Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 947 Darren Was In Coma
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Chapter 947 Darren Was In Coma

When they got back to Matthew's base outside the city, Felton had already woken up. As he still felt soweak, he decided to rest first, leaning against a soft cushion. However, as soon as he saw Harpercome in, he immediately sat up straight.

"Lie down, you, and don't move too much. I don't want to be worried about you when I'm not around,"Harper said as soon as she saw Felton.

Upon seeing Harper back, Patrick immediately ran to her, wanting to be in her arms. But thinking backto the time when it thought that she had thrown it away and left just like that, it decided to ignore her.

Harper immediately picked up on what Patrick was angry about and chuckled. Quickly, she lifted it up,sat down on a small stool by the bed, and gently rubbed its head. Patrick, previously angry, now lookedblissful and enjoyed Harper and her company. "To further appease you, my friend, have this," Harpersaid, handing Patrick a pill. And with that, it had fully forgotten what it was angry about in the first place.

"How could you be so reckless? Really? Going to the Qin Clan's residence alone?" Felton said,sounding concerned. Though his voice was a little weak, the emotion behind his statement was potent."The top elders were all there. Were you not scared of getting hurt? Worse, killed?"

Harper smiled and sighed deeply. "I just wanted to investigate the Qin Clan, Felton. Now that I foundout that they had betrayed us a long time ago, I won't let them near you. Ever."

Felton's expression turned grim. While he was the clan's nominal young master, he knew nothing aboutthat. Moreover, he had even allowed them to bring him back home, which almost ended up hurtingHarper. For a moment, he didn't know what to say.

"I'm sorry. I made a grave mistake. I put you in danger."

Harper waved her hand to signal Felton to stop. She then said indifferently, "Stop. That doesn't reallymatter now. The Qin Clan has always regarded you as a pawn. I'm just relieved that you know it now.But I won't ask you to deal with them—you can't get involved. It's better if you stay on the sidelines."

"What are you going to do?" Felton asked, hesitating. He didn't want to merely become an onlooker,especially because everything was connected to him.

"I won't do anything rash. Don't worry. I just want to wait and see what they're going to do. Both youand Douglas are in my hands. However, I don't know if Lady Victoria still wants Douglas," repliedHarper.

This surprised Felton. He wondered if the Qin Clan had been in total chaos ever since Harper suddenlycame to their residence to take not only him but Douglas as well.


"You should rest now, Felton. Don't think about anything now, please. Focus on recovering for themoment." Harper flashed him a firm smile. "Leave everything to me."


"Listen to me, Felton. I can't really help you rebuild your muscles, bones, and whatnot right now. Whenyou get better and can overcome the pain of doing that, I'd be able to help you. But before that, I'll go tosee Douglas first and ask if he is willing to cooperate with me," Harper continued.

"What if... he doesn't want to cooperate with you?"

"Then it's all up to how the Qin Clan handles things. If they still need him, he can live. If they don't wanthim, then I have to kill him."

And with that, Harper turned around and walked to the door. Felton was left wide-eyed and open-mouthed. It was obvious that Harper was telling the truth and that she really was intending on killingDouglas if the Qin Clan refused to cooperate.

But before she exited the room, Harper said, "By the way, I'll be asking Samuel to take care of you."Since Samuel had been serving Felton for a long time, it would reasonable to ask him to continueproviding him his services.

When Harper got out, Matthew, who was already waiting outside, immediately spoke. "Shall we...?"

"Go to Phoenix City?" Harper completed, her voice calm. "I'm very curious about the identity of theperson who tried to kill Rolando."

Matthew knew that Harper already had a suspect in mind. He also knew that she wanted to confirm it,so she wanted to go to Phoenix City.

They immediately made their way to the city on horseback. As soon as they arrived, they immediatelysaw Daphne wandering around. When she saw them, she immediately walked up to them and asked,"Where have you been? You didn't come back last night."

Harper was confused. "You wanted to see me last night?"

"Yes! Now, follow me to the lord's mansion!" Daphne urged.

"Something happened in the lord's mansion?" Harper asked in confusion and shock. "What could havehappened?"

Daphne looked around and lowered her voice. "My brother was seriously injured. The physician in themansion has no way to save him. I went to the inn to look for you, but you didn't return all night. I

guessed that you had something to do and were out of the city, so I waited at the city gate. I didn'texpect you to come back so late at noon."

"Darren was injured..." Harper was astonished. It was really a coincidence that they injured one of theassassins in black who attacked Rolando last night, and Darren was injured. But for some reason, shefelt this issue was a little weird. If the assassins were really sent by Darren, he wouldn't have allowedDaphne to come to her.

Harper looked at Matthew, and he merely comforted her with his eyes. 'Calm down. We would knowwhether it was Darren or not after we check it out.'

