Get Me Married

Chapter 18
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 18

Chapter 18: First plan

I made sure my breast was well exposed and my skin was flawless. The gown I was putting on wasshort and my hair flowed freely down my shoulders.

I checked myself out in the mirror for the……well I can’t keep track of the time. That was how excited Iwas.

I turned back to the bed and made sure the food that was placed on it had not gone cold before hereturned.

Jordan ofcourse, he was the one I was waiting for and I knew he would be home soon so I preparedmyself and made sure his meal was brought up to his room, there we could have some privacy and Iwould be able to do whatever I wanted.

I heard the honk of his car and I quickly looked at my reflection in the mirror once again and went backto the bed and sat down. I crossed my leg over the other and sat down sexily on the bed while I waitedpatiently for Jordan to come up.

It took a while, I was almost loosing my patience but he came up anyway. The door opened up and hishandsome self was revealed. He paused when he saw me and stared at me with that unreadableexpression of his. I gave him a smile and got up from the bed, then I walked over to him and took hissuitcase from his hands.

“Welcome back darling” I said and placed a kiss on his lips lightly. He didn’t react, he just stared at meand I almost rolled my eyes at him.

He was such a rock and pleasing him most of the time was almost impossible. I gave myself a mentalapplause for being able to keep up with him for so long. It was unbearable and it was still unbearable

but he was Jordan Chase after all. And I loved him as I could ever love him.

I took his hands and pulled him deeper into the room. Then I dropped his suitcase on the bed andturned to him. I helped him take off his shirt starting from his suit and then his tie. I took off the buttonsof his shirt starting from the last button above his waist and then I moved upward. I undid all the buttonsand my eyes glanced over at his toned body. His muscles and his abs were all in shape and he lookedso sexy. My mind went down to memory lane as I thought of what it was like to actually have himmaking passionate sex to me. Warm feelings circulated my body and I suddenly wanted him badly, butI held myself because I had a mission.

“Your dinner is served, are you going to have your bath first or would you rather have your meal first?” Iasked sweetly and waited for his reply.

He didn’t say a word, instead he took off his belt and turned to the bathroom. Typical Jordan.

I sat back on the bed and mentally went through all I was going to say to him that night. Everything waswell planned out and I was pretty sure it was going to work. It had to work, my plans never actuallyfailed.

He came out few minutes later with a towel wrapped around his waist. His body was dripping water andgosh he looked sexy. I almost moaned just by looking at him but I held myself. My

plans were more important to me as of that moment and I planned on making sure they weresuccessful.

So I took my mind off ogling Jordan and turned to the door, it was the only chance I had. I walked outand down the hallway before I saw a maid. It was late enough and I knew they were all preparing forbed, but luckily I found one and it was just the perfect person because she was close to Genesisalready.

“Margaret….” I called out to her and she stopped and reluctantantly came towards me.

“Yes Samantha. Can I help you?” she asked in that usual airy tone of hers.

“Ofcourse you can help me out, why else would I call you if I don’t need your help. You are a maid,that’s your job” I snapped at her, I was still angry at her knowing it was because of her I had receivedthe humiliation of my life earlier that day. She said nothing to my outburst and just

e she waited for me to speak. I glared at her and felt like slapping her so terribly but I had moreimportant things to do and I didn’t want to ruin my happiness and excitement over her.

“Where is Genesis?” I asked and crossed my arm over my chest.

“Ohh, she went out and hasn’t returned yet” she replied and my hands dropped from my chest

“What…it’s late, she can’t be out by this time” I exclaimed, not because I cared but because I washoping she would be at home. It never crossed my mind that she would leave the house and I knewthat her absence might actually ruin my plans.

“She has security guards and she is also a grown up” Margaret pointed out and I growled at her.

“When will she be returning?” I asked

“I don’t know. I am not the madame but you can call her” she replied and whoaaa, her replies werefueling me to strangle her.

“When she gets back. Tell her Jordan wants to see her ASAP” I said annoyed and turned to take myleave but had another idea.

“Tell her he doesn’t like being kept waiting and knowing she was late enough, it would be better if sheactually pushed herself through the room without knocking to prove that she actually meant to come” I

said and smiled widely at myself.

“It’s a friendly advise Margaret, you know how Jordan can be, he might decide to not open the doorwhen she returns” I added and turned back to the hallway.

I went back to the bed room and saw Jordan was already dressed up and he was having his dinner asit was. I beamed at myself and walked over to where he sat and sat beside him on the bed. I didnothing but remained quiet and watch him patiently, everything I did, I did my best to not attract anynegative thought from him. When he was done, I took the tray and sent them out of the room beforehanding it over to a different maid and came back to the room.

sitting at the other end of the bed with a laptop on his legs and he had gone back to work. My faceturned into a frown because I knew exactly what it was like when

he was working, it was better no one disturbed him when he was working. . I sat at the other end of thebed and thought of what I could do to get his attention without getting him angry. But nothing came tomy mind, absolutely nothing. My face turned into a real frown and I decided to make him noticed.

After a while, he stole a glance at me and realize I was pissed about something. He sighed and clearedhis throat.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, while his hands and eyes did their work on the system.

“I just feel sad and alone” I said feigning a voice that depicts how sad I was.

He stopped what he was doing and actually turned to me, a little frown was on his face.

“Why?” he asked and I shook my head.

“You didn’t even look at me when you came back. I can see you don’t love me anymore” I said andsniffed

“But I came so we could spend some time together, because I would be leaving this house in themorning” I said and watched as his eyes went hard.

“What do you mean by that?” he asked and my heart leaped, I got the exact reaction I wanted fromhim.

