majesty is a supreme Regal and serves His Majesty. Our ancestors won’t blame us. Instead, they

will take it as glory!”

“If you don’t listen now, when will you!?”

Towards the end, “He” shouted.

The ministers of the Shadow Clan below looked at each other and knelt down.

“We are willing to be His Majesty’s subjects!”

“We are willing to surrender.”

The old officials of the Shadow Clan uttered one after another.

When Tarotcol saw this scene, he nodded in his heart. Then, he quietly retreated behind Zhou Zhou

and left the scene in front of him.

Zhou Zhou nodded slightly when he saw this.

“He” could tell that actually, these guys did not want to die. They just needed a way out.

Now that the current Patriarch, Tarotcol, had personally come to influence them, it was equivalent to

giving them a way out. They were naturally willing to surrender.

“You’ll be glad of your selection today in the future.” “He” said.

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