Get Me Married

Chapter 10
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 10

Chapter 10: The wedding

GENESIS “Oh my word…” Tiana shrieked when she saw me, making me blush a little. She was asshocked as I was too, I hadn’t even gotten over the shock yet when she stumped into my room in herbridal gown. “Shit….” Tiffany muttered when she saw me too, they were speechless and so was I. Notbecause I was too beautiful, well yes I was beautiful, really beautiful with my hair and makeup andlashes and nails. When a girl in her teens wishes to be beautiful, she wishes to be as beautiful as Iwas. I was not just beautiful, I was breath taking. But enough of my flattering. They didn’t just screamand looked shocked because I was too beautiful, it was also because of my gown. Yes, my weddinggown. They had seen the gown some where, they all knew they had seen it somewhere but couldn’tjust figure it out as they stared at me in awe. “You look….” “I don’t think there is a word that can actuallydescribe how beautiful she looks” Tiana interrupted Tiffany. “But the gown….it…you…” she stutteredand I smiled again. They were reacting the exact way I was supposed to react. I didn’t react because Iwas the bride and I needed to be composed, so I just stood in awe and gape at myself, thinking of howimpossible it was to actually be putting on my dream gown in reality. Yes you heard me, my dreamgown. I felt like Cinderella or a barbie princess. It still felt like a dream, maybe I was dreaming. I thoughtof pinching my self but decided against it, I didn’t want to have red marks on my skin on my weddingday. “It’s the same gown, Genesis” Tiana said in realization. “The gown of your dreams, the one yousketched. It’s the same gown…” she screamed and Tiffany’s mouth dropped. “Oh my gosh…” they bothshrieked at the same time, almost bursting my ear drums. “How possible is this?” Tiana asked me asthe both stood close to me. “I…I..I don’t know” I stuttered. “Jordan asked me to describe my dreamwedding and send a sketch of the gown but I never knew he was going to bring it into existence, I….” Italked rapidly, going out of breath. “Whoaaaa…shhhhh” Tiana patted my shoulders and made me seatdown on the chair facing the mirror. I took a deep breath and exhaled, trying to keep my nerves incheck. “Mom Leona said Jordan had changed everything about the wedding, he changed thedecorations, the food, the location and my gown” I paused and the feeling of appreciation soared in myheart, at the same time my cheeks turned pink. “I never knew he would replicate my dream gown” Inovelbin

added and suddenly couldn’t wait to see Jordan. “You are so lucky Genesis. You are living every girl’sdream right here, I feel like crying in happiness for you” Tiffany said and blinked rapidly, trying to pushaway the tears that clouded her eyes. “Why you are out there with your dream man and marriage…wewill be here, missing you” she added and sniffed, then she blinked rapidly again so she wouldn’t spill atear, that would have ruined her already made makeup. “Oh no…don’t do it” I pointed my fingers at herwith a warning in my tone. “I can’t hold it…” “if you cry, I will cry damn it” I almost yelled as I bit back thetears that burned the back of my eyes. In the middle of that drama, my mom, dad and sister walked intothe suit. “Blue eyes…” Ava screamed and ran to me with teary eyes. That did it, I knew I would needmy makeup artist back in the room. JORDAN CHASE “Man, I can’t believe you are going to be marriedafter all this years to the same woman” Kelvin, my best man and closest friend said for the onehundredth time. “You are lucky…what made her come back?” he asked and in my usual way I ignoredand waited for him to answer the question himself. “Well I guess she loves you after all, or maybe youare just too lucky” he answered himself. “If not for one thing, I would have said your mom deceived you,but so far, she hadnt. She really brought Samantha here, she made her agree and the both of youwould be married few minutes from now” he started again, but this time something snapped inside ofme and the uneasiness I felt from the beginning of this marriage planning came back. Mom hadinformed me that Samantha Brandon had acknowledged the marriage and accepted the proposal butfor some reason I didn’t feel happy about it. I kept feeling like something had gone wrong and knowing Icouldn’t trust my mom, I decided to see Samantha myself. It wasn’t possible for some weird reasonmom had, then we both started talking on phone and my uneasiness about everything subsided. Butbeing in that room again, made me feel nervous and funny. I had this feeling in my guts that kept tellingme I was making a mistake but how could it be possible when I was getting married to the only womanI could ever want to be married to. The door burst open and my mom walked in. The attendantimmediately bowed their head in recognition and went ahead to finish up the last touches in my suit.“You look absolutely stunning ma’am” Kelvin complemented and my mom gave him a genuine smile.Which was weird because she was good at frightening people. “Well…it’s my son’s wedding after all”she beamed and I understood the reason she was smiling. It was my wedding and her dreams were

finally coming through. At the thought of ‘dreams coming through’ I thought of Samantha and howhappy she was going to be when she realized I made her dream come through as she made mine, byaccepting to marry me made me beam inside. “You look dashing son” mom said to me at the exactmoment the attendants finished and left the room. “Finally, my Jordan is going to get married” she saidand came closer to me, accessing me from head to toe to be sure I looked perfect. “Is dad here?” Ifound myself asking and her smile disappeared. “He is on his way, he had something important to dobut would be here before the wedding” she covered up for him and I looked away and groaned all thesame. “Is she here yet?” I asked again, changing the topic. She smiled and dusted some particles ofdust from my suit. “Yes..she arrived few minutes ago, the wedding will commence in a little while” shebeamed. While I stared at her with the same expression I had from when she entered the room. “Youknow I love you a lot son” she said and I turned to her. She was going all emotional on me and I wasn’tready for such drama. “Anything and everything I do for you is because of the love I have for you” sheadded and I turned away from her and looked straight to the mirror. “It’s your wedding today, don’t ruinit and know this….” “I wanted the best for you and still want the best for you” she paused and looked atmy face while I remained focused on my image in the mirror. “The best is out there in a wedding dress,she is the one to give you what’s rightfully yours, she will give you the properties and somethingextra…” she spoke in parable and just when I turned back to her because of how confused her wordssounded. She turned away and headed to the door. GENESIS “Dad…I think I am going to collapse” Iwhimpered behind the door as my arms intertwined with my dad’s arms. I had been feeling all jitterysince we left the hotel to the location the wedding would be taking place, my nerves were loosing it andso was I. “Shhh, I am here, you won’t collapse” he assured me but that didn’t stop my anxiety attack.We stood behind a door, I didn’t take notice of where I was even because I was paying more attentionin taking deep breaths and calming myself down. “Dad….” I whimpered again, I was beginning to sweatall over, I felt like running away from that venue, I had never been so nervous all my life. “Bluey….” Hecalled smoothly. “We love you..” he said and that seemed to calm me down, I stared at him and warnedmyself not to cry again. He gave me a smile and kissed my forehead before a song rose from insidethe building, startling me. It was the song, my intro, my marching in song. My nerves danced inside my

body and the beat of my heart ran for miles. My dad covered my veil and took my right arm in his andgave me a reassuring smile before the giant door infront of me opened up, revealing a glass house. Myheart skipped and completely slowed down as I stared at it.. A different door opened leading straightinto the glass house. Cameras flashed immediately like thousands of fire flies but that didn’t get myattention. My dad threw a step and I threw mine, absent mindedly. We walked into the glass house thatstretched and I paused. The flashes from the cameras intensified and the crowd stood up on theirheels. I gaped at the amount of people present and turned to my dad who gave me a reassuring nod. Ismiled at him and my eyes caught something behind him. It was a glass shaped flower, with a littlepainting of white and red that made it pop. My mouth dropped and I blinked twice to be sure of what Iwas seeing. It was still there, it wasn’t a dream just like my gown wasn’t a dream. I took a step andlooked around, it was exactly as I wanted, it was the exact decorations and better. A glass house,flowers of different kinds, Tulips, call lilies, Lily of the valley, peony, hydrangeas and more. The stoodout in the walls of the glass house, they stood out in the room just like my dream decoration. Tearsburned my eyes as I realized he made my dream come through. My dream décor, my dream weddingand my dream gown. My gown was white ofcourse and it stretched a lot, because I wanted a gown withmermaid tail. Its was a sleeveless gown with lace hands that succeeded in holding my breast andhaving a v_ shape at the back, revealing my skin and stopping just below my waist, it was made of lacethat revealed my skin a little and stopped at my navel, the lace had some stones on it, not just stonesbut original karate diamond placed on it lightly. The lower part of the gown was thicker and lessrevealing. It hugged my body till it was exactly below my knees and then it spread, more beautiful thana mermaid tail, that spread on the floor far behind me. “He did this for me..he gave me my dreams” mythoughts whispered in so much gratitude as I took steady strides towards my husband to be. I lost allmy doubts, all my worries, all my lack of confidence, all my questions. They were all gone and I wasready to be married to him fully. I was no longer pushed by money or my parents or debt or a good lifefor my family. I marched with confidence, without being pushed, without doubts, without restraint, Iwanted to be the wife of Jordan Chase. I wanted to leave and let leave, I wanted to be his other half forbetter and for worse. He made my dream, he made me happy and considered my feelings, I wanted to

also make him happy and be a good spouse, I wanted to be his wife. I was ready to be his wife, Iwanted it for me, I wanted it for him. I took a deep breath and looked forward, I got a glimpse of him, hewas wearing a blue suit and he was completely gorgeous. “That was the man I wanted, the man Iwanted to make happy. That was my husband to be” my thoughts whispered again and my cheeksheated up. When I got to where he stood, my dad stared at me and took my hands in his, he gave me asmile before he turned to Jordan and nodded his head at him. Then he went ahead to put my hands inhis. At the touch of our hands, Jordan stiffened.

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