Get Me Married

Chapter 34
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 34

Chapter 34: Jordan’s changes

I ended the call abruptly and thought of sleeping, I didn’t close my eyes the previous night and reallyneeded it.novelbin

So I turned back to my bedroom and met with Sam. She smiled widely at me but I felt different from theway I always feel. Especially after what I saw the previous day. Pretense. And the things the otherwoman said, I don’t know why I listened in the first place, maybe it wouldn’t have me doubt Sam butnow I did and had to get to the truth.

“Where were you last night?” She queried.

“I searched everywhere for you” she added. I walked deeper into the room and sat on the bed,exhaustion taking over me

“Talk to me Jordan, you have been acting strange since I returned. Don’t you love me anymore?” Shequeried and I shook my head, the thought of not loving her anymore was not even possible.

Of course I loved her, she was the only woman I have ever loved. She knew me, she accepted me anddidn’t run away like most people would. But that didn’t stop me from feeling the way I did. I wanted tofind out the truth, who would have kidnapped my wife and hurt her the way they did? And even askedher to divorce me? No one would want a divorce from her as badly as I and Samantha and I know that Ididn’t do it. Everyone seem to think it was Samantha and I wasn’t so sure anymore.

“Of course I do, don’t ask me that again” I said to her and she sighed. She sat closer to me and placedher hand over my shoulders.

“I was worried, you didn’t enter this room all through out the night and this morning. I thought Genesishas you wrapped around her fingers” she said and I turned to her. Funny enough, I wasn’t so angry at

the mention of her anymore. I didn’t know why, and I could help but wonder if it was because I hadforgiven the lies and manipulation she did just to get married to me or because I felt pity for her.

I pushed the thought away from my mind immediately, thinking about her so much was starting to get tome.

“I feel exhausted and wouldn’t mind sleeping” I said to Sam and got on the bed.I ended the call with theinspector immediately. Rage filled my system at what he told me. Someone had my kidnappersreleased and that someone could be no other person than Jordan. They had lied and changed theirstatement, causing the release of Samantha and as if that wasn’t enough, he had freed them. He reallydidn’t care about me or what I was going through, he didn’t care about my sleepless night, neither didhe care about justice for me.

I lost appetite for my lunch and immediately headed to the master’s bedroom.

I walked in without knocking and my stomach tied into a knot at the sight of him and Samantha

sleeping soundly on the bed. For a second there, I felt stupid and foolish, he had stayed the entire nightwatching me and making sure I slept, but that was just for show. His loyalty still remained with Sam andif he was suddenly nice to me, it was only to deceive me. I meant nothing to him and that’s why hedidn’t care about my justice. He freed those guys without thinking of me for a split second.

I stared at them angrily and walked out of the room. I didn’t see the need to yell or shout. It was of nouse to me anyway. He would only think of his Samantha anyway. If I wanted justice, I had to fight formyself and myself alone.

I didn’t hesitate to call the inspector and have the case reopened. They had to get my kidnappers andSamantha had to be put in her place somehow.

Again, I couldn’t sleep. I was so scared of what was waiting for me on the other side and decidedagainst closing my eyes. I didn’t want to remember the pain and the fear and I didn’t want to see hisface anymore. It was better I remained awake.

I finished the last book on my desk and my stomach grumbled.

So I wore a slippers and quickly went downstairs. Something was always in the kitchen to eat, so Ididn’t mind. Moreover I couldn’t sleep so I didn’t force it at all.

I got myself some cookies and a glass of milk and sat down to eat. I did think against taking the milk.Didn’t want to get fat but shrugged it off and ate anyway. I was halfway done when I perceived Jordan’scologne. Did he have to have something so strong and enticing?

I turned around, he was standing behind me with his eyes on me. I looked away, I was still pissed athim for what he did earlier.

“Shouldn’t you be in bed already?” He asked like he was concerned and came closer to me till he stoodbehind me. I ignored him and rounded up with my cookies before I got up from where I sat and pickedup my plate and glass. I dropped them at the sink and decided to wash them off since the sink wasreally clean.

I heard him come closer to me and felt his gaze on my skin but I still ignored him.

He should just go back to his Samantha while I focused on what I was supposed to do.

