Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 115 Hailey’s Plan (Part Two)
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Chapter 115 Hailey's Plan (Part Two)

Hailey grew anxious to see Mavis' stubbornness. She then looked at Charles helplessly. Even helooked embarrassed at that moment. Hailey only hoped that he would help her to convince Mavis. Hesaid to Mavis, "Mother, I think we can talk about helping Harper return to the Imperial Academy ofMedicine later. The last few days have been very eventful. So we'd better keep a low key for the timebeing."

"Then, let's talk about Hailey's request also later," Mavis said in a determined tone. "We can discuss itwhen you decide to deal with Harper's matter."

"Mother, what is the harm in recording Hailey as Kelly's daughter? Harper will still be Kelly's daughtertoo. It's a good thing for us. I mentioned this to you even at the time when Harper was still a little kid.But you had refused it at that time. Now that they've already grown up, I think we should take a call onthis. If Hailey continues to be considered as a concubine's daughter, it's not good for our reputation,"Charles continued. He did not give up and kept making efforts to convince Mavis. "I promise that I willbe good to Harper no matter what."novelbin

Mavis, however, merely turned her head away, paying no attention to Charles. She knew him betterthan anyone else. She was very well aware of the fact that Harper had been living a hard life in the ChuClan mansion all these years. In the past, Harper used to be very naughty and unreasonable. So Mavisdid not like her that much. But now, Harper had changed. She had grown up to be a mature andconsiderable girl. And Mavis felt that it was her duty to protect her at any cost.

"Harper!" Charles called out to Harper in a stern voice. Failing to persuade Mavis, he turned to Harper,intending to threaten her to agree. But Harper still kept her head buried in Mavis' arms. She did noteven lift her head. He continued, "You're old enough to make your own decisions. I hope that you canconsider it carefully. As the lady of our mansion, you should be more considerate towards others."

"She should be more considerate to others?" Mavis scorned at Charles. She let out a crooked smile."You should say this to Hailey. As the elder sister, she should be the one who should be moreconsiderate to her younger sister. I didn't want to make things difficult for her. As long as sherecommends Harper to regain her post as a physician, I will agree to have her recorded as Kelly'sdaughter. Otherwise, no way!"

"Mother, I will try my best to help Harper to return to the Imperial Academy of Medicine. Hailey is just aphysician. I don't think she is capable of convincing His Majesty. As long as you agree on it, I will try mybest to help Harper regain her job as a physician!" Charles was far from resting her laurels. He kepttrying to convince Mavis.

But Mavis did not fall into his trap. She remained unmoved. She was very well aware of Charles'credibility. She wouldn't agree on it unless Harper successfully returned to work in the ImperialAcademy of Medicine.

Charles was getting increasingly impatient with Mavis' stubbornness. Ultimately, he left with Hailey atonce. Seeing them leave, Mavis sighed and said, "Don't worry, Harper. I won't agree to their demand."

"Grandma, I feel sorry for putting you in a dilemma," Harper said with red eyes. "I could allow Yvonne tobe recorded as my mother's daughter. But I can't bear it if any of Lady Sue's children is recorded as mymother's child."

"But my dear, can you tell me the reason?" Mavis was a little confused to hear Harper's words.

"Because my mother was dead because of Lady Sue. If Lady Sue hadn't got pregnant before marriage,my mother would not have gone into depression and fallen ill, which eventually caused her death.Although I know Hailey is my sister, I just can't bear to see her becoming my mother's daughter!"Harper replied in a somber tone. "Besides, Hailey and Howard were born before me. They ruined thereputation of the Chu Clan as well as that of my father! This is something I can't tolerate as well."

Mavis was left dumbfounded when she heard Harper's words. She froze for a few moments. Then shepulled herself out of her thoughts and stroked Harper on her head, gently saying, "I got it. You can goback now. I will protect you. If you don't agree, I will never allow them to have their way this time."

"Thank you, Grandma. I'll be leaving now. Goodbye."

Even after Harper left, Mavis remained thoughtful. There was a hint of confusion in her eyes. "Annie,"she called out.

"Yes, here I am. What can I do for you, My Lady?"

"Do you remember when Sue gave birth to her children after she married into our mansion?" Mavisasked. She remembered that it was said that Sue delivered before completing her full-term pregnancy.Yet the kids never looked like premature babies.

"Lady Sue delivered seven months later, My Lady. Her children were born one month before LadyHarper was born," Annie answered firmly after she thought for a while. "At that time, everyone said thatLady Sue gave birth to premature babies. However, on the contrary, they seemed to be stronger thanLady Harper, who was born at full-term."

"Harper just mentioned that Sue got pregnant before she married into our family..." Mavis frownedslightly. Deep inside her mind, a completely different concern was shaping up. She was now worriedthat if what Harper said was true, then were Hailey and Howard Charles' own children? What if theywere not?

The moment this thought came to Mavis' mind, she started to feel restless. She recalled that beforeDaniel, her youngest son, went missing, he had asked her to take good care of Harper. Slowly, asMavis started thinking about the terrible things Sue had done in all these years, she became more andmore suspicious.

"No, Annie, I think something is weird. Go and check it carefully. I want to know everything in detailabout Sue," Mavis ordered calmly. "Don't let anyone come to know that I'm investigating it before thingsare clear."

"Yes, My Lady."

As Annie got involved in investigating what had happened in the past, Harper remained busy with herplan. Now that she had successfully planted the seed of suspicion in Mavis' mind, Mavis would becomemore alert now. That way, Charles and Hailey would not be able to carry out their plan so easily. Harpernow wanted to look for someone who could threaten Charles. Taking charge of the family affairs in theChu Clan mansion was not enough at all. Harper needed a helper.

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