Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 796 Scheming And Shrewd Sisters (Part Two)
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Chapter 796 Scheming And Shrewd Sisters (Part Two)

"You are right," Diana said, heaving a deep sigh. She recalled what Harper had said to comfort herearlier. Her words sounded harsher than that of Howard's. In fact, Harper didn't comfort people. Rather,she used her words for provoking and goading people into action. And her tactics were effective. Dianaremembered how Harper's words had pushed her out of the lull where she had almost accepted herfate to be killed by her sister. Had it not been for Harper, that day, Diana would have died in theLabyrinth Swamp rather than being here at the moment.

"After I bring peace back to the South Kingdom, I will follow her," Diana declared in a determined tone."I have so much to learn from her. I strongly believe that staying with her is incredibly beneficial for me."

"Only if she is willing to take you with her. It's not so easy to have your way with Harper, you see,"Howard reminded her calmly. Then he teased her, "Judging from your intelligence quotient, I don't thinkshe will be willing to take you with her."

"Howard Chu, what do you mean?" Diana asked, rolling up her sleeves. "Do you want to get into a fightwith me?"

Howard raised his eyebrows and turned to go outward, without saying anything to Diana. He wasaware that this time was not for reveling in such useless conversations. After Diana's secret visit to theroyal palace to see her father today, Catherine would not simply sit idle. Even if she had no evidence ofDiana's presence in the South Kingdom, she must have sent her people all around the city by now tofind the intruder. Howard was aware that they had to be vigilant.

Diana was initially taken aback and rather angered by Howard's turning his back and walking out. Butlater on, she realized that Howard had gone out to look for something in the yard. Howard'sintuitiveness, sincerity, and care in dealing with the situation impressed Diana very much.

Diana followed him to the yard. After a while, Howard nodded his head with satisfaction after he goteverything ready. He looked at Diana and said, "Let's go out of the capital city."

"Out of the capital city? Why?" Diana asked, looking startled by Howard's words. "Why should we goout of the capital at this time?"

"We can't be so complacent at this stage. Catherine is far more dangerous than you think. She hadbeen hiding her real self for ten years only to achieve her goal. Then you can imagine how shrewd andscheming a person she can be. It will not take her a long time to find out that you are still alive andhave also returned to the South Kingdom. She will surely rummage the whole capital to search for you.Since your father refuses to write the royal edict to appoint her as the heir to the throne, she wouldhave no choice but to get the royal jade seal from you."

Diana listened to Howard's explanation and once again her heart trembled with fear and pain for shewas being targeted by her own sister. Was Catherine really so smart and crooked? "How could it bepossible? I don't think Catherine can infer that I am still alive," said Diana.novelbin

"But we can't take the risk! Make haste. We don't have much time," Howard decisively said. "Let's leavethis place as soon as possible. I've set up traps here. It will be okay if Catherine doesn't come here. Buteven if she comes or sends her men here to find you, she won't be able to come in easily."

"But what did you do?" Diana asked as she wriggled out through the window.

"I have just set up some tricks. Come, let's make a move now. We have to go out of the capital as soonas possible," Howard said, grasping Diana's hand who was about to walk to the yard. "Just follow me ifyou don't want to get injured. Otherwise, I won't save you if you step into the traps." After that, Howardheld her and led her through a very narrow passage.

Diana pouted her lips and obediently followed Howard to walk outward. Although she didn't believe thatCatherine could guess that she was still alive, she couldn't take the risk by staying here. She couldn'tafford to get caught by Catherine before Harper arrived.

Just when Diana and Howard left the capital, Harper and Matthew entered it. Just as planned, Dianahad arrived only one day prior to Harper and Matthew's arrival to the city.

As soon as they arrived in the South Kingdom, Harper and Matthew sneaked into the capital city. Andas soon as Matthew set his foot in the capital, the news reached Catherine immediately.

"He is here!" said Catherine. Her eyes lit up with a spark of joy and her face broke into a complacentsmile. She sprang up from her seat and said, "You guys carry on with your search and I'll go to seehim."

"Yes, Your Grace," the informer replied. Then he bowed in front of her and left.

As Catherine reached within the vicinity of Harper and Matthew, Harper had a gut feeling that theremust be something on Matthew's body that made Catherine know that he had entered the capital city.Yet, she did not know what it was.

"I am leaving now," Harper said in a low voice.

"You be careful," Matthew said slowly. 'How could Catherine get a sniff of my presence so easily?' Itwas important for him to find that out. But before that, he and Harper had to separate their paths andcarry on with the course of action separately.

Harper nodded and disappeared in the darkness of the night. Fred followed her to protect her. As Fredfollowed Harper through the narrow alleys of the capital city, his face twitched at the thought of his task.Did Harper need his protection at all? In her current capacity, she was completely equipped to takedown an army single-handed.

Fred missed the time when Harper had been feeble. But even at that time, she had a very strong mind.Over time, her strength reached a paranormal level. After all, she had brought a group of people out ofthe Labyrinth Swamp. That was certainly no feat for a person with normal capacities.

"Your Highness, where are we going right now?" This was for the first time that Fred had asked Harperafter they separated from Matthew.

Harper stopped at the edge of the narrow passage that they had been walking through. She turned toFred and explained in a low voice, "Right now, we are heading towards the royal palace. First, we needto assess the situation over there. