Get Me Married

Chapter 1
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Get Me Married By Tori Chapter 1

Chapter 1: make it workGENESIS “We are over this, finally we are over this shit” I said loudly againstthe music that threatened to kill my hearing. “Cheers to a new world” another guy who I didn’t reallyknow much in school yelled against the music. “Not just a new world” I interrupted. “Cheers to fulfillingour dreams, cheers to getting good jobs, cheers to having a family, cheers to getting rich” I yelled.“Cheers” they yelled back and we clang our glasses together and drank in merriment and enthusiasm.A new music began playing in the club and I found my body moving to it. Within seconds I gulped downthe drink in my hands and dropped the glass before moving to the dance floor. “Oh hell yeah, go rockthat stage baby girl” Tiana yelled. “Oh, I’m coming to show my booty work” Tiffany yelled and soonfound herself close to me, dancing to the beat of the song without a care in the world. We danced anddanced and laughed, it felt like we could go on for ever, I mean we graduated, we passed, we werefinally over college. What more could a girl had asked for? “Babe, you are going to dance till your bodyleaves you, it’s late, let’s go” Nate whispered in my ears and his hands wrapped around my waist. Itilted my head and stared at his face, he was fucking cute, I had the cutest guy in college as myboyfriend. I gave him a beautiful smile and turned around so I could face him. My hands wrappedaround his neck and I stood on my toes and gave him a light kiss on the lips, then I giggled. Oh yes,the drinks I had were getting to me. “You are drunk” he chuckled and I nodded my head in agreement.“I can’t believe Tiffany and Tiana pushed you into drinking and dancing and left you here on the dancefloor” he teased and I rolled my eyes. They were my typical T_squad. “I am just happy Nate. Igraduated, it was something my mom thought was impossible because my sister was always fallingsick and paying my bills in school became almost impossible. But…” I gently placed my finger on the tipof his nose and pressed it in. “I pushed through, I passed, I paid my bills, I graduated” I said and hepulled my finger away from his nose. “Yes you did, you sexy little thing. But we have to go, youpromised I would get to meet your family soon” he said, a different music started playing in thebackground and my body was slowly moving to the beat “Genesis” he yelled so I could hear himclearly. He was such a nag, I mean we just graduated and he didn’t even seem drunk. He looked saneand so cute, and he wasn’t letting me have my fun. “No….” I stamped my feet on the ground like anovelbin

child. “yes…. Come-on we are leaving” he insisted. “please, it’s still early, plus the the girls are stillhere” I sort for excuses that could make him change his mind. “It’s 3am Genesis” he said with a firmvoice that said that he wasn’t going to change his mind anytime soon. I pouted and turned to the tablethe other guys were seated. I threw a step and almost fell before Nate held me, stopping me fromhitting the ground. “Shit” I mumbled to myself and found my balance. The way Nate stared at me, Iknew he wasn’t going to let me party for a while. I turned to the table, the guys were still drinking andlaughing and smooching. I blinked hard and threw a step, I didn’t want to embarrass myself so I had tomake sure that I didn’t fall. I couldn’t afford to fall down, it would have ruined my entire night all togetherI threw another step, making sure I wasn’t going to fall, then I threw another and another and anothertill I was at the table. “Guys, I am leaving” I yelled immediately I got to the table. “Noooo……” Tiffanystretched her hands towards me and stressed. She was clearly drunk. “He wouldn’t let me…..” I whinedand glared at Nate. The girls glared at him too. “You are such a grouch” Tiana fired. “Well thank you”Nate said and bowed. “Say your goodbyes” he said to me immediately and at the same time he pulledme towards the door without letting me say goodbye as he had asked me to. “we’ll call you” I couldhear Tiffany yelling against the music while I was almost at the door. LEONA CHASE. “Where is myson?” I asked the first maid my eyes laid on when I stepped into my son’s house. “Uhmm, he, he…..”she stuttered. “I asked for my son, not for you to stand there like a wet duck and waste my precioustime. Where the hell is my son?” I yelled and she quickly moved further away like I could actually bite.“His studies but…..” she made attempts to say more but I was already out of the room. I walkedthrough the long hallway and got to the door that signified his studies, before I opened and stepped in.He was busy of course, he was always busy, never having time for anything else apart from work, workand work. He didn’t bother to look away from his laptop to know who walked into his studies, he justcontinued with whatever he was doing, ignoring my presence. I stood at the door for a while and waitedfor him to say something or even look up at the door, but he didn’t and I gave up my quest to get hisattention from the door and walked towards his desk. “I am not to be disturbed…….mom” his voiceechoed in the room. “Shut up son, I am not here for one of your let me be drama’s” I got to the deskand sat at the empty chair opposite his. His eyes still remained on his laptop, he didn’t even spare me a

glance. My son was a hot head, he was worse than his father and most times I wonder how I couldraise such a cold demon as a son. “Jordan….” I called his name impatiently, hoping he would look up atme and at least ask me why I had come to visit, but he didn’t. He didn’t even give me a reply. “JordanChase Henry, look at me right now” I banged my hands on the desk hard and he paused. For the firsttime since I arrived at his studies, he stopped scrolling and clicking on his laptop. His eyes slowly liftedfrom his laptop and met mine. “Yes” he replied, hint of anger were written in his voice. “Don’t you soundthat way with me young man” I said to him, completely loosing my cool with him . But he remainedindifferent about my reaction, his eyes fixed on me, he didn’t budge or flutter. “What is it you wanthere?’ he asked, going straight to the point. “You haven’t seen your mom for a long time and the firsttime you are laying eyes on me, you won’t even ask me about how I have been fairing” I nagged.There was no reaction from him, he didn’t even relaxed or soften his gaze. My son still stared at me,unmoved by my words. “Mom, I have more important stuffs to take care of, would you mind going to thepoint” he said. I sighed and gave up getting through to him. “The properties left by your grand fatherwould be handed over to the government by the end of next week if you don’t claim it” I went to thepoint as he wanted. His elbows relaxed on the desk, he intertwined his hands together and he restedhis chin on the back of his hand. “what properties?” he asked and I looked at him shocked. “Jordan” Icalled in disbelief, how could he have forgotten something so important. “What properties?” he askedagain. “The properties you couldn’t access, the properties that was handed over to you by yourgrandfather” I repeated. “Okay” he said and turned back to his laptop. “Wait…what!” my disbelief wasbeyond imagination. “The government will take over this properties in two weeks and….” “Let themhave it, I need to work” he said rudely. “Do you realize the amount of money you want to throw awaylike that?” I yelled, completely loosing it. Those properties were like a treasure island and that wasexactly why the government wanted it. “Your grandfather left those properties to you, you have to getaccess to it, your company needs this property, you cant….”he banged his hands on the table andinterrupted what I had to say. “I am not ready to get married” he replied coldly. I sighed and rubbed myhands at the side of my head, I could feel my head having some kind of headache, talking to my sonhad never been an easy thing to do. “You are 28 years old, how can you not be ready for marriage” I

said in a calmer tone, knowing fully well that raising my voice on him would only irritate him. I officiallyhad two husbands, two terrible husband. I had to pamper them if I had to get my way. “Jordan, youneed to get married to get access to those properties and more” I added when he gave me no reply.Still, he remained quiet and kept doing what he was doing with his laptop. “You do realize that once youget this properties, you become number one in the chain, and it would take years for your rivals to getto where you are and by then you must have risen globally” I spoke the only language he understood,business, and he paused, I got his attention and I wasn’t ready to let it off my grip. “The governmenthave been fighting effortlessly for this properties because they know what they are to gain, theyunderstand what their profit will be if they have this properties. Are you really going to throw it away likethis” I added. “You have worked day and night and you are still working to be number one all byyourself. Don’t you want to have that any more, don’t you want to be known outside the state of SanFrancisco” I added. “Don’t you what to achieve your dreams before it gets too late” I hit a nerve, I knewit was going to hurt but I had to use that to get to him. The silence that followed stretched for a longtime, it was really uncomfortable and I had no time to waste. “I can’t spend the rest of my life with justanybody” his voice came calm and bold. A silly smile spread across my lips, I knew I had gone pastthe first stage, the others were going to be easy because I had everything planned out before I hadcome to his house. My son might have been difficult but I knew exactly how his mind worked. “Youdon’t have to spend the rest of your life with anybody, I am your mother, I will pick a girl you will like” Isaid and he shook his head. “You can’t just pick any girl, I will divorce her within two days” he said and Ijammed my lips together. “Son….” I called out and waited till his eyes met mine. “Your grandfathermade sure you wouldn’t dupe him to get his properties. Who ever you are to get married to, you mustremain with her for five years” I said and waited for his reaction. But as usual, there was no reactionfrom him. “But I can get a girl you can be with for five years, just trust me” I added and hoped hewouldn’t change his mind. He remained quiet for another long time and kept me in suspense. I waitedfor so long, I started tapping my fingers lightly on the desk. I was scared of talking so I wouldn’t ruinthings, Jordan could be very unpredictable most of the time too. “Samantha Brandon” he said at last. Ilooked at him, confused. “I can only get married to Samantha Brandon and no one else” he said and I

gaped widely at him. “That’s impossible, she was your ex_girlfriend and she rejected your proposal formarriage, she…..” “Make it work mom. Get me married” First episode is out. What can you all sayabout Jordan Chase?

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