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Chapter 9

But even if the spin-off happened, and became a real success, Nigel wasn’t ready to give up on savingSecret Lives. It was the main show he’d started all on his own once he rose to CEO at Green MediaRoom. He’d come to New York to do something grand, not having anything to do with the Townshendname. Secret Lives was what he had to show for all those years of hard work. It was his baby and hewould do everything to see it thrive.

With as sharp and witty as Roslyn was, and with her impressive résumé on design, he knew she had abrilliant mind. He planned on putting that to use and making sure his show remained on the air.

Could she be the miracle he’d been waiting on? Was she even capable of doing what he’d been unableto do himself?

He didn’t have all the answers, but he knew one thing for certain... He was going to get more time withRoslyn and he couldn’t wait.


Sophie had been surprised when she’d gotten to her office the next morning and there had been nosign of Nigel. Craig had said something about an emergency and had given Sophie a list of things toread up on for now. Later, she was to sit in on a meeting with a few of the crew members from theshow.

Perfect. A meeting was just the type of jumpstart she needed. No doubt the team would discuss thecast members and Sophie intended to take detailed mental notes on Miranda.

A couple hours later, there was still no sign of Nigel, and Sophie had to admit, she’d found herselfthinking about him while she’d been reading the materials in preparation for the meeting.

The only way she could let Nigel in her mind, in her life, would be as a stepping stone to carry out herplan.

Unfortunately, she hadn’t expected these newfound responses. No man had ever heated her the wayNigel did. She’d never found herself wanting to throw away her innocence so fast, but Nigel pulled outa whole host of sensations she’d never known existed within her.

Maybe it was the bad boy power trip, or maybe it was the way he’d looked at her like he was imaginingher naked. Maybe it was the way he could banter with her like they’d known each other for years.

Regardless, she’d never had an intimate relationship, let alone a fling. That was the main reason she’dhad to be completely honest yesterday. She didn’t want Nigel to believe she was here for him or givehim the wrong impression of her true nature.

Well, her sexual true nature.

If she’d met him under different circumstances—where she wasn’t lying to him, where she’d have hadthe time to actually get to know him—she might see where this attraction would lead.

But the fantasy was moot and she had to remain focused.

Sophie grabbed the documents and her cell off her desk and stepped from her office. The notes onmarketing and upcoming filming ideas regarding Secret Lives had been interesting from a viewerstandpoint...if she bothered tuning into the popular reality show. And she actually might religiouslywatch the show if Miranda weren’t on there. The other ladies were in fact really interesting.

Sophie had watched a couple of times, but just the sight of Miranda acting all sweet and kissing cheekswith her bling sparkling in the lights was enough to make Sophie gag and change the channel.

The meeting room was down two floors and Sophie made her way into the elevator with a few otheremployees she didn’t know. They chattered about office gossip, none of which was useful to her.novelbin

When Sophie stepped into the meeting room, she found a seat at the end of the long table and smiledat the young man next to her.

“You’re new,” he said. “I’m Miles.”

Sophie nodded. “Roslyn. Nice to meet you.”

“These meetings are so silly,” he muttered as he leaned into her. “Any of this information could be sentin an email, but Mr. Townshend is really cracking down. He’s actually been on edge more lately. Theratings have dipped lower than ever.”

Sophie kept quiet as Nigel entered the boardroom. His baby blues swept over the handful ofemployees before landing on her. A thrill shot through her and she had no idea how the man exudedsuch power in a room full of people and with just one simple look.

“I gather you all read the ma

rketing notes,” he began as he took a seat at the head of the table. “We’re taking a new approach tothe social media aspect and I want to make sure we’re all on the same page.”

Sophie listened intently as they went around discussing the new segments and how to best maximizethe social media content. She watched as Nigel seemed to take to heart each employee’s suggestionsand she had to admire a man who didn’t pawn staff meetings off on other employees or use them as aplatform to spout his own ideas without listening to anyone else. He didn’t patronize any of his crewmembers or make them feel like their ideas weren’t worthy or of value. That spoke volumes for what hewas like as a CEO.

Sophie also wanted to chime in along with everyone else and tell them they were going about thiscompletely wrong. From personal experience, she knew what pulled people in and she knew how todive into a certain market to really target the niche market.

Added to that, consulting was also about listening to all of the facts before offering up her opinion orsuggestions. She was new and didn’t want to step on toes on her second day, so she chose to justremain silent.

Sophie did take down notes on things she would like to discuss with Nigel in private. She’d recommenddifferent angles on their current marketing plans. After all, she hadn’t blown up on YouTube for nothing.She liked to think she’d done a few things right and knew how to grab the public’s attention. Of courseit didn’t hurt she excelled at her career choice, but she’d had to market herself and become a brand toget that initial attention.

Her eyes darted back to Nigel and...

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