“I want to leave, I don’t belong here and you don’t love me anymore. You are married now” I said andmade sure not to look at him. I needed to look as innocent and as hurt as I could ever look.

“Don’t you think I knew that I was married already before I came for you. What do you think drove meto look for you?” he raised his voice and I knew the night was going as planned. Genesis just had tocome in time.

I got up from the side of the bed and backed him, then I crossed my hands over my chest.

“I don’t belong here. No one respect me here, they look down on me, even the maids” I said andallowed a tear slipped down my cheeks.

“I love you Jordan, it was always you and I regret why I rejected your proposal when you proposedyears back. It’s my fault that you are with a different woman and even with my love for you, I have beenreduced to nothing but a mistress” I said and allowed more tears run down my cheeks.

Then I heard some sounds and knew he was getting up from the bed. Soon enough he was standingbeside me, he turned me around so I could face him and his eyes darkened when he saw the tears inmy eyes

“You ain’t a mistress. All this has to be over, five years, is all it takes. You are the one I love, why thinkdifferently?” he said with a lower tone, then he placed his hands on my arms and stared straight intomy eyes..

“I know that, but our love alone won’t be enough. Genesis your wife asked me to leave, she called mea mistress and…..” his grip tightened on my arms, I almost screamed but he let go

immediately and turned to the door angrily.

I didn’t want him to leave, that was going to ruin everything. I still had to buy time till Genesis arrived.He opened the door and I quickly ran and blocked him off. Then I saw a glimpse of Genesis comingand immediately shut the door quietly and hugged Jordan.

“Please…let her be, she is right after all. I just want to spend this night with you” I said with anemotional voice and hoped his tensed muscle would relax and play along before Genesis got to theroom.

“Jordan please” I said and looked up at him. He was so angry, I was so sure he wasn’t going to calmdown so I decided to make the first move.

I stood on my toes and brushed my lips against his lightly.novelbin

“Jordan please” I whispered and waited impatiently for him to make a move. Just when I was about togive up hope, his hands wrapped around my waist and he pulled me closer to him furiously andcrashed his lips against mine.

My heart leaped and I immediately wrapped my hands over his shoulders and kissed him back withmore ecstasy, making sure to keep up with his pace.

His hands travelled to my ass and he lifted me up while my legs crossed over his waist immediatelyand he walked over to the bed.

My body immediately grew warm and my legs tingled. My thighs went hot with pure lust and my desirefor him intensified.

He placed me gently on the bed and came on me while suckling my lower lips.

My hands roamed his back and hair and his hands found way to my breast, he grabbed it with somesort of hardness that I had always enjoyed and a moan escaped my mouth.

Then the door opened and our heads jerked to the door. A sly smile spread to my lips when I sawGenesis standing at the door dumbstruck. I killed two birds with one stone and I was ready to see theend result.

Jordan got up angry from ontop of me and stormed to the door but Genesis was quick and turnedaround to leave.

That didn’t stop Jordan, he followed with so much rage and I quickly got up from the bed to watch whatwas going to happen.


I walked away, I had to walk away because I felt like I was going to cry in front of them. But then I sawJordan storming towards me with eyes filled with hatred and fear took over me. I walked awayimmediately but I heard him behind me and before I could think of anything else. He held my arms andpulled me back roughly and forcefully pushed me against the wall of the hallway with so much force, itactually hurt than I thought it would.

He glared at me, he glared at me so hard, if he could actually kill me he would have.

“I thought I told you to stay away from me” he growled and I flinched and turned to walked away butagain he pinned me against the wall and stood much closer. That I could not move from where I stood.

“You don’t listen do you?” his voice sounded cold and deep, it sent chills down my spine. I just stoodthere, completely frightened of him.

“I told you to stay away, why the hell wouldn’t you listen?” he yelled and my chest tightened. I tookdeep breathes to help myself while he glared at me.

“I am asking you a fucking question?” he yelled when I said nothing and something in me snapped.Accompanied by fear, he brought out the boldness in me.

“And I told you not to take Samantha into that room” I fired back at him and his eyes grew hard.

“You also don’t listen and as long as you don’t, I will do what I want” I added and he pulled me by myarm. His grip on my arms felt like he was going to break by bones, it was so painful, I had to bit my lipsto stop me from screaming.

“You seem to forget that you are the imposter here, you are the stranger here and you are nobody. Youhave no right to tell me what to do” he growled. With each word his grip tightened and I felt my kneesgrowing weak. I held his hands and tried pulling it away but his grip tightened and I whimpered. Tearsburned the back of my eyes and I didn’t stop whimpering.

“And you have no right to call her a mistress, keep away from her or else……” he said and pushed me.

I fell without restraint and a tear escaped my eyes.

My other hands held the place he had held me and I winced in pain as I tried to get up. When I did getup, I saw Samantha by the door with a victorious smile on her face and my heart broke. Jordan turnedaround and headed back to the room but I had to speak.

“Have you ever considered the fact that I never wanted this? Can’t you see that I am a victim here asmuch as you are?” I said and fought back the tears that threatened to come pouring down. He pausedand turned back to me with a smirk on his face.

“You are eating off of me. You agreed to this marriage because of money didn’t you?” his voice was likevenom tearing into my flesh and straight to my heart. I shook my head rapidly and fought back the tearsthat threatened me.

“You wanted money, your family’s life changed after you married me. You can literally sit with thenumber one citizen of this country because of my name that you bare all in the name of your marriageto me. How can you possibly be a victim when you are a gold digger willing to steal someone’s Identityto be rich” he spat and turned around.

Then the tears poured and my heart ached at the heaviness and bluntness of his words.

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