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Chapter 444

Chapter 444: Stay at My Housenovelbin

After a moment, Connor left the private room in dazed.

With a thud, Scarlett sat on the sofa as if she had been struck.“Cousin, are you okay?”

Cindy hurriedly ran to her side, her expression filled with worry.Scarlett didn’t answer her question. Instead, she burst into loud sobs.BOxnovel.com

After all, she had planned this for such a long time, and she was so close to succeeding. But she never expected that such athing would happen!

All her previous efforts had been in vain, and the culprit behind all of this was Cindy, who was currently trying to console her.Originally, Scarlett had planned to wait until she and Connor confirmed their relationship before explaining everything to Cindy.

But now it was too late for anything. She didn’t intend to explain anything to Cindy because even if she told her about Connor’sidentity, it wouldn’t change anything.

On the other side, Connor aimlessly walked the streets after leaving Old Captain’s Bar.

At this moment, he felt weak in his limbs and completely dazed. There was only one thought in his mind, which was to find awoman and release his innermost desires.

After walking for a few minutes along the street, he suddenly felt a dizziness in his brain, and his body tilted before collapsing onthe ground.

The reason why his reaction was so intense was largely due to Scarlett overdosing him with drugs.

His collapse quickly attracted the attention of several passersby. After all, this was the busiest street in Porthampton, and therewas a considerable flow of people.

“What's wrong with this guy?”

“Is he drunk? | can smell alcohol on him!”

“He must be drunk. We should take him to the hospital...”

Several stylishly dressed young people whispered to each other while looking at Connor.

“Let's not take him to the hospital. What if he blames us for knocking him over and demands medical expenses?”Just then, a sexy woman in a cropped top shouted.

“| agree. Why should we bother? Let's hurry up and go to the karaoke lounge. The others are waiting for us. If we call thehospital, we'll have to wait here. I’m not in the mood to waste time with him.” A guy with an afro hairstyle added.

“Maybe it’s not good to just leave him here like this?” Another delicate-looking girl frowned and said.“Otherwise, let's call his friend and have them come to pick him up!”

Just then, a chubby guy shouted and walked up to Connor. He gently shook

Connor and called out in a low voice, “Bro, are you okay...”

At this moment, Connor was in a semi-conscious state. He instinctively wanted to respond to the chubby guy’s words, but herealized he couldn't speak.

“How much did you drink? How could you end up like this? Let me use your phone to call your friend. Don’t worry, we won’t harmyou...”

The chubby guy spoke while reaching into his clothes.

After a while, the chubby guy found Connor’s phone, opened the call log, and dialed the first number.

However, in his call log, the first call was from Cindy, who was currently consoling Scarlett and had no time to answer the call.So the chubby guy had to try another phone number.

“Ring ring...”

After two rings, the call was answered on the other side.

Before the person could speak, the chubby guy shouted first, “Hey, uh, your friend passed out on Jackson Avenue. He's lying onthe street right now. Hurry up and come pick him up, or something bad might happen later!”

“Passed out?”Upon hearing the chubby guy’s words, the person on the other end showed a hint of confusion in their eyes.“Yeah, he drank too much. Hurry up and come pick him up!”

The chubby guy wasn’t in the mood for small talk and hung up the phone after saying that. He put Connor’s phone back into hisclothes and turned around to leave with his friends.

Connor witnessed everything that had just happened. He actually wanted to thank these people, but he couldn’t speak at themoment, so he could only watch them leave.

Ten minutes later, a Ferrari stopped in front of him.

He looked up at the car and saw a pair of slender and fair legs in his line of sight.

Seeing these two flawless legs, his desire was ignited once again. However, he had no idea who was coming to pick him up.“Click click...”

The sound of high heels tapping on the ground echoed.

Chloe almost jogged over to Connor’s side, panting, and asked, “Mr. Connor, are you okay? How did you end up like this afterdrinking?”

Upon hearing her words, Connor quickly looked at her. At this moment, he really wanted to tell Chloe to quickly take him to thehospital.

He knew that he ended up like thisbecause Scarlett had drugged him.He needed tq getoyé Aospital tohayélth tags flushed out of hissystem, or the consequences wouldbe severe. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

But unfortunately, he couldn’t say a word now. He could only stare at her.“Mr. Connor, if you want to drink, you can ask me. Why did you come out to drink alone? It’s very dangerous!”She still didn’t know what had happened to him. She supported his body with all her strength.

At this moment, Connor's body wasweak, and it was a bit difficult fChloe to get birgsints the oar AfterSecon a while, she wassweaty and exhausted, but theyhadn't gone far. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

“Mr. Connor, how much did you drink? How did you end up like this?”

She looked at him with a helpless expression and murmured, then continued to help him towards the car.Fortunately, a few people happened to pass by and gave her a hand.

After getting in the car, Chloe was panting heavily, her ample chest rising and falling.

Connor turned his head and glanced at her, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn’t utter a word.

Inside, he was starting to doubt what kind of drug Scarlett had given him. If it was just a sedative, how could it have such aneffect?

But he didn’t know that his current condition was simply a result of excessive drug use.As long as the effects of the drugs subsided a bit, he would naturally start to recover.“Mr. Connor, my place isn’t far from here. How about you stay at my house tonight...”

She still didn’t know what was wrongwith him. She thought he hac simplydrunk t pjucheso Sie Wanted totake hirh to her home and let himrest. The content is onNovelDrama.Org! Read the latestchapter there!

Since he couldn't speak at all, he couldn't refuse her, so he could only let her take charge!

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