Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 942 You Are Just An Outsider (Part One)
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Chapter 942 You Are Just An Outsider (Part One)

Harper's sudden appearance surprised everyone in the Qin Clan. Their shock, however, exponentiallyincreased when they saw her riding beast: none other than the Holy Beast. It looked like as if theirfaces were drained of blood as it was the first time it was made known to them that she was actuallyable to tame the mythical animal.

"Your Highness, welcome. I am sorry that I wasn't able to come to greet you personally," Victoria saidapologetically as looked up at Harper, who was on the roof of her house. With a polite tone, shecontinued, "But, Your Highness, I am just wondering: why did you break into our house in the middle ofthe night?"

"Break into your house?" Harper sounded surprised and confused. "Don't you remember? You invitedme here!"

Victoria's face turned cold and grim. She almost forgot the fact that she sent Beth to invite Harper, butthe prince turned down Beth and even drove her out. 'But isn't it way too late? Why would she visit usin the middle of the night?' she thought, her brows knitted. She couldn't help but think that the princesshad malicious intentions against them.

"I see. But Your Highness, even though we have invited you, you should follow the rules. Don't youthink it's rather impolite for you to break into our house at midnight and desetroy our yard in theprocess?" As the head of the clan, Victoria knew she had to be the one doing this confrontation. "Or doyou think that you and your husband are so influential that you can just do whatever you want?"

"You are right. I really think I can do whatever I want," Harper calmly said, a soft smile forming on herlips. "Since your clan does whatever it wants, I think it's just fair that you all let me do whatever I want.It would be hypocritical if you don't, methinks."

"Your Highness, what do you mean?" Victoria replied.

"Don't play dumb, Victoria. I know you know what I mean," Harper said. In front of everyone, sheunbuttoned Felton's clothes and started performing the appropriate acupuncture treatment for him. "Ifsomething bad happens to this man, I swear to God, Victoria, I will make sure every member of yourclan pays," she said calmly.

"What an arrogant thing to say!" Victoria responded furiously, already losing her cool. "Have youforgotten? You're a part of this clan!"

"I don't think my surname reflects that," Harper replied, not even looking up from what she was doing.

"Your mother bore the surname, child!" Victoria responded firmly. "Felton is a part of the Qin Clan. Wedecide whether he lives or dies. An outsider like you do not have any say on that matter!"

"So now I'm just an outsider, with no say in any decisions made by this clan." Harper continued treatingFelton without looking up. She was so absorbed with what she was doing, as if no one else waspresent. "You all think I'm an outsider. How can I view myself as part of the Qin Clan?"

Victoria's face darkened. "Your Highness, please don't say such things."

Harper stopped talking to her and concentrated on curing Felton. If anyone tried to even approach her,the Holy Beast, Patrick, would at once attack him or her.

"Mother, Douglas was kidnapped!" Beth cried out as she rushed out of the room. There were woundsall over her body. The moment she quieted down, a figure suddenly appeared beside Harper,seemingly carrying a young man who was in a coma. This figure turned out to be Matthew.

"What the hell are you trying to do?" Victoria asked as her face completely became stone cold. The QinClan only had two grandsons. The elder grandson was Felton, who was born weak and was expectedto have a rather short lifespan; the younger one was Douglas who was in good health. Now, ifsomething bad happened to Douglas, the Qin Clan would essentially lose their only heir.

"Oh please. We're not 'trying to do anything'. But let me tell you this: remember what you did that oneday? This is just an equivalent. An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, as they say," Matthew repliednonchalantly. He then shoved Douglas' body to the side, with Douglas not reacting at all. Victoria wasvery worried about her grandson—with him being in hostage, she couldn't order their top ten elders tobesiege them.novelbin

What was worse was Harper wasn't showing any kind of weak point. The chief elder could notapproach her, let alone take action against her. Victoria's eyes then swept across the area quickly,looking at everyone present and noting that the appearance of the Holy Beast was indeed extremelydisadvantageous for them now. And given how skilled Matthew in martial arts, he would definitely bethere if Harper needed any kind of help or protection. If anyone made the wrong move against his wife,Victoria was sure that he would immediately slit his hostage's throat.

"Your Highnesses, if you don't mind, we can sit down and have a good talk. After all, the Qin Clan isalso your mother's family. It has helped you a lot over the years," Victoria proposed humbly as sheforced herself to calm down. She had to handle the situation carefully.

Matthew stood still and said nothing, while Harper took pains to rescue Felton. At that time, Felton wasin poor health and looked like a fragile porcelain doll that could be broken at any time. Harper didn'tdare to be careless and put all her attention to save her cousin.

As for Matthew, he was like a god, standing beside Harper to protect her. From time to time, he pokedat Patrick. The latter was dissatisfied with what he did, but it didn't dare to move for fear that any slightmovement would affect Harper. It just glared at Matthew furiously and posed a threat silently.

"Is that the Holy Beast?" the second elder of the Qin Clan asked, trembling.

Victoria knew the situation was unfavorable to her and her clan. Then, she said, "I don't think so. TheHoly Beast has disappeared for so many years. That one can't be the Holy Beast. Moreover, the Holy

Beast is responsible for guarding people of our Qin Clan. It's impossible for it to attack any of ourpeople."

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