“You shouldn’t do that” he said and this time I turned to him. A reply was right at the tip of my tonguebut I forced myself to remain quiet. He stopped hurting me and didn’t want him to go. back to it.Moreover, he wasn’t worth my time.

I turned back to the plate and suddenly he grabbed my hand and made me turn to him.

“Are you deaf?” He said between gritted teeth and I smiled. That was the Jordan I was used to. Thefirst Jordan I knew, was through the phone and in our hotel room right before our marriage, he didn’tstay too long before he disappeared. I liked that Jordan, I really did. The second Jordan was the onethat always found a way to hurt me and get angry over things he shouldn’t.. that Jordan stayed for along time and disappeared into a new Jordan who would watch me when I sleep and hold me when Ihad a bad dream. Now that Jordan was gone also and the second Jordan was back.

“Can you stay away from me?” I asked calmly and his eyes widened. He let go of my hand and I turnedback to the sink.

“I am tired of having you hurt me anytime we meet, my skin has been bruised up enough. It was neverthis way when I was poor” I said freely.

“I don’t want you acting kind to me, when you go behind me and act like an animal or return to yourcriminal mistress. So please stay away” I said lastly and rinsed off my plate. I dried them off and placedthem in it’s appropriate place before I turned to the door of the kitchen.

“You don’t have the right to speak to me with that tone” Jordan finally said something and I stopped. Iturned to him, he was back to glaring at me with his hands balled into a fist. He was in the mood to hurtme again and I could see it.

“But you have the right to treat me the way you please?” I asked with a mocking humour in my toneand his eyes softened.

“I expected a lot from you Jordan. I expected you to rape me someday or kill me even, I expected youto throw me out of your house, I expected so much from you but having the men that had mekidnapped released was never it. I must have been stupid, I mean if you could hurt me all the timebecause you assumed I lied to you without finding out the truth for yourself, then what else can’t youdo?” I said and his eyes widened at me.

“What are you talking about?” He asked and I scoffed at his act. I said nothing and turned away, Iheaded upstairs, leaving him behind. When he pulled me by my arm and I lost my balance and hitmyself against his body.

“What are you talking about?” He asked angrily, triggering all the anger I felt inside. I pulled my armaway from his grip and glared at him.

“Why ask that when you already know how you had the men that kidnapped me released” I yelled athim.

“But…. I didn’t” he blurted out looking at me shocked and I was taken aback.

“Now you are lying” I yelled, not expecting him to be a liar.

“No..I didn’t have anyone released” he protested. I scoffed, disappointed and turned to walk out.

“Genesis…” He called my name and my legs went still. For the first since we got married, he called myname. I remembered the Jordan I had talked with over the phone before I got married.

He held my arm and made me look at him.

“I didn’t have them released” he said as I looked at his eyes. My heart skipped when all my angersuddenly disappeared and wondered why he was trying to explain himself to me.

“If you didn’t then who did?” I asked still wanting to believe he did it. But those eyes have never beenso calm and beautiful. I felt they were sincere.

“I don’t know, we are going to find out tomorrow but it isn’t me, I promise” he said even more calmly.And for a second, I couldn’t help but ask, what happened to Jordan? Why was he always

changing his character and personality? Who knew he could talk to me this way?

I nodded my head at him and folded my hands across my chest.

“Why are you up?” He suddenly asked and I shrugged, knowing he knew why I was awake. But at thesame time, I didn’t want him acting so concerned.

“You?” I asked and he shrugged and frowned for a bit. I rolled my eyes at him, wishing he would stopfrowning

“I came to check on you” he blurted out and my mouth dropped.

“You weren’t at your room so I decided to come out here to check on you” he added and I looked awayimmediately. Why was he so confusing?

“Well I’m fine” I said and looked up at him.

“You can go sleep now, won’t want your…. I paused. The night had gone so well, there was no needbringing her up.

“Won’t want any form of trouble” I said and turned to stairs.

Without saying goodnight, I walked back to my room and shut the door. I sighed in relief and turned tomy mirror. Then I realized that I had stood before Jordan with only a red lingerie that exposed too muchof my skin.

I groaned for a bit and stomped to my bed and yawned almost immediately.

I slept quickly but regretted closing my eyes when my dreams returned.

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