A black cloud hung over the city lord's mansion due to Darren's injuries. Every servant there walkedcautiously and quietly, for fear that they would offend the masters and thus, be punished.

Physicians were continuously going in and out of Darren's room. Everyone's face was unusuallyserious. It could be seen that he was hurt badly.

Daphne dragged Harper in and said, "Step aside, everyone."

Hearing Daphne's voice, the physicians made way for them. Then, they found a middle-aged mansitting on the bedside, whose face was full of worry. "Father, you're back," Daphne greeted.

The middle-aged man turned around and showed the vicissitudes of life on his handsome face. "Yes,where have you been?"

"I was looking for her for help." Daphne pulled Harper's arm and walked to the lord, Derrick Feng."Father, this is a good friend of mine and Darren's, Harper Chu. She is an excellent physician."

"Lord Derrick." Harper looked calm and glanced at Darren lying on the bed. His lips turned blue and ahidden weapon was thrust in his chest. The bleeding was stopped, but the hidden weapon hadn't been

pulled out.

"Please save my son." Derrick moved aside to let Harper check on Darren.

"Please open the window to let some fresh air come in. Also, this place is too crowded. Thoseirrelevant may leave now," Harper calmly ordered, stretching out her hand to check the hidden weaponpricked into Darren's chest.

"Please don't! Little Harper, there is poison on it." Daphne hurriedly reached out to stop her.

"It doesn't matter." Harper gave Daphne a reassuring look. Then she carefully checked the weapon onDarren's wound. The weapon was very special, and it was a lotus arrow. The wound was so deep thathe must be hit at a very short distance. However, the lotus arrow was extremely special, which wouldopen and hook the flesh and blood after stabbing the target, like a blooming lotus, so it was called lotusarrow. Others didn't dare to pull the arrow out because it was stabbed too deep. It would kill Darren ifanyone tried to draw it out without much caution.

"Little Harper, are you sure you can handle it?"

"Thirty percent sure. Because the wound is too close to his heart. Moreover, there is poison on it. Theonly thing I can do now is ensure that the poison won't cause his death, and then take out the weapon,"Harper explained to Daphne.

"It's all up to you. Darren wouldn't have any pity if he died after your treatment. You can treat him in anyway as you like." Daphne clenched her teeth, as if she had made up her mind.

She turned around with tears in her eyes. She and her brother had been supporting each other for somany years. She couldn't imagine what would happen to her if Darren died. The only thing she coulddo now was believe in Harper.

Harper took out a pill and fed Darren. The pill couldn't detoxify him, but would curb the poison in hisbody. Then she took out a set of sharp and tiny cutting tools. Derrick Feng took a glance at the toolswith surprise in his eyes, but it disappeared soon.

Leaning against the window, Matthew wasn't actually watching what was happening in the room, but infact, he paid close attention to Derrick Feng's expression. The worry on his face was sincere, but whenhe saw Harper's tools, his eyes lit up with surprise flashing, which didn't escape from Matthew's eyes.

Harper carefully cut off Darren's skin around the weapon with her scalpel, little by little, for fear ofcausing any damage to the blood vessel. She didn't dare to make any mistake. Taking out this kind ofweapon was a technical work, and any carelessness could break the blood vessel, which would causeDarren to die of massive hemorrhage.

Blood kept gushing out from Darren's body as his wound was cut by Harper. She wiped her hands,took out a red china bottle from her pocket, got two pills, and handed them to Daphne. "Melt them withwater and feed him."

"Okay." Daphne immediately poured half a cup of water, put the pills into it, and poured the waterdirectly into Darren's mouth as she grabbed his chin. Her gesture was rude, but cautious.

Harper concentrated on pulling out the weapon for Darren. The lotus arrow was divided into nine parts,and each of them would have countless small thorns. She had to be extremely careful before she couldtake out the weapon.

As time passed, people in the room tried to slow down their breaths, for fear of disturbing Harper. Ittook her four hours to take out the small lotus arrow. She cleaned the wound for Darren, appliedmedicine to it, and sewed the wound with catgut and a needle. She made each stitch with a knotskillfully, which was shocking, as if she had done this for thousands of times.

After taking care of Darren's wound, Harper carefully washed her hands. Then she turned to Daphneand Derrick Feng. "The wound has been attended to. The next step is to find a way to detoxify him.Daphne, do you know how Darren was injured and who hurt him?"

Daphne shook her head. "Darren was injured and came back alone. When I found him, he had fainted.I asked a physician to examine him at once, but he could do nothing. I then thought of looking for youfor help, but you were not there."

"When did you find Darren?" Harper asked. She and Matthew had badly injured the man in black at23:30 last night.

"It's about 1 o'clock. 1:15." Daphne thought about it carefully and then added, "Yes, it should be 1:15."

Harper and Matthew exchanged glances. The poison of Darren was a kind of Spiritual Poison, and itwas the same poison Harper had put in the man in black!

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