Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 940 The Rescue At Night (Part One)
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Chapter 940 The Rescue At Night (Part One)

The guards of Phoenix City quickly arrived on the scene, further proving how heavily guarded the citywas. Instead of feeling relieved that they were coming, Daphne felt annoyed more than anything. Shefinally had a chance to show her strength, but the guards just had to spoil it for her!

Beth stepped aside and watched the drama unfold as Harper and the others came under attack. Butthe moment she realized that the assassins couldn't hurt Harper at all, a plan manifested inside herhead and she left quietly.

Unbeknownst to her, Harper saw her slipping away. Also unknown to her was the fact that someonewas right behind her, following her closely and secretly.

As the daughter of the old lord, Daphne was left to deal with what had happened while Harper andMatthew went back to the Joy Inn in silence. Everyone thought that they came to Phoenix City alone.Even the people of the Qin Clan thought they finally came upon a good opportunity to ambush them.They didn't know that they had their secret guards with them until the ambush took place.

"I never knew Harper is more than capable of fighting. It's highly probable that if we meet and engagein some kind of battle, the result will be a draw," Douglas, the second young master of the Qin Clan,flatly said.

"Master Douglas, don't you think that sending assassins to kill Princess Harper is not appropriate?"Steven Qin, the steward of the Qin Clan, one of Douglas' underlings, asked cautiously. Once PrincessHarper found out what they did, it would only be a matter of time she sent them something moresinister. She was a heartless lady after all, and was pretty unpredictable.

"If we are found out, I guess we can always put the blame on Darren. We can tell everyone that webusted his plan and lay it all on him. It should be easy, I guess," Douglas added.

"Do you think Princess Harper would believe all of that?" Steven Qin asked, genuinely surprised.'Princess Harper is not stupid. She and Darren are on good terms. How could she believe that Darrensent someone to assassinate her? Do you think Darren is a fool? And if he did want her dead, hewouldn't send anyone after her right now unless he wants to experience the wrath of the BrightDynasty!'

Everyone in the world knew that Prince Matthew was obsessed with his wife, so it only made sensethat he would be overprotective of her. One could beat, scold, frame him for all kinds of crime—hewouldn't care nor would he take it seriously. But he would waste no time if anyone dared lay a finger onhis wife.

"It doesn't matter if she believes it or not. As long as she finds out that we are involved, we can justplace the blame on Darren. You know, Harper would definitely find it difficult to ask Darren, a closeacquaintance, whether he really sent assassins after her or not," Douglas explained.

Steven Qin cast a glance at Douglas and sighed discreetly. If it were Felton, he would never do such astupid thing. However, the old lady Victoria had already given up on the wise Felton as his body wasalready too weak and he might die at any time soon. She then chose Douglas, a leader with a weaksense of strategy.

Steven Qin wasn't intending to say anything more. He would just do whatever Douglas asked him todo, because as a servant, he had no right to question the decisions his higher-up made. All their dutyentailed was to obey.

"Well, then. Let's go back home." After discovering Harper's true level of martial art competence,Douglas immediately wanted to discuss countermeasures. Now that they found out that Felton was ofno importance to Harper, they had to get rid of him. Although he was his elder brother, there was noneed for him to keep him, basically a useless person, in the Qin Clan.novelbin

That evening, Harper changed into one of her night suits. Just as she was preparing to leave, herhusband caught the corner of her eye: he was also dressed in a night suit, just like her. It turned outthey had the same idea.

"Somehow I just knew you'd be going to the Qin Clan's residence tonight. That's why I got readymyself! So, do you want to massacre everyone in there or shall we just blow the mansion up into tinylittle pieces?" Matthew asked as he looked Harper in the eye.

"Darling, how could you think of such a terrible thing? I just want to have a look around the base of theQin Clan, and that's all. But since I'm so helpless and weak, wouldn't you help me?" Harper asked,smiling sweetly.

Upon hearing that, Matthew couldn't help but roll his eyes. With a chuckle, he said, "All right, darling.Now let's go see what that Qin Clan is all about as they really had the audacity to offend and provokeus!"

Harper smiled awkwardly at that. To be fair, she was the only one the Qin Clan was trying to provokeand they really got into her nerves. But since she and Matthew were a couple, he apparently feltprovoked as well. 'Well, they also looked down on him,' Harper thought.

But before Harper and Matthew even arrived at the Qin Clan's residence, one secret guard had alreadygone through the entirety of the Qin Clan's base. Just after Beth went back to the base, he returnedand reported to his masters. The couple then went on their way straight to the Cloud Mountain with thesurrounding darkness effectively becoming their cover.

"One thing I admire about the Qin Clan is that they're smart. They knew that their base couldn't beerected in Phoenix City, so they put it on the outskirts. Their wise counsellors truly are their treasure.We can never underestimate them."

"Well, you know what kind of person Felton is. Only smart produces smart." Matthew and Harperpierced through the darkness and soon, they were already climbing to the peak of the CloudMountain.

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