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Chapter 10

Nikolas POV

Alianas’ reasons touched my soul, and I could not express myself without compromise.

What she achieved was unbelievable, and she made me realise how negligent my kind has beenwhere my mother was concerned.

I could sit beside my mother and feed her for the first time in years. She looked like she did when shewas all right, and I wished she would gain her sanity in those moments.

I have learned how meticulous Aliana was with her. She had nursed her diligently, and it had paid off. Imight have wanted her if she weren’t Gabriel’s child.

I deliberately stayed away from her to get my need for her out of my system.

Ever since we met, there has been a silent fire between us that only our wolves could understand. Thefew times we were alone together, we had broken barriers between us.

Knowing it wasn’t good for my agenda and not wanting to hurt myself, I distanced myself from her for amonth to get her out of my mind and focus on the things that matter. The truth was that it was a futileeffort. I found myself thinking of her, her scent, her voice, her defiance, her confidence, and her beauty.

I thought of her response to my touch, her m*oa*ns.

I knew she wasn’t faking it. Every moment, reaction, expression, and emotion with her were genuine. Itwas sad that we were on opposite sides.

Since I met Aliana, I had lost interest in other women, but she did not need to know that. It was mycross to bear. I had sometimes listened to her communication with her father, and she never spokebadly of me or complained.

I had thought she was playing a game, but her progress on my mother made me realise otherwise.

I looked at her for a bit and decided to live in the moment, just for tonight.

“Are you allowed to drink wine?” I asked her, and her cheeks coloured with embarrassment.

Her complexion had been going from pale to blush since she sat beside me, and I knew I had the sameeffect on her.

“I am allowed to drink, but I can’t handle alcohol well,” she replied, and I got up to get two wine glassesand a bottle of merlot and served both of us.

She raised an eyebrow when she collected the glass from me, and I smiled at her for the first time.

“Just for tonight,” I said, and she nodded and took a sip.

“Delicious?” I asked, and she smiled.

“Fruity,” she replied, which was an ingenious way to describe the taste.

At that moment, I wanted to unburden myself and live in the moment. So, I switched on the music andstretched my hands toward her to dance. She gulped down her wine completely and took my hand,blushing.

“You shouldn’t have done that, little wolf,” I said, touching her waist and pulling her close to my chest.She gasped, and I held her hand with my other hand on her waist while I tried to sway to the classicinstrumental playing.

“Ever danced before, little wolf?” I asked, and she was still a bit tense, but I felt her relax. I wasrewarding her for being kind to my mother and doing her best. At least, that was what I told myself,Bane was thinking otherwise.

“I used to dance with my father,” she said, and I froze but then composed myself and decided to liveunburdened in those moments. Tomorrow we can get back to hating each other.

We danced the night away and drank too much.

Soon I realised that Aliana was tipsy. She was laughing a lot, and her cheeks were red. I decided sheneeded a break. “I haven’t had this much fun since my mother died, and I couldn’t even drink alcoholthen,” she said, laughing, and I got curious about her mother’s death. “Do you mind telling me how shepassed away?” I asked, and her smile faded.

“She wandered beyond the woods, and Lycans killed her. I was with her,” she said, tears welling in hereyes.

“It was my fault. She warned me not to wander far and that we weren’t welcome in other territories, butI didn’t believe her, I thought everywhere was like Forest, so I moved further to pick mushrooms.

We were ambushed. She told me to run while she shifted and fought. She was a Beta wolf, so shecould hold her ground, but they were Lycans. I knew she would not survive it,” she said, tearsstreaming down.

“I should have stayed, but I was too afraid. I listened to her.” She said and wiped away her tears.

“That was the last time I saw her. I know my mother would refuse to be enslaved, so they were boundto kill her in the end,” she said, sobbing.

I could not dispute that werewolves had it rough in the world, but her father caused their problem byk*ill*ing the only man that would have protected them from the Snow King and his people. He musthave been delusional to think he could rule an entire territory. Had my father been alive, no Lycanhunter would wonder near the border of Forest. As long as a king was present, the respect would bemutual. It was a silent law. The Forest border became open for attack and plunder when Gabriel and

his friends committed treason and killed their only protection. I did not know how to console her, so I satquietly there.

Soon she lurched, and I knew she wanted to throw up. I led her to the toilet, and she sat by the toiletseat while I watched her throw up her dinner. The wine shouldn’t have affected her unless she hadtaken other things.

I held her hair back while she threw up, then rubbed her back gently to help her ease the reflex.

She looked at me over her shoulder and smiled She was indeed a beautiful, gentle soul.

Nothing could compare to how she made my heart beat at that moment. I wanted to hold her to mychest and give in to what I had been fighting since I laid eyes on her. I would lie if I said I felt nothing forher, but we were star-crossed.

“Sorry, I ruined your toilet,” she said with a slur, and I shook my head, still rubbing her back. I felt hertemperature rising, and I knew the maids might have given her something before bringing her to me.

I hope they weren’t drugs because I would be mad.

I had no issue with what the Lycan women did with their spare time, but I would have issues if theywere feeding Aliana drugs.

I turned on the shower, removed her clothes, and placed her under the running water. Aliana had agorgeous, soft, unblemished, tender body with curves in the right places. Her beauty was humble andinnocent, yet striking and alluring. It took a lot for me to control myself watching her under the shower. Iwanted to leave, but she held my hand.

“Stay with me, Alpha,” she slurred, and I sighed before undressing and sitting with her under the coldwater.

Her body was still warm.

So, I decided we would use the tub.

I ran the cold water, and when it was enough. I made her sit in it with me. She sat between my legs, herback against my chest, and I held her close.

As wrong as this was, I could stay with her in my arms forever, but it was just for the night. I wasn’tgoing to allow myself to get carried away.

“Did the maids give you any medication?” I managed to ask, and she nodded. I was pissed offimmediately and decided I would punish them for it. They weren’t to give her anything without myapproval.

“Birth control tea. They had no pills, and I was not allowed to leave, so I decided to settle for the nextbest thing. It tastes bad, and it is quite unpleasant,” She said, and I was shocked that Aliana took myrules seriously, but I hadn’t touched her yet.

That was when I realised she had anticipated me touching her tonight. Those were not my intentions atall.

I wanted to feed my eyes and feel her body close to me, but I wasn’t ready to go all the way with her.

“Do not take that tea again. It is dangerous, I will have the physician place you on birth control,” I said,and she relaxed in my arms. Her body temperature was coming down.

The tea was very dangerous. It was primarily used to suppress a wolf’s heat, but then they found out ithad birth control effects, too, so people would often use it as a short-term preventive measure, but thiswas a bit extreme for an untouched woman.

We remained in the bath, and soon I carried her out and dried her skin, then took her to bed. She triedto k*iss me, but I dodged, she didn’t notice. She was too drunk to understand what she was doing, andthe tea had amplified the effect of the wine.

She was bound not to remember anything by morning. I laid her on the bed and held her until she fellasleep.

It was sad to see the night end, and I knew we would return to being enemies in the morning.

As much as it sucked, I could not lose sight of what I had spent the better part of my life trying toachieve, and it still did not change the fact that Lycans and Weres could never mix. This was just fortonight.

I woke up on an empty bed the next day and realised that Aliana had snuck out of my room. I guessshe did not want me to chase her out. I looked at the clock and saw it was nine-thirty in the morning.How could I have overslept? I couldn’t deny that I had a good night’s sleep, but this was wrong.

“Where are you?” I linked Aliana immediately.

“I am with The Queen. I could not leave her feeding to others. I had to leave quietly because I did notwant to trouble your sleep,” she said, and she sounded as if we had not spent time together last night.

It was good to know that she didn’t allow certain things to get to her head. She might just last longerwith me that way.

I brushed my teeth and showered quickly, then rushed to my mother’s room. Alaina was spoon-feedingher when I arrived, and my mother looked good.

Her hair was packed nicely, and although she had feral eyes, she seemed to like Aliana. I hoped shewould return to her senses one day.

“Leave us,” I ordered everyone, and everyone cleared out.

Aliana dropped the bowl and got up to leave. She bowed her head and was ready to leave when Istopped her.

“Not you. Remain,” I said, and she nodded. I waited for everyone to leave before asking her what Iwanted to ask her.

“Why did you sneak out?” I said calmly, and she looked at me.

“I did not want you to chase me out when you woke up. Moreover, I know you like your space,” sheexplained, and I sighed.

“Next time, you remain with me until I tell you to leave. Am I clear?” I said, and she nodded.

I took the bowl from where she kept it and sat to feed my mother. She looked at Aliana, andnovelbin

Aliana smiled at her and she opened her mouth. I looked at the chains on her hand and linked Qusackto have the smiths make lovely silver bracelets galvanized so they don’t burn for her to wear on herankles and wrists. Other than her eyes, my mother did not look or act feral, and I saw it as progress.

I planned to spend the day with her and see all that Aliana does for her. She had shown her worth,maybe even too much, and my heart was beginning to beat in an unwanted manner.

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