Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 916 Assassination On A Stormy Night (Part Two)
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Chapter 916 Assassination On A Stormy Night (Part Two)

"You have no idea who exactly they are?"

"Not at all," Felton said nonchalantly. "Before they attack, you'd better leave as soon as possible."

Shawn pulled out a chair, with a sword in his hand, and sat facing the door. "When Harper left, sheasked me to take good care of you. I've sent someone to ask my people to be here, and I'll stay herewith you before the support come."

"They are not easy to deal with. Their internal force seems quite strong. They all should be highlyskilled. The guards here can't fight against the assassins outside," Felton said with a frown. "If youleave now, there's still time for you to leave safely."

"Felton, you underestimated me. I'm not afraid of death," Shawn said indifferently. "What's more, ifsomething bad happens to you under my watch, I will be too ashamed to meet Harper."

Hearing that, Felton smiled faintly and no longer drove Shawn away. He didn't fear no matter how manypeople were outside. The Qin Clan had been in silence for twenty years. So, they wouldn't keep silentany more. If the people hiding in the dark still thought that the people of the Qin Clan were easy tobully, they would be totally wrong.

As Felton continued to play, the melody was no longer low and depressing, but melodious, jubilant andloud. From now on, Qin Clan didn't need to hide anymore. So, he ordered, "Arrange the array towelcome the guests tonight."

There were not only Felton, Shawn and Mathias in the courtyard. Most of the secret guars of the QinClan were hiding in the dark. As soon as the assassins entered the courtyard, they fell into the array.Thus, Felton chatted happily with Shawn while looking at the assassins struggling in the array.

"Shawn, you know what? I've been waiting for this moment for a long time." With an indescribablesense of relief on his face, Felton felt like he had waited too long for this day.

Shawn then nodded and asked, "You are from the Qin Clan in the imperial capital, right?"

"Yes, that's right. My mother and Harper's mother are sisters," Felton admitted frankly. "From now on,the Qin Clan doesn't need to hide anymore."

Shawn understood what he meant. The Qin clan had been under siege of the four kingdoms and only afew people survived. Harper survived because of the protection of the Chu Clan. As for the rest whocould survive, most of them were from the collateral branches of the Qin Clan.

"I'm glad to hear that." Shawn looked relaxed.

"Why do you say that?"

"Because what you said proves that she is safe and sound," Shawn said slowly. "I haven't had achance to return her a favor after she saved me that year. Now that there is a chance, I won't miss it."

Felton laughed. The melody he was playing suddenly became murderous. It pierced into the ears of theassassins trapped in the array, making them feel uncomfortable and hallucinate. Not everyone couldresist the attacking power of the melody.

Shawn, sitting next to Felton, was also disturbed by the melody. Seeing this, Felton immediatelypricked at Shawn's two acupoints, blocking his hearing. In this way, Shawn wouldn't get hurt or had awrong circulation of the energy inside his body after he listened to the music for a long time.

During the night, the rain didn't stop and no one knew that the blood on both sides of the alley hadbeen washed clean by the rain, and the dead bodies were dragged away and buried. When it was

dawn, the rain stopped. Felton leaned back on the chair tiredly. Shawn looked tired too. The yard wasas clean as the early morning sky, clean and clear, without any bloodstain.

"It's dawn."novelbin

"Yeah, it's dawn," Shawn said slowly as he looked at the rising sun. "It's a good day today. I should goback. If Rolando comes here, I'm afraid he won't slow down his attacks on the Dragon Pass. If theDragon Pass was conquered, you should leave here in advance."

"What? Do you want to guard the Dragon Pass until the last moment of your life?"

"His Majesty and Prince Matthew trust me and asked me to guard the Dragon Pass. Of course, I willshare life and death with the soldiers and people of the Dragon Pass, but you don't have to do that,"Shawn said. Then, he stood up and was about to walked out. "Felton, take care," he added.

Seeing Shawn striding out of the yard, Felton smiled and said, "Don't worry. The Dragon Pass will befine. I have sent the new batch of explosives to your mansion."

Shawn stopped, smiled helplessly and said, "Felton, thank you. But I don't want to use the explosivesfor the time being. On one hand, the leaders in the army are too dependent on weapons, and theybecome overconfident. On the other hand, during the battle between the two armies, it's better if Iinterweave the true information of my army with the false information to confuse the enemies. If I showall my cards at once, what should I do later?"

Instead of answering Shawn, Felton just watched him leave. He finally understood why the Harperwould have chosen Shawn to guard the Dragon Pass. She was right. This man was the most suitablecandidate.

"Mathias," Felton called abruptly.

Mathias showed up at once and replied, "Master." Felton asked at once, "When will the reinforcementsof the imperial capital arrive?"

"It is General Maxwell that comes to support this time. After a rough calculation, I think they will arrivein three days," Mathias answered after thinking for a while. "I guess Marquis Shawn should be able toresist the enemies for another three days."

"Three days? I am not sure about that. Shawn and his army may still need hang on three days. Yet, ifthat people arrives to help, it will be no problem for Shawn to hold on to the days when Matthewarrives, let alone three days," Felton said with a faint smile. "Inform our people to get ready to welcomethe leader of our clan. It's time for us to take action now."

"Yes, master."

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