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Chapter 30

“Excuse me?”

“You heard me.”

“Damn it, Sophie. You’re getting in too deep there. You need to just come home and we’ll figure outsomething else. Traveling with Nigel Townshend to his home is a bad, bad idea.”

Sophie bit the inside of her cheek, trying to quickly come up with the right words to reply, but Kellanbeat her to it.

“Oh, no. Don’t tell me you’re sleeping with your fake boss.”

“I’m not sleeping with him.” Not yet. “He asked me to be his date because his grandmother is always onhis back about not settling down. He figured if I went, they would at least leave him alone for a fewdays and he could enjoy his sister’s celebration without getting hassled.”

“Uh-huh. And you’re telling me he’s not interested in you?”

Oh, he was more than interested. Her body still tingled from just how interested Nigel Townshend was.There was nothing about her feelings for Nigel that she’d be sharing with her well-meaning brothers.

“Listen, I know what I’m doing and I’m a big girl. You worry about finding the scoop on our long lostsibling and I’ll work on Miranda.”

“I don’t give a damn about Miranda right now,” Kellan growled. “You can’t get caught up in a love affairwith Nigel. You’re vulnerable, Soph. You’re grieving and totally out of your element. Besides, Mirandawill know what you’re up to if she catches you anywhere near her showrunner.”

“Stop worrying about my mental state. I’m fine,” she assured him, even though she was worried herself.“And nobody is going to catch me. I barely recognize myself in the mirror with all this blond hair and

these glasses.”

It was true. She missed her dark hair. The blond did horrid things to her skin tone, but a dye job wasworth the sacrifice if she could get some blackmail material on Miranda.

She might come across as all mama bear on the screen, doting on her costars and always trying tohelp, but nobody was that squeaky clean and wholesome. There had to be some proof that Mirandahad done something underhanded to get the Blackwood money—something that would justify gettingthe will thrown out. Sophie wasn’t sure how she could make this work to their advantage, but she hadto try. No way was she giving up her childhood home that easily. If they could just get Miranda out ofRoyal for good, they could all move on to the next chapter of their lives. They hadn’t gotten along withthe woman when she’d been married to their father, so now that he was gone, there was no reason forher to stick around.

“I’m heading back to work,” she told her brother. “Keep in touch and don’t make me beg forinformation.”

She disconnected the call and made her way back to Green Room Media. She ha

d a meeting to get to, a trip to prepare for and a stepmother to bring down.

All in a day’s work.


Nigel settled into his seat as the jet taxied down the runway. He glanced at Roslyn, trying to figure outwhy she’d been so quiet and reserved on the way to the airport and since boarding.

Maybe he’d been too demanding by asking her to be his date. Maybe she’d felt pressured, like her jobwould be on the line if she refused. That wasn’t the type of man he was, nor was it the type of man she

deserved. He wanted her to know she mattered, she was valued. Not someone he considereddisposable if she didn’t comply with his wishes. And certainly not who could be bought.

Bloody hell. Since when did he try so hard to impress a woman? He actually cared what Roslynthought of him. Oh, he’d always prided himself on caring for his dates, his relationships, but no otherwoman had impacted him like Roslyn.

He admired her talents, her brilliance, and he couldn’t ignore the sexual pull, the desire and passionhe’d witnessed. The combination continued to make him wonder if there was something elsesmoldering beneath the surface...and he couldn’t wait to explore.

Bringing Roslyn to his family’s estate was risky, but hell, he’d taken risks his entire life... Why stop nowwhen the reward could be so memorable and thrilling?

When the plane lifted, Roslyn gripped the seat and closed her eyes. A minimal act, but one that hintedat why she’d been so closed off since they’d boarded. Well, he’d finally found her flaw. He had honestlywondered if she was too good to be true...and if fear of flying was her only drawback, he was in realtrouble.

Nigel didn’t want a commitment or love or anything crazy long-term, but he enjoyed Roslyn and couldn’thelp but want to see where all this went.novelbin

He came to his feet and crossed the cabin to the other white sofa, taking a seat, and her hand. Hesqueezed, earning him a quick glance.

“What was that for?” she asked.

“You looked like you needed it. Why didn’t you tell me you were afraid of flying?”

Roslyn lifted a shoulder and glanced down to their joined hands. “Pride? Fear of admitting I’m flawed?It’s silly, actually. I mean, flying is the safest form of travel, or so the saying goes.”

Nigel shifted in his seat and took both of her rigid hands in his. “Relax,” he told her. “I’ve never been ina crash yet.”

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