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Chapter 18

Aliana POV

I had a very hectic day caring for the Queen. She was running a fever, and it took a while before thephysician could bring her fever down. Nikolas was very worried, and he was a bit cranky too.

I could not blame him. The fear of losing the only parent he had left was intense, and I could relate.

Even though I had not seen my father, and we linked every day, I was always afraid that he would d*ieone day.

My father’s health wasn’t great, but Nikolas had him working with the masons. Even though the hourswere more friendly, it was tedious work. I dared not bring it up with him because I noticed he hated myfather, but I did not know why.

I had tried to bring it up once, and the way he behaved made me believe that I should tread carefully. Ifelt powerless because even though he showed me a lot of affection, I was hanging on a thread, too,and he could snap anytime.

Living an uncertain life was hard, but I pushed on for the sake of my father, my people and my wolf. Icould not deny that my heart belonged to Nikolas.

He became better when his mother was stable, and he apologised to me for snapping, but I did nottake offence. The Queen gave us a scare. I was most afraid because I was the one in charge ofcoordinating her feeding. I was scared that the doctor would link her fever to me and that Nikolas wouldthink I wanted to harm his mother. Seeing her temperature go down made me happy. I lingered in herroom until I was sure she was completely alright.

No matter how much Nikolas showed me affection, I knew it would be nothing compared to what hewould do for his mother.

I retired to Nikolas’s bedroom while he went to handle pack matters with his beta and Gamma.

Lisa and Ania brought me dinner in his room. I was glad that Nikolas permitted them to keep mecompany. I somehow knew he would be in the garden, he was always there, but it did not bother melike it used to. I was holding on to his word.

Ania sat on the couch in his room comfortably and smiled.

“Who would have thought attending to you would mean luxury for us?” She said, and I frowned at her.

“What do you mean?” I asked, and Lisa laughed.

“When Alpha assigned us to you, we were mocked. It wasn’t normal that Lycans would serve awerewolf, so they saw us as the bottom runt. We were already rejected and condemned, so it was thelowest any Lycan could go,” Lisa said, and I felt terrible for them. “Anyway, we have been on top ofthings since we started attending to you. We enter everywhere, and our work isn’t much. Serving youmade our lives easier, Aliana,” Lisa said.

I did not know why they would see it like that, but to think of it, our lives were indeed easy. We were notwashing clothes and scrubbing floors. We eat, attend to the Queen, gossip, and go to bed. That was allwe did.

I was too caught up in my pain that I did not see things this way. My only issue was that I was awerewolf attracted to the Lycan Alpha, who would soon be King and dump me. The werewolves wereput to work, but they have been earning wages, and the Lycans aren’t allowed to discipline them unlessthey break a law which was the norm when my father led us. He always disciplined wolves that brokethe law. I was glad Nikolas was the one that came for Forest and not the Snow or Hill King.

“Have you been put on birth control yet?” Ania asked, and I shook my head. She gasped and beamedat me.

“I do not know what is going on, but Alpha might be courting you,” she said, and Lisa shut her up.

“Stop it, Ania, do not get things into her head. It isn’t good for her heart.” She scolded and looked atme.

“Enjoy it while it lasts, Aliana. Do not get carried away, please,” Lisa pleaded with me, and I nodded.There was no way I could tell the woman that I was already carried away. The ladies spent a while withme, and then they retired.

When they left, I looked out the window facing the garden and saw Nikolas in the gathering. Unlikebefore, when he was mostly silent and introverted, today, he was laughing with Qusack, and they werehaving a drink. I wondered what the occasion was. I saw him lift his head to look in my direction, and Iquickly moved away from the window. I did not know why I got scared. I guess it was a reflex.

I hit the switch to turn off the light so he wouldn’t see me looking again.

‘Wear something comfortable and join me,’ I heard his voice in my mind, and I was shocked. What washe doing? I thought we were supposed to be private. Having me in his room was different from havingme beside him in public. That would make me more than a bedwarmer, it would make me hiscompanion. I did not think it was a bright idea, but I trusted he knew what he was doing.

‘What would you like me to wear?’ I asked, still being careful so I do not overstep. Seeing how Isuddenly became compliant when he started being sensitive to my feelings was funny.

‘Your normal clothes would do. I just want you beside me. The moon is full, by the way.’ He said, and Idid not notice it until he told me.

‘I will be there,’ I said and went to shower. I showered in a hurry and wore a T-shirt and shorts. Theshorts were very s*e*xy, and it was deliberate. My hair was a bit w*et, but it looked nice. I let it fall, thentook a deep breath before stepping out.

I wished Ania and Lisa were with me, I would have felt more confident. I did not know what I would bedoing amid Lycans, people that thought they were better than me. The moment I got to the door thatled to the garden, my heart began to beat fast. I opened it and walked out.

There was soft music, and the women and men were socialising.

I looked up at the sky, and Nikolas was right, it was indeed a full moon, and it graced the skybeautifully.

Raven enjoyed the sight. It had been a while since I was outside. Besides, I hadn’t been out in a longtime, apart from when Ingham dragged me out to disgrace and punished me.

“What are you doing here?” I heard a woman say, and I looked away from the moon to look at theperson speaking to me. It was Gezel, one of my bullies. She was lycan, and I did not want to sayanything that would get me in trouble.

“Your half-breed friends aren’t here now, scram,” she said, grabbing my hand to push me back. Iyanked my hand from her.

“Do not t*ouch me,” I said, and she was shocked.

“How dare you speak to your betters like that? Don’t you know your place?” Another woman said with asnarl. She was Lacey.

They were angry, and slowly attention was being drawn to us.

I hoped the third won’t come. She was the b*itc*hiest of them all. Erica was a no-show, and I was glad.

“Watch it, ladies, do not overstep,” A voice said, and I saw Qusack walking towards us. The womensmiled at him as if they were not trying to attack me.

“The werewolf shouldn’t be here,” Gezel said, and Qusack laughed.

“You need to watch your t*ongue, Gazel. Aliana belongs to Alpha, and you aren’t as valuable asIngham,” He told her, and I could not help but chuckle quietly. Gazel was still trying to process what hehad said, but I understood it. He asked me to follow him, and I obliged. When we got to the table,Nikolas motioned me to sit beside him. I went about and made sure I greeted all his officersrespectfully. They all replied, even Grant.

I sat beside Nikolas, and he reached for my hand, which I let fall loosely on my side. He held on to itand caressed it gently with his thumb.

“I did not want you in the bedroom alone. It seemed I was keeping you prisoner,” he said, and I did notknow what to say, but what he was doing to my hand was amazing.

“Do you want to go on a walk?” he asked, and I looked at him wide-eyed, then averted my gaze sopeople won’t see me as disrespectful. I nodded, and he got up.

He was still holding my hand, so I stood up too

Nikolas led the way, and we walked towards the woods connected to the garden.

It was a safe place. I felt eyes on us as I followed Nikolas, but I did not care. He was the one that madethe rules around here, and I was following him.

We got to the woods, and he stopped and bent to look at me.

The moonlight t*ouched his hair and part of his face, and he seemed breathtakingly handsome, but Idared not tell him.

“It’s a full moon, Aliana,” he said, caressing my cheek. His t*ouch was electric, and my mind was in adirty place already.

“It’s beautiful,” I said, and he smiled and stepped away.

“Take off your clothes,” He said, and I looked back at where we were coming from. I had never doneanything spontaneous in public before.

Nikolas began to laugh. “As much as I would love to take you in the eyes of everyone to stake myclaim, I am not planning that I just want us to shift and run. It has been months since you let your wolfout. It is only fair you allow Raven to have some fun, and Bane is dying to meet her,” he said with darkeyes. I understood, and suddenly, I was filled with excitement.

I did not know if our wolves would mate, but I wanted to see Raven live upto her fantasies, the veryfantasies she filled my head with and mocked me if I could not fulfil them. I took off my clothes andshifted to my wolf. Raven’s fur was beige, and it was soft and easy on the eyes. I looked at my furunder the moonlight, and my fur looked beautiful. Raven howled at the full moon in reverence, andNikolas laughed, he was yet to shift. I wondered why he hadn’t shifted yet.

“Your wolf is beautiful. Raven is a beauty, and she seems like she would be more fun than you, Aliana,”he linked me. Raven howled in agreement, and I wished I could roll my eyes at them. Nikolas took offhis clothes and shifted to Bane. The wolfs size was majestic and beautiful. Bane fell on all fours andurged Raven to lead while he chased her in the woods.

Raven was up for the challenge, and she began to move.

I heard him coming behind me, and adrenaline and desire p*umped in my veins, imagining what hewould do to me when he caught me and, at the same time, wanting to beat him at his own game.

I felt like I was free. The breeze brushed through my fur, and the coolness was welcomed. My pawsbeat the ground, gently communing and reminding it of our existence, and the trees sang through thevoice of the light breeze, easing my soul. It was a beautiful night, and I spent it with someone I liked a

lot. We ran until Bane decided to catch Raven, making Raven roll on her back playfully. Bane l*ic*kedher belly, a sensual gesture and a sign of acceptance.

I wonder why Bane was accepting Raven. I wondered what was there to accept. She went back on herpaws, and Bane plopped down so their head would meet.

They placed their foreheads against each other, and then Raven plopped down in front of Bane andrested herself between his arms, with him shielding her with his large figure. They both stared at the fullmoon and howled in reverence. It was indeed a beautiful night. We spent a while there and thenheaded back into the palace.

I planned on bringing up the issue of birth control when I could.

The moment we entered the room, Nikolas led me to the shower, and we spent time there washing ourbodies and making out It was hot, and I was soaking w*et. The moment we left the bathroom andentered the room, he pinned me against the wall and lifted me while I wrapped my legs around him. Iwanted him to take me immediately. S*uc*king the skin on my neck, he drove his c*oc*k into me andbegan to p*ump.

I knew I was loud, and I did not care. My b*ody needed what he was doing to me, and I received itwholeheartedly.

He finished and transferred our lovemaking to the bed.novelbin

I guess I would discuss the birth control with him the next day.

I woke up early the following g day, and Nikolas wasn’t beside me. He wasn’t in the room. I looked atthe clock, and it was seven in the morning. I wondered where he had gone. I tried to link him but couldnot reach him, so I knew he wasn’t within range. Only Lycans could connect with pack members furtheraway, werewolves had to be within range. I felt a bit lonely and got up to prepare for the day.

Ania and Lisa joined me around eight, and I was tempted to ask them why Gezel referred to them asHalflings. Still, I opted to ask them about Nikolas instead.

“Do you have an idea where the alpha went?” I asked, and she frowned at me. “He didn’t tell you?” Sheasked, and I shook my head.

“Some Lycan hunters are troubling our borders, they killed two weres that refused to be captured asslaves.

The silver collars on their neck showed they tried to capture them as slaves.

Anyway, Alpha is going to check the place out.” She said, and I was surprised that Lycan hunters hadthe effrontery to come close to our borders. I wondered why Lycans would be at our borders, but Iprayed Nikolas would be safe.

He did not need to check it out since it was werewolves they killed. It showed that deep down, he caredand would make a great Forest King.

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