Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 936 The Qin Clan’s Sudden Visit (Part Two)
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Chapter 936 The Qin Clan's Sudden Visit (Part Two)

"Don't be so formal with me, please. I think we are close enough to forgo all these polite remarks."Darren stretched out his hand and tried to rub Harper's head, but was stopped by Matthew at once.

"Behave yourself!" the protective husband demanded. As he shook off Darren's hand, a look of dangerfilled his eyes.

"Oh, I forgot. You're married, so you're no longer the little girl you used to be. I'll go back then. I will letyou know if I've come upon any news," Darren finally said, forcing a polite smile.

"Okay," Harper replied. She nodded her head quickly, hinting that Darren should run out as fast as hecould. An air of hostility was already running high in the air, an aura way different from what she sensedwhenever Zack was around. Matthew was on the guard against Darren somehow, and it showed on hisface every time Darren was near.

After Darren left, Harper looked at Matthew in confusion and asked, "Honey, why are you so hostiletowards him?"

"I don't like that man!" That was the only explanation Matthew gave amidst his fit of unhappiness. Hethen deepened his frown to further show his low opinion of her friend. But aside from that, he said nomore. This had embarrassed Harper a lot, to the extent that she found it hard to pick the right words tocontinue the topic, so she just started a new one. "Matthew, do you think that Rolando is here, in thePhoenix City?"

"No, I don't think so," Matthew answered firmly. "There are too many spies here in the Phoenix City. Ifhe sets foot in here, he might as well be thoroughly exposed, inviting everyone to find him. He won't bethat stupid. And even if he does slip inside, he will disguise himself as an ordinary person so that noone will be suspicious of him."

Harper nodded in agreement. Rolando was indeed a careful person. 'A persistent one, too,' shethought. He would not give up snatching the other half of the Sacred Seal from her, especially now thathe had the Heavenly Book and the other half of the seal. Rolando would do everything to find her andto get what he wanted from her.

But to Harper's surprise, instead of Rolando, it was a middle-aged woman who turned out to be amember of the long-hidden Qin Clan that came knocking on her door soon after Darren's visit.

"My name is Beth Qin, and I'm from the Qin Clan," the woman revealed, looking at Harper ratherindifferently.

Harper could not sense even the slightest friendliness from the woman in front of her. Actually, thewoman seemed to be defensive towards her, even though she was the one who came to them first.She and Matthew hadn't even started looking for the members of the clan.

"How is Felton?" asked Harper as she lifted her tea cup, blew on it, and sipped on it, "Is he all right?"

Beth Qin looked at Harper, and frowned the moment she noticed that her cold demeanor wasn'tcausing her to be alarmed. "He's fine," she replied, still indifferently.novelbin

"How are the children in the orphanage?" Harper then asked, without even looking at Beth Qin's face.For her, she was just a stranger. No matter what the Qin Clan wanted from her, it all depended onwhether she was willing to cooperate with them or not.

"Not bad." Looking at the calm and composed face of Harper, Beth Qin was quite unhappy. "LadyVictoria wants to see you."

Harper finally raised her head and asked the woman, "Who are you talking about?"

"Victoria, your grandmother." Beth Qin was frowning with a darkened face, showing no intention to hideher dissatisfaction. For all these years, they had helped Harper a lot. Now it was time for the girl torepay them.

"But my grandmother died 20 years ago," Harper said indifferently. No one escaped from the disasterback in the imperial capital, except her herself. The old lady this woman mentioned couldn't be hergrandmother.

The middle-aged woman didn't expect that Harper would react like this. Normally, one should be happyto hear that his or her grandmother was still alive. Why was Harper still so calm hearing the news?

"Victoria is our lord's concubine."

"Then whoever you are talking about is not my grandmother." Harper put down her tea cup and asked,"With due respect, is that all you want to say coming all this way to find me? If that is everything, thenyou may leave now," Harper demanded in a casual air.

"What did you say, Harper Chu? Don't forget that you are a member of the Qin Clan!" Beth Qin said inan angry voice. She had come and invited Harper in person, but this girl had gone too far as to be thisunappreciative.

With a forced sneer, Harper looked at the woman and said, "Beth, it seems to me you know that myname is Harper Chu now. So you must have also realized that my family name is Chu, not Qin."

"You..." Beth Qin stretched out her finger and pointed at Harper, trembling with fury. In the past, noneother than Felton in the clan had ever contacted with Harper. Harper was only a name mentionedsometimes to most of them. But she didn't expect that after Harper had gained her current position,with their help of course, she would just turn her back on the whole clan. This was outrageous!

"So, are you trying to deny that you are a member of the Qin Clan?" she asked Harper again forconfirmation.

"Have you and your clan ever considered me as a member of you?" Harper asked in reply. For allthese years, she had met only a few people of the Qin Clan. Other than Felton, his servants, andpeople in the orphanage, she had only heard about other few members. But she didn't know too muchabout them, to tell the truth. It was fair to say that she didn't know how big the clan was, and how manypeople were there. Now, Felton disappeared out of thin air, so did the children of the orphanage. And atthis point, the clan sent someone to summon her. It was inevitable that she felt she was beingthreatened with the safety of Felton and those children.

Beth Qin blurted out, "Of course, without the help of our whole clan, you wouldn't have gained what youhave in hand today! Don't be so ungrateful!"

Hearing this, Harper was pissed off and laughed out loud. The woman in front of her claimed that theQin Clan had helped her a lot in the past years. But for all she knew, they had only told her someinformation and asked her to find a way to help them get rid of the influence of the spiritual power. Theyhad never helped her in any way other than that.

"Let me make it clear today. If the clan wants to see me, fine. Send Felton to invite me. Otherwise, whoknows whether you are from the Qin Clan or not? Now, security, come and see this lady out!" Withouthesitation, Harper drove the woman away. She was not fond of, or interested in anyone from the QinClan except for Felton!

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