Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 817 Prejudice (Part One)
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Chapter 817 Prejudice (Part One)

At that time, the entire Travis' mansion was extraordinarily quiet. While Travis himself remained silent,his wife, Hannah looked very serious. They were taken aback by the fact that Shawn suddenly arrived,taking Wendy back from the south region.

"Shawn, do you know that Wendy..." Hannah wanted to say something but she hesitated. After all, thiswas her biological daughter that they were speaking of. As her mother, she had always been aware ofwhat was on Wendy's mind. If it was not for her weak physical state, she would have competed withHarper. Now, she was being forced to bow her head and ask Harper to cure her. Because of this, shewas afraid that Wendy wouldn't accept the treatment.

"Father, Mother, I just told you that I had already agreed to let Princess Harper cure Wendy. Wendy'scondition is getting worse and worse by the day. Let's not lie to each other. For a long time, I know thatall of us have been thinking about the same thing. We must do something. And right now, this once in alifetime chance is being laid out in front of us. We can't waste any more time. If we just wait here andargue with each other, she's going to die. Harper said that there's an 80% chance that Wendy will becured. I really think that we should give it a try," Shawn insisted. He also knew what kind of a person hissister was. But when it came to her own life, he couldn't save her if she didn't want to stay alive.

Initially, Hannah was against the idea. But when she heard what Shawn said, she fell into silence. If herdaughter had a chance to survive and live like a normal person, then she was willing to give it a shot.But would Wendy agree to it?

"I understand what you're saying, but I'm afraid Wendy won't agree to it."

"If she dies, she will have nothing. But if she can live, she can have everything." While Shawn wasspeaking, his attention was veered to the door. He saw a figure which seemingly left in an instant. Heknew then that Wendy was eavesdropping outside. But he wasn't alarmed because when he said those

words, he spoke very loudly on purpose so that Wendy could hear him. If she died, all her wishes andhopes would be in vain. On the contrary, everything would be possible if she could survive.

"Then allow Harper to cure her. Is she asking for anything in return?" Travis finally spoke although hewas a little uneasy.

After all, the people from Prince Matthew's mansion were not easy to deal with. Harper offered to cureWendy so she must have some other purpose for doing so. He was worried that they couldn't affordsuch a price.

"No, she isn't." It was just three simple words, but it made Travis look like a villain who misjudged adecent and innocent people. For a moment, he was petrified.

"S-she's not asking for anything?" Hannah also found it hard to believe. In the past few years, they hadvisited a lot of famous physicians all over the country. They had even asked the late emperor to offer areward in order to find somebody who could cure Wendy. Unfortunately, there was no one who becamesuccessful in doing so. Now, Harper was claiming that she found a way to cure Wendy. But the mostsurprising thing was that she wasn't asking for anything in return at all.

It wasn't that Hannah was worried about Harper's abilities, but she had some other doubts. "As far as Iknow, you begged for her help before. She said she couldn't cure Wendy. Why is she saying that shecan do it now?"

Shawn frowned a little. "She went to the South Kingdom and entered the Labyrinth Swamp."

Travis stood up in shock and then slowly sat down. "Did she acquire the medicine that can cure Wendyfrom the Labyrinth Swamp?"

Shawn nodded and said, "Actually, she almost died several times when she went to the SouthKingdom. At that time, she was forced to enter the Labyrinth Swamp, but she had enough concern tonovelbin

think about Wendy's disease..."

Travis heaved a sigh. For all the time, they weren't fond of Matthew's family, not only because he wasintimidating and cold-hearted, but also because Harper was from the Chu Clan, which didn't have agood reputation themselves. The former prime minister, Charles was extremely greedy for profits.Howard was vicious, ruthless, treacherous, and rebellious. In their opinion, Harper, the daughter ofCharles' late wife, had an extremely bad reputation. Travis had even prevented his son from beingfriends with her.

"But even if we want the best for Wendy, it's still not wise to deal with the Chu Clan," Travis helplesslysaid.

"Father, have you forgotten that the Chu Clan had already been destroyed? At this moment, only two oftheir children are left. Their influence and power are significantly weaker than before," Shawn lightlysaid.

"Princess Harper —" Travis tried to respond but Shawn cut him off.

"Princess Harper is Prince Matthew's wife now. Don't forget that. If she has any evil intention and it isn'twise to be associated with her, do you think that the current emperor would have succeeded to thethrone today?" Shawn thought his father was really getting old now, as he wasn't as smart as before tosee through people. If it was true that Harper was a bad person, the emperor would by no meansascend the throne.

"That's because Prince Matthew —"

"Yes, he's powerful. And everything that his wife wants, including the throne, he would turn the worldjust to give it to her," Shawn casually said, without thinking that his words were not appropriate.

Travis was so furious that his eyes were fuming with rage. He wanted to scold his son, but afterthinking about it, he realized that Shawn had a point. Indeed, the Bu Clan was full of cunning people.But for some reason, they had become fond of Harper. If she was a wretched person, they wouldn'thave protected her all this time.

"If Princess Harper had asked for anything in return, it would have been a relief for us. But she didn't.So I'm just afraid..." Travis was quite worried. After all, what Harper would do for them was a greatfavor. If for example, Matthew were to threaten Shawn into doing something that was against theirmorality, how could they refuse?

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