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Chapter 28

“I know this is out of nowhere,” Nigel stated, raking a hand through his hair, clearly stressed.

She’d only known him a short time, but she’d never seen him this flustered. Clearly he was in a bindand wasn’t any more comfortable asking her than she was being invited. She also had to assume thathe wouldn’t have come to her had he’d had another choice.

“My grandmother is quite persistent,” he added, his dark eyes pleading with her.

“But, what about my job here?” she asked, still reeling from the out-of-the-blue request. “I mean, whatwill everyone think? First I’m hired as a consultant, then I’m put in charge of heading up the marketingfor the wedding episode that may or may not happen, then I go to an award ceremony with you andnow a family wedding back at your home?”

Her mind was spinning just saying all of this out loud. Talk about a whirlwind experience. But thebiggest issue for her was the thing she didn’t dare say aloud—between getting swept up with Nigel andhis charm and sex appeal, and her inability to deny him anything, she was running out of time touncover information on Miranda. Every angle she’d tried ended up a dead end. Everyone she spoke toabsolutely loved the woman.

“I know it looks crazy... It is crazy,” he amended, reaching for her hands. “Nobody here has to knowabout where we’re actually going. I can say I have you going on a trip to scout potential locations forthe show.”

More lying. For someone who used to pride herself on honesty, she’d fallen down the rabbit hole ofdeceit and she wasn’t sure she’d find her way back out anytime soon.

If she went away with him, Sophie knew they’d pick up where they’d left off the other night... That boththrilled and terrified her. She’d never wanted anyone the way she wanted Nigel and that was whatscared her most. How could she ever let him go?

Nigel’s strong hands held hers as he continued to stare at her, imploring her with his eyes.

“How long will we be gone?” she asked.

A toe-curling smile spread across his face. “Five days.”

Five days in an English countryside estate with a man she was quickly falling for, during which she’dhave to pretend to be his girlfriend so his family would get off his back. Seriously, what could go wrong?

Sophie had lied to get to this point and now she was taking this acting skill on an international tour.What would her brothers think when she told them about this venture?

Maybe she should keep this part to herself. She didn’t want to use Nigel. That part kept niggling at her.She may be lying in her position here, but she wasn’t lying about her growing feelings or attraction. Shewasn’t that good of an actress. But all of these emotions were completely unexpected and causingissues she hadn’t planned on.novelbin

“I don’t want to pressure you,” he told her. “I just didn’t want to ask anyone else.”

The fact he trusted her with meeting his family and only added to her shame. He was being sotransparent with his life with her, as far as she knew, and she was a complete phony.

Yet she couldn’t say no. She wanted to spend more time with the man who made her wish this were all

real. He made her daydream about a real relationship, a real attraction...a real affair instead of onebased on lies.

“I’ll do it,” she told him. “I’ll go to England.”

Nigel’s shoulders relaxed as he stepped closer her and gripped her hands to his chest. “You will lovemy home and my family. Dame Claire can be overwhelming at times, but she does everything out of


Sophie wasn’t sure how she’d deal with a large, loving family and a doting grandmother...especially onewith a title. Sure, she and her brothers were close, and she’d loved her her mother, but the relationshipwith her father just left her feeling broken.

What would her life be like if she had a close relationship with her father? Maybe the outcome of thewill would’ve been different and Sophie and her brothers would have had their legacy given to them.

She only had her brothers now and they were depending on her. Even though Kellan had said shecould come home, she didn’t want to let them down. She wanted to be the one to make everythingright. She wanted to give them back what had been taken away.

“What should I pack for this wedding?” Sophie asked, ignoring the blaring horns and red flags in herhead.

Nigel quirked a brow. “I’ve got everything covered. My jet will be ready to go Wednesday morning andyour dresses and jewelry will be on board.”

And Sophie fell just a little deeper into this Pretty Woman scenario.

* * *

Central Park was absolutely gorgeous in the winter. Freezing, but breathtaking and so picturesque.

Sophie huddled deeper into her coat as she walked along the curved path through the park. The briskair gave her a freshness that she didn’t find in Texas heat. Besides, she’d wanted to get out of theoffice and take a much-needed break.

She’d tried calling Vaughn, but she’d only gotten his voice mail. She stopped at a park bench that hadbeen cleaned off and took a seat, pulling out her phone to call Kellan.

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