Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 47 Self-conceited
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Chapter 47 Self-conceited

Felicia was supposed to be Hansen's future wife, but he had abandoned her. Not only did he break offthe engagement, but he had also sent over a letter announcing divorce. She had become a divorceebefore she was even called a wife. At that point, her reputation was ruined.

Yvonne's reputation succeeded itself from just being a concubine's daughter to being a daughter ofCharles' wife. She became Hansen's fiancee now and would become his wife. Carrie was nowtemporarily managing the domestic affairs of the mansion, enjoying the fame and prestige that camewith the title. Not only that, but she was also doing everything in her power to bring more goods toYvonne's house.

Nina and Anabel returned the next day. When they heard of the events that had unfolded in themansion, Anabel was the first one to react. "My Lady, you've helped Yvonne so much, and she didn'teven visit you to express her thanks. Doesn't she know that she wouldn't have become your mother'sdaughter and His Highness's fiancee if not because of you?" she harshly whispered, scowling at thethought.

Harper glanced at her. "Have you forgotten what I've told you?"

Anabel paled at her reprimanding words. Never criticize a lady in the mansion behind her back—agolden rule that Harper had stressed. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said that."

"Yvonne has just become His Highness's future wife. It's understandable that she forgot to come andvisit me. As the temporary hostess for the family, Carrie's also rushing back and forth the mansion, soshe also doesn't have any time to spare." Harper played with the zither. "Don't be too talkative, Anabel.Others might misinterpret you."

Although Anabel was not convinced, she knew of Harper's short temper. "I just think it's unfair."

"But I'm okay with that." Harper continued to play, its enchanting music echoing throughout thehallways. The two maids sat and swayed their heads to the melody. Though they thought Harper waswronged, they found that they couldn't say anything more. Being just two maids, they didn't really havemuch of a say in these household matters.

Ever since Carrie reigned over the family affairs, she got a taste of power. Everything was going to herliking. Felicia was beaten and locked in the ancestral hall. Sue had been so busy assisting Felicia thatshe had no time to go against Carrie. And now that Carrie was the hostess, she could do everything inher power to support Yvonne. She was over the moon!

"Mother, have you visited Harper?" Yvonne asked casually as she gingerly took a bite of the bird's nestsoup.

"Why should I?" Carrie said indifferently. "I'm in charge of the mansion now, so we don't have to pleaseher anymore."

"Shouldn't we thank her? I mean, without her, I wouldn't have become a daughter of Father's wife orHis Highness's fiancee," Yvonne said, shrugging. Though she brought it up, she couldn't care less ifthey'd thank her or not. In her eyes, Harper was doing all of these to suck up to her because sheneeded her in the future.

"Fine. I'll send someone with some gifts to thank her." Carrie tugged her food with a fork. "A hostess isreally so different from the others. Back then, we didn't have the right to eat such food. That bitch Sueused to feed her brats with best food. Now look where she and her bastards are now."

Yvonne shot her a warning look. "Don't say that. Someone else might overhear." She wiped her mouth."After I give birth to my first son and stabilize my position in Prince Kevin's mansion, I will ask HisHighness to put pressure on my father and make him take you as his wife. That way, you'd be in amuch higher position compared to Sue."

"I always know you are promising." Carrie smirked. If she became Charles' wife, she'd make Sue rot inthe hall with Felicia. Even Harper, the daughter of Charles' late wife, could do nothing to her then!novelbin

Yvonne was now Hansen's fiancee instead of his future concubine. Because of this, Charles provided ahouse for her to live alone called Grace House. After Carrie had left the house, she bumped intoHarper in the backyard garden.

Carrie blinked in surprise, approaching her with the maid in tail. "Harper, what a surprise. Are you outon a walk?"

"Lady Carrie," Harper greeted her. "You look happy."

Hearing that, Carrie touched the golden hairpin on her head and smiled. "Oh, Charles has asked me tomanage the household affairs, and Yvonne's wedding date is approaching! Unlike you, I don't have theluxury of spare time."

Harper narrowed her eyes. "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing. It's just that with everything getting so hectic, it's my priority to take care of Yvonne now sinceshe is to wed His Highness. Please don't take it to heart. We just don't have time to visit you," Carriesaid indifferently. "Well, I guess there is no bird's nest at your residence. I'll ask someone to send someto you later."

"Well, thank you, Lady Carrie." Harper didn't even throw a smile on her way, but rolled her eyes at thehypocritical expression Carrie had plastered on her face. As expected, Carrie had gottendisappointingly arrogant in her position. Sue had been in the mansion for years, studying and buildingthe place up as it was. If she wasn't too busy taking care of her daughter, Carrie would've already beensix feet under for daring to go against them.

"I'll leave now, much to do! Enjoy yourself, Harper." Carrie swayed her hips as she turned.

