Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 190 The Betrothal Gifts (Part One)
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Chapter 190 The Betrothal Gifts (Part One)

As Zack gazed at Harper's receding figure, the bitter smile on his face started to wear off. After all, itwas too late now. If he had asked the emperor's permission to marry Harper before he had sanctionedher engagement, they wouldn't have been in their current situation.

Meanwhile, the moment Harper reached their mansion's gate, she saw the steward running towardsher. He was in such haste that he almost bumped into her. "What's the matter? Why are you in such ahurry?"

"Oh, My Lady, thank heavens you finally came back. Please come inside and take a look. HisHighness, Carlson, is making a scene inside the mansion!" The steward looked at Harper as if she washis savior.novelbin

"His Highness? Carlson?" Harper couldn't believe it. She immediately wondered why Carlson wouldhave come and caused trouble, especially at this hour.

"That's right. His Highness is making a fuss in our mansion. Please go and check the situation inside."The steward hurriedly led Harper to the hall. Carlson was known as an unruly man, and yet no onedared to offend him because of his identity. If he threw a tantrum, even the emperor would have aheadache, not to mention that they were mere citizens.

As soon as Harper arrived at the door to the main hall, she saw Carlson rolling on the floor. Nicole wasangry and anxious, but she had no idea what she could do because she was pregnant. She could onlytry to persuade Carlson to get up, but he refused to listen. Charles was already furious about the wholesituation, but he did not dare to do anything to Carlson.

Harper slowly walked in and stood behind Carlson. She kicked him on the back with her left foot beforesaying, "What is this? Your father stopped giving you pocket money, so you're going to clean the floorof the Chu Clan mansion and ask your aunt for money instead?"

Carlson stiffened and turned around, only to be greeted by Harper's wicked grin. He immediatelyjumped up, took Harper's hand and dragged her out of there. "We should go, Harper. You can't marryUncle Matthew!"

Harper was dumbfounded while she listened to his words. She quietly thought to herself, 'What isCarlson talking about? He doesn't want me to marry Prince Matthew? He should really stop thinkingthat he can do anything at will just because his father is a prince. Matthew is a prince as well!'

"What are you doing, Carlson?" Harper was starting to get anxious. If the news that Carlson haddragged her out of the Chu Clan mansion reached Matthew, he would definitely come over as soon ashe could and make a big deal out of it.

Carlson was entirely ignorant of Harper's concerns. "Uncle Matthew is not a good man. If you marryhim, you will not be happy. I'll take you away, far away from him."

"Carlson!" Harper stopped Carlson's hand which was tightly secured on her wrist to show that she wasunwilling to be dragged away by him. "This is His Majesty's order. The whole country belongs to him.Where are you taking me to? What's more, considering my social status, it's an honor for me to marryHis Highness. Why are you acting like this? Let go of me!"

Carlson was actually very anxious. "What honor could you be talking about? His Majesty is not—"

Smack! In a moment of desperation, Harper slapped Carlson in the face. "Do you think before youspeak those words? How dare you say anything as you like! Have you forgotten what your father andbrother taught you?"

By then, Carlson was so shocked by the slap, and even Nicole was petrified. If Carlson had finished hisstatement and the emperor heard it, Prince Allen would definitely be blamed. In a way, Nicole feltgrateful to Harper for slapping him.

Carlson was taken back because of the slap. He stopped dragging Harper and realized that she wasright. Indeed, he said something without thinking much of it. But in his opinion, Matthew's mansioncould only be compared to hell, and if Harper married Matthew, she would be like a sheep being placedin a tiger's mouth. He would never allow such a thing to happen, so he took it upon himself and cameto the Chu Clan mansion. He had one thought and that was to take her away regardless of anyrepercussions.

"Harper, you have to trust me on this. Come with me—"

"Where are you taking my fiancee to, Carlson?" Before Carlson could finish speaking, a cold andfamiliar voice resounded. It startled everyone, making all of them tremble. Still, they turned to thedirection of the person who spoke.

Barry pushed the wheelchair, and slowly approached them. Meanwhile, Matthew's gaze was focusedon Carlson's hand that was still holding Harper's wrist. He narrowed his eyes and Barry drew his sword,preparing to chop off the hand.

Surprised by the turn of events, Harper pushed Carlson back. He seemed to have felt the danger anddrew back his hand to avoid being cut off.


Startled, Nicole stumbled to Carlson and pulled him behind her. "Your Highness, I didn't know you werecoming. Please forgive me for not welcoming you at the gate."

"Your Highness." Charles bowed to Matthew as well.

Meanwhile, Harper was stunned and she could only stand still. Somehow, she felt that Matthew wasdispleased, and perhaps it was because she had pushed Carlson away.

"Harper," Charles shouted. All the people present knelt on the ground, but Matthew didn't ask them toget up. Charles secretly looked around and saw that Harper remained standing. Sweat started to formon his forehead again. He tugged at Harper to remind her, but to no avail. She didn't kneel down.Instead, she walked straight to Matthew and made a salute.

Matthew took a closer look at her wrists and his eyes darkened.

"A few days ago, I saw a pair of jade bracelets on your wrists. I thought they looked very beautiful. Whyaren't you wearing them today?"

Upon hearing those words, Harper blinked a little. Obviously, she didn't expect that Matthew wouldeven notice the jade bracelets on her wrists so she was taken aback. "I'm afraid that they will break, soI put them away for now."

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