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Chapter 6

I entered, and Nikolas was sitting on the couch shirtless with lipstick on him. I tried not to care andburied all my emotions. He was a monster, and I should not want him.

Whatever it was, I knew it was physical and I would get over it soon. Alphas had a hold on other wolvesand I knew my body and wolf might be responding to his pheromones. Lisa and Ania greeted him andexcused us. I greeted him and kept my eyes on the ground.

“Did you carry out your tasks today?” he asked me sternly, and I kept my head to the ground.

“Yes, Alpha,” I said, and he laughed.

“I am not your alpha little girl but your master,” He said, and I looked at him with surprise. Had he notdone enough?

I refuse to call him master.

“Were you seeing someone in your pathetic pack?” he asked, and I bit my tongue, contemplatingcompliance or defiance. I chose defiance.

“No, Alpha,” I said, and he growled, stood up, and advanced towards me.

I stepped back until my back was against the wall but maintained eye contact. He was so surprised thathe pinned me to the wall again. My heart was beating fast, enjoying his body’s proximity and warmth. Iknew I had stepped on his toes; I was afraid and thrilled at the same time. He needed to know he hadlimits with me. I would not call him master. “Do not tempt me, little girl,” He said, and I remained silent.

“I am your master, and you are my slave,” he said, and I refused to respond. “Am I clear?” he roared,and I held my tongue.

He pressed my cheeks on both sides with his thumb and index finger.

He pushed hard until my lips formed an 0 shape, and my cheeks hurt.

I refused to cry. I refused to say yes, master. In fact, I enjoyed that he was upset.

I stared deep into his eyes, and something faltered in them, but it was only for a second. He releasedme and punched the wall. Then stepped back to look at what I was wearing.

“Take off the robe,” he said, and I took it off. I had simple underwear on. He looked at me as if hewasn’t interested.

“Not impressive,” he said, and I did not care because his eyes said otherwise.

“Go to the bed,” he said, and I refused to move. He was shocked by my behaviour.

“Do you have a death wish?” he asked me, and I shook my head.

“I refuse to have my first time on a bed you just finished using with two women,” I said, and I meant it. Ihad resigned to it, but it would happen on my terms.

“At least you know they are women,” he said, and I did not falter.

“Now you are giving your terms huh?” he said, and I nodded.

He laughed and carried me.

I did not know what he was going to do. He placed me over his shoulder and threw me on his bed.

“You do as I say, little girl,” He said with a boyish grin, but I did not let it fool me. The monster in himremained.

“Do what you want,” I said, fearlessly showing him he couldn’t break me any more than he already had,and he pulled back.

“Do not push him too much, Aliana. Any wrong move he would take it out on our people and father,”Raven warned me and I knew I needed to calm down.

Had it been just me, I would have defied him to the very end, but I had my father and pack members toworry about.

I knew he wanted to go ahead, but something was holding him back. I did not know what it was, but hewas battling himself. “Leave my room, and prepare for branding tomorrow. You are useless to me,” hesaid, and I knew he meant it because he pulled away.

“See what I was telling you,” Raven said, “Instead of winning his heart so we can help our people, youhad to push our luck,” she scolded me, and I became scared.

“Why, what did I do?” I asked, and he did not respond.

He was headed for the door when I stopped him. He growled at me, and even though I was scared, Iheld still. I didn’t want a brand. I would give anything not to be branded. He stared at me, and I lookedat him.

“It’s just that I have never done this before. I am nervous; please don’t brand me like cattle. I know I amnot worth anything to you, but if you just let me prove my use,” I said, and he studied me for a while.

“And what will that be?” He asked me.

“Your Mother. She is underfed, if you permit me, I can ensure she gets to a healthy weight,” I said, andhis eyes faltered. He squinted a bit and looked at me.

“How will you succeed where many have failed?” He asked.

“Dedication and a need to prove myself, if you permit me. Allow me to force-feed her. Let me mix hermeals and give me trusted men to hold her so we force-feed her. It sounds brutal, but it will get food inher in the right quantity and mix. Meat alone won’t help her gain weight; she needs carbs, vitamins,minerals.” I said, and he cut me off.

“And if you harm her in the process?’ He asked, and I sighed

“‘Then my life is forfeit,” I said, and he laughed.

“Nice one. Your life is already forfeit. A s*e*x slave with no honour. How sweet would it be for you whenyou get to kill the only person I care about? You would have stabbed me where it would hurt the mostand that even in death, you will be victorious,” he said, and I knew he was right, but those weren’t myintentions.

“How about this,” he said and looked at me. “If you hurt her, your father and his men will pay the price. Iwill make you watch them die an excruciatingly painful death,” He said with a promise, but I did notknow if I should agree. Gambling with my life was one thing, but with the lives of others was somethingelse.

“Very well, what will happen if I succeed and she is healthy?” I asked because there had to be a rewardfor both outcomes.

He stared at me long and hard. “I will make their lives a little easier as a sign of gratitude,” he said

With that, I knew something was happening outside that I wasn’t privy to, and it was possible that itwasn’t good. I swallowed and nodded. “Very well, I will give you a chance,” he said. The door opened,and the women that left the room earlier walked in. They smiled at the Alpha and eyed me.

They went towards the bed, and he followed. “You can watch; maybe you will learn a thing or two fromreal women,” he said, and his words cut deep

I guess I drank the tea for nothing. I was still in pain.

I wondered if these women drank the tea too, but I doubted he would have any problems getting thempregnant; they were Lycans like him; I was the werewolf and inferior race.

I was surprised that he did not touch them.

They danced and entertained him but were not allowed near his bed, and I could see they wanted toplease him by all means, but he did not seem interested in touching them. Soon, they were done, andhe ordered them to leave. Having seen enough, I tried to go with them, but Nikolas stopped me.

He made me change his sheets while he went to shower.

Like the night before, I slept in the bed with him holding on to me tight.novelbin

I wondered what the deal was with him, but only time would tell.

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