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Chapter 48

He stared out the window of his office, watching the snow swirl around, remembering how the flakeswould stick to Sophie’s lashes.

Sophie. The name seemed to fit her, yet it was so strange to think of her that way. Like a bloody fool,he’d watched too many of her videos. Maybe he was just a masochist, but he’d wanted to see the realSophie Blackwood in her element.

She’d positively shined and was so personable, so fun.

He hated to admit that he recognized in her the woman he’d started falling for. He’d thought Roslyn hadbeen just a facade, but Sophie was the same, just like she’d said. And yet there was such a differencethat he couldn’t put his finger on. He tried yet again to push the thought away and refocus on work.

The gray skies didn’t help his mood right now, neither did the fact that he couldn’t pinpoint a location tohave the farewell party for Seraphina. He wanted to make things as easy as possible for her and Clint.

His cell vibrated on his desk with an incoming text and Nigel glanced over his shoulder. Ellen’s namepopped up.

On a sigh, he grabbed his cell and opened the message.

I haven’t heard much from you. I’m worried. Nana doesn’t know anything because she just messagedme about “that nice American girl” coming back next month and doing a girls’ luncheon.

Bloody hell. His grandmother would be heartbroken over all of this. Perhaps he should stick to theoriginal plan of just telling her they broke up. He didn’t want to tell her that Roslyn was really Sophieand that she’d lied to them all.

Granted, he’d taken Sophie home under the pretense of her being his girlfriend so he’d lied, too.

This entire situation was a mess. So much deceit, so much pain.

Nigel typed back a quick text, telling his sister he was fine and just busy at work and that he’d take careof Nana.

He hadn’t even put his phone down when it rang and Miranda’s name appeared.

Nigel swiped the screen to answer.

“Miranda. What can I do for you?”

“I hope this isn’t a bad time,” she replied.

Considering he was wallowing in his own self-pity party, this was the perfect time for adistraction...unless there was more bad news.

“You’re not leaving the show,” he commanded.

Miranda’s soft laughter came through the phone. “No, I’m not. I’m not calling about work. I’m callingabout your personal life.”

“Is that right?”

“Listen, I’ve never stepped foot into your private affairs, but I need to now,” she went on. “I know Sophiewas in New York trying to find something damning on me. I also know she was working for you.”

Nigel crossed his office and sank down onto the leather sofa. “Did you know the entire time?”

“I found out before I left the office,” she stated. “I pondered what to do with the information.”

Nigel dropped his head back on the cushion and pulled in a breath. “So that’s why you are calling me?She didn’t find out anything, if that’s what you’re worried about. There’s nothing negative about you tobe found here, no matter how hard she looked.”

“Well, I appreciate that, but that’s not the reason for my call.”

Nigel really didn’t want to talk about Sophie to anyone. He’d even dodged talking to his own sisterduring these past several days.

There was no question he’d been falling in love with Roslyn, even though he’d tried to deny his feelingsbecause he’d wanted to wait. The fact was, he’d been falling from day one. The pain wouldn’t be socrippling and crushing if he’d just wanted her for sex. He missed her. He missed her smile, the wayshe’d hold his hand, her quick wit and sharp mind... He missed everything.

“I’m the last person who should come to her defense, but I am,” Miranda went on. “Sophie and herbrothers feel like they were wronged in the will after their father’s death. I can’t blame them for that.They’ve always thought I was after the Blackwood fortune. I wasn’t, but given the way things happenedwith the will, their suspicious do make sense.”novelbin

“Not to anyone who knows you,” he informed her. “You don’t have a callous bone in your body.”

“Well, Buck left me strict orders before his death and I’m just trying to respect those wishes,” she said.“Sophie is loyal to her family, Nigel. I truly believe she never meant to hurt you in any way.”

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