As Carrie's back disappeared in the distance, Harper tilted her head. "Be careful, Lady Carrie," shecalled. "Your legs might get injured if you walk too fast. Father only wants you to take care of themansion temporarily."

"What are you trying to say?" Carrie whirled around and stalked towards her. She poked her finger onHarper's nose.

Harper looked at the finger pointing at her nose and said, "I just remind you of what you said, LadyCarrie."

"What did I say?" Carrie placed her other hand on her waist and cocked her hips. "I tell you now girl, ifyou didn't offer my daughter to be recorded under your mother's name, you wouldn't be eating bird'snest soup. Harper, you should start remembering where you stand."

Harper scoffed. She stretched out her arm, grabbed Carrie's hand, and twisted it right in front of her.Carrie's scream could knock over the roof of their mansion.

Harper took out a handkerchief and wiped her hands in disgust. "I think it's you who should rememberyour place. You're just a concubine, and I'm the daughter of Father's wife. If you dare disrespect meagain, Lady Carrie, I'll have to start taking offense."

She left Carrie with her imagination on what she could do with her, heading to Peony House with Nina.Harper didn't care of teaching her a lesson. Besides, Charles was never that fond of Carrie. In his eyes,she was vulgar and ignorant. She was not fit for handling the clan's affairs in the long run.

Nina, however, was already jumping in joy the moment she saw Harper fight back. "My Lady, it's reallyunnecessary for you to do it yourself."

"Maybe I'll ask you to do it for me next time." Harper's lips curved. "Do not tell any of this to Grandma."

"My Lady, please rest assured. My lips are sealed."

Mavis had sprained her waist after being pushed by Felicia. Now, she spent most of her days lying inbed. Every day, Harper would come in her room and give her the needle treatment and massage toquicken the healing rate. Now, she was late. Annie, confused as to why, decided to ask another maid inprivate.

"Grandma, I'm sorry for being late. It won't happen again." Harper kept her head bowed as she rushedinto her grandmother's room, quickly massaging her points to release the pressure.

"It has been a bit of a mess in the mansion recently. You have been wronged." Mavis was powerlesswith what had happened in the mansion. "Don't put Felicia's mistake close to heart; the girl wasn'tthinking! It's Sue's fault for not setting a good enough example."

"Grandma, I won't be mad at Felicia, but I'm afraid that if she gets out, she might get back at Yvonne.You've heard what Princess Kate said the other day. If anything happens to Yvonne and her baby, theremight be conflicts between the Chu Clan mansion and Prince Kevin's mansion," Harper comforted,implying that Felicia shouldn't be released until Yvonne got married.

"That's true, but Felicia is badly beaten. She's too weak and might need time to heal herself. Sue hasalready pleaded your father, so he wants to let her out." Mavis rubbed her forehead. Though she neverreally liked Sue and Felicia, it seemed as if she had absolutely no say in this matter. Sue was lucky tohave given birth to Charles' son, or else Mavis would've already found a way to kick her out.

"Grandma, since Father asked, we can tell the servants to move Felicia out of the ancestral hall andjust lock her in Splendor House. That way, Felicia would be more comfortable in her house. Plus it'smore convenient for Mother to take care of her." Harper was calm, careful to not show any anger orannoyance with her words. Mavis stared at her for a very long time before nodding her head.

"Well, we'll do as you say. Tell Felicia to stay in Splendor House and reflect on her mistakes. She's stillnot allowed to be released from her residence. Also tell the servants to take good care of Yvonne. Wemustn't make any mistakes." Mavis was afraid of something happening to Yvonne during thepregnancy. She was still in the Chu Clan mansion, and was in their responsibility. If something were tohappen to either her or her baby, it would affect their relationship with Prince Kevin and could threatenCharles' future.

"Yes, Grandma."

Harper rubbed Mavis' back and handed her the medicine. After a few minutes of making sure thateverything was in shape, she left the room. Mavis watched her, musing to herself. "She's morereserved, isn't she? Sometimes, I just can't see through her."

"My Lady, it's good that Lady Harper is reserved. The Imperial Palace isn't the same as the Chu Clanmansion, and there are too many snakes there. If she were more transparent, she'd be dead beforeshe could even step foot in the Imperial Palace. This change can be a good thing for her." Annie pattedMavis' legs. "Lady Harper came in late today, so I was curious on her whereabouts. When I askedaround, I was told that Lady Carrie stopped Lady Harper on the way and acted out. Lady Harperscolded her accordingly."

"She is a fool!" Mavis turned bright red at the thought of Carrie even approaching Harper. "ThoughSue's vicious herself, she always knows how to act on the surface. Carrie's a fool for barging in out-of-place. If it weren't for Harper, her daughter would've never been His Highness's fiancee She wishes!The ungrateful wench!"

"Well, she was from a more ordinary family." Annie smiled. "Now that her daughter's soaring up theranks, she thinks she's better than anyone else."

"You can remind her of her position."

"Yes, My Lady."

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