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Chapter 99

Forged In The Flames By Karima Sa’ad Usman

Chapter 99 A War For Revenge Part 2

Nikolas POV

I watched Fredrick, Piotr, Miles, and the alphas shift into their wolf form and bare their teeth at me.

We did the same; Qusack, Ingham, Grant, Abraham, Gabriel, Isreal, and I shifted to our wolf forms andgrowled at them in return.

Piotr1’s wolf and mine locked eyes, and with a silent nod, his soldiers advanced, fangs bared andmuscles coiled; his men shifted immediately and surrounded a small number of warriors and theirAlpha, ready to attack them and finish them off.

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His actions had stopped the Hill Army from advancing and seeing the small number of people they hadsurrounded meant that most of Hill was on my side.

Fredrick’s wolf growled at Piotr, and Piotr roared back, ready to engage.

Miles moved forward, taking charge of the forefront of Snow’s army, and to my surprise, thewerewolves and Lycans he was leading launched a fierce assault against Fredrick’s troops.

Caught off guard by the ferocity and strategic brilliance of my friend and brother, Fredrick’s forcesfaltered, their lines breaking under the weight of Miles’ s onslaught.

Chaos erupted as the clash of fangs and claws reverberated through the night.

The air filled with the scent of blood, sweat, and fur as bodies collided and battle cries pierced thedarkness. We joined in because Fred*ic*k still had several troops on his side, and they were plenty.

The conflict reached a temporary stalemate, the sheer magnitude of Fredrick’s numerical advantageoffset by the sheer determination and skill of the people on my side.

We forged on, and soon, we were at an advantage as we had drastically reduced their numbers.

My men were skilful, and the werewolves on my side fought reverently and skillfully.

We had so much to fight for and so much to live for. What drove us kept us going, a drive Fredrick andhis men lacked.

Fredrick’s men and Alphas, recognizing the futility of their position, surrendered by howling at the moonand pulling back from the fight, their eyes filled with resignation.

Fredrick shifted back into his human form, and I did the same.

He was betrayed by his own forces, his pride wounded, and his spirit broken.

Fredrick stepped forward, his gaze locked onto me in a voice laced with venom.

“You are a snake and a coward!” he told me. I could see the sign of defeat in his eyes, a sign he wasn’twilling to admit to.

“No, Fredrick, you are the snake and a coward. Asking others to fight your battles for you is weak. Iftruly you wanted me gone, you should have sought to do it yourself. I only took what was rightfullymine. Something you tried to prevent because of your greed. If you wanted Forest so badly, you shouldhave challenged me. Even though it was mine, I fought for it. Still, just as always, you are just a cowardthat uses other people to do his bidding,” I said, and Piotr and Miles shifted back to their human formalong with the other alphas. The warriors remained in Wolf form.

“If you want, Forest, I challenge you to a one-on -one fight here and now. Let us spare lives and notrequire anyone to die for our ambitions. Accept the challenge and fight me,” I said; and Fredrick wassilent, then he looked around him. I recognized the Alphas that were with him; all eight of them werefrom Snow. They were more than that initially, but some of them had been killed in the struggle. A priceto pay for following a leader blindly and not questioning his decisions. Too bad for them.

“We will fight you until….” Fredrick began, and Miles cut in.

“You will fight him, no one will engage with the other side,” Miles said, and Fredrick looked at himangrily.

“You ungrateful bastard. After all, I did for you?” he said, and Miles laughed.novelbin

“Did for me? Your friend killed my mother and twin sister, stole me from my father, and brought me toyou. You put me in a cage, tormented me and told me lies all my life. You used me to drive fear in yourenemies; now I am taking back my power. I will not fight my people; I will not help you kill my brother. Ido not want to rule Forest. I just want to be free,” Miles spelt out to him, and Piotr laughed.

“I guess your evil has caught up with you now. Either you take the challenge and fight King Nikolas, orhe takes you as his spoils. What says you?” Piotr asked, and Fredrick looked at the other alphas.

“Did you hear this?” Fredrick asked them, and they nodded.

“Yes, and Prince Piotr is right. King Nikolas has issued a challenge to spare lives; I suggest you take it.We have done enough. Some of us that had no business in this fight have fallen tonight. We havegiven enough. It clearly isn’t a Unity law issue like you made it seem. It seems more like a family matterlaced with revenge. Seeing the magnitude of what you did, we won’t interfere anymore,” the Alpha said,speaking for the others, and it suddenly dawned on Fredrick that he was alone.

He took several deep breaths and stepped forward, ready to accept the challenge.

The moon hung high in the midnight sky, casting an eerie glow over the battlefield. The scent of bloodand sweat filled the air as my heart pounded in my chest, anticipation mixing with the raw powercoursing through my veins. This was the night; it had finally come to a one- on-one battle that woulddetermine our territories’ fate.

I would have allowed Gabriel to fight Fredrick, but it was a fight between kings. I looked at Gabriel, andhe nodded.

“Your victory is my victory,” he said, and with that, I had the strength to forge ahead, promising myselfthat only one of us would survive, and that will be me.

I stood tall, my muscles coiled like springs, ready to unleash the fury within me. My fur bristled, and myclaws extended, gleaming in the pale moonlight. Fredrick emerged, his massive frame imposing andhis amber eyes burning with an unfathomable hunger for power. He was a mad wolf. I could see it now.

We lunged at each other without a word, our bodies colliding with a bone-shattering force. A symphonyof snarls and growls filled the air as we tore at each other, neither willing to yield an inch. Fredrick wasstrong, his blows landing brutally, but I refused to succumb to his dominance.

As we circled each other, our feral instincts taking over, I seized the opportunity to strike. With lightningspeed, I pounced, my jaws clamping down on his shoulder. Fredrick let out a guttural howl of pain butretaliated, sinking his teeth into my hind l*eg. The agony surged through my body, but I channeled mypain into a fiery determination.

We continued our deadly dance, our bodies locked in a violent struggle. With every clash, the earthtrembled beneath us, witnessing our savage battle. Adrenaline coursed through my veins, granting meheightened senses and reflexes, while Fredrick, too, drew upon his primal strength.

With one final surge of energy, I managed to break free from his grip, spinning around to face himhead-on. My fangs glistened with saliva and fury as I lunged again, my jaws closing around his throat.Fredrick thrashed beneath me, desperately trying to loosen my grip, but I held on with unyieldingdetermination.

In that pivotal moment, I felt a surge of power, a primal energy that surged through my entire being. Ichanneled it into a crushing force, and with a sickening snap, Fredrick’s neck gave way beneath myrelentless grip. His body fell limp beneath me, lifeless and defeated.

I stood there, panting heavily, my chest heaving with the exertion of the battle. The victory was mine,but it came at a cost. Blood dripped from my wounds, mingling with the dirt beneath my paws. I hademerged triumphant, but I knew the scars of this battle would forever mark me. Fredrick had wastedlives for his greed, and thus they had died for nothing.

As the moon slowly descended from its zenith, I let out a mournful howl, a mixture of victory andsorrow. The winds carried my cry into the night, a testament to the fierce King emerging from thechaos. I was the King, the victor, and my people would know no bounds from now on.

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