Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 898 Harmony Palace Is On Fire (Part Two)
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Chapter 898 Harmony Palace Is On Fire (Part Two)

"Is it done? If so, let's go!"

Fred glanced at the simple mechanism that Harper set and thought, 'Her Highness is so smart andterrifying. She truly would destroy the Harmony Palace so that Rolando will be unable to find us, as thefire will cover up our traces, making it more difficult for Rolando to find us!'

"Let's go!" With his arms around Harper's waist, Matthew jumped into the hole they had dugbeforehand. Any trace left behind was swept by Fred before he disappeared.

Rolando and his officials were discussing the details of tomorrow's coronation ceremony for theempress when Harper and Matthew escaped the Harmony Palace. With him making sure that theHarmony Palace was heavily guarded and that no one could break in or escape, Rolando felt securethat no unprecedented thing would happen. He was sure that Matthew would deem a rescueimpossible and that he wouldn't have any choice but to try his luck at tomorrow's ceremony. Because ofthat, he knew that he must prepare in advance not only to make sure that the ceremony would becomea success, but also to secure that Matthew would not return home alive.

"Your Majesty, everything is ready. Do you have anything else to add?" Miguel asked, his face a bitpale. He felt that more things had happened in the last two days than what had happened in the pastfive years.

Rolando thought it over and said, "Tomorrow, the city gates should not be opened. No one is allowed toleave the capital."

Miguel nodded, understanding why Rolando would order such a thing. If Matthew were to destroy theceremony tomorrow and run away with Harper, the two of them wouldn't be able to leave the ImperialCapital with the gates closed and guarded. Rolando could order his army to search every corner of thecity to find Matthew, killing him the moment he found him.

"I am on it," Miguel said, preparing to leave. When he reached the entrance, however, he stopped andturned around. "Your Majesty, what are you going to do with Lady Lilian?" he asked.

"When did I ever give her title?" Rolando asked, sounding confused yet uninterested. He had neverclearly stated that he gave her any title, but the people started calling her Lady Lilian anyway.

Miguel turned around and looked at the emperor in disbelief. "Your Majesty, didn't you acquiesce in hertitle?"

"I don't remember, and honestly, I don't care," Rolando responded in a cold voice. "Miguel, didn't youadvise me to not act rashly and ruin our kingdom for women? What is this that you're doing? Why doesit feel like you're willing to ruin all of our plans just for some woman?"

Miguel opened his mouth to argue back, but he couldn't find the words to say. At this point, it was clearthat the emperor loved Harper so much and that he would never let her leave him. But initially, theirplans included her just because they figured out that she was a key part if they wanted to succeed.What they failed to consider was human emotions: Rolando fell in love with Harper as he becamecloser to her. Still, it didn't affect their plans.

"I understand my duty," Miguel finally said, conceding to Rolando.

Rolando put down the report of the officials that was in his hand and said, "I know you do, but it's goodto know that you understand. Don't forget: tomorrow will change everything! I feel like I should go toHarmony Palace to help guard it. Although most of our forces are already there, Matthew is notsomeone who will give up easily. I wouldn't feel at ease until I guard Harper myself."

"I understand. With that, Your Majesty, I'm off to fulfill your orders." Miguel took three steps back, turnedaround and walked out. Just as he reached the door, he saw Sean running in quickly and anxiously.

"Your Majesty! Bad news! Harmony Palace is on fire!"

"What?" Rolando and Miguel exclaimed at the same time, shocked. Without a moment to lose, Rolandobolted out towards the Harmony Palace as fast as he could, Miguel close behind him. The two of themwere having the same doubts: was the fire an accident, or did someone deliberately start it? If it wasdeliberately done, who did it? Was it Matthew?

The guards were at a loss outside the Harmony Palace. When Rolando arrived, they were still staringat the burning building, slack-jawed. Rolando snarled, "Put out the goddamn fire! Why are still standinghere?"

"Your Majesty! An array has been set up inside the palace. We can't go in!" Fernando's face lookedgrim. He tried several times to break in, but to no avail. The magic array in the yard was so powerfulthat the guards couldn't even get anywhere near it. The fire in the palace was getting bigger and bigger,but they could do nothing.novelbin

Rolando pushed Fernando out of the way to enter the palace, but he was stopped by Miguel. "YourMajesty, you can't just go in. The fire has already gotten too big!"

"Get out of my way," Rolando hissed. He forcefully pushed Miguel out of the way and went ahead toenter the palace. The array set by Harper could successfully block the secret guards and guardsoutside, but for people like Rolando, it wasn't a big deal. Rolando then stepped into the array like it wasnothing. Miguel followed him, as he was afraid that something bad might happen to him.

Only after the two broke the array did they realize how strong the fire was. Despite it seeming like therewas no way for them to stop it, Rolando insisted on going in. As Miguel knew that once Rolando set hismind on something, he wouldn't be able to stop him. Thus, he just bit the bullet and followed hisemperor inside.

"Harper, Harper, where are you?" Rolando shouted out as he rushed into the sea of flame. As herushed towards Harper's room, Miguel carefully examined everything in his way before the fire

devoured everything. Between the array outside the hall and the fire currently raging in the HarmonyPalace, it seemed like someone wanted to kill Harper.

"Where are the maids and eunuchs here?" Miguel asked in confusion. The palace was on fire, butwhere did the maids and eunuchs go? He hadn't come across a body after his entrance, which hefound extremely strange considering the level of the fire.

Rolando continued to look for Harper despite the roaring fire but found nothing. Just then, a beam onfire collapsed. It took Rolando by surprise, and if it were not for Miguel pushing him away quickly, hewould have been badly injured. "Your Majesty, let's get out of here! No one is here, even the maids andeunuchs! This didn't happen by accident—Harper Chu must have escaped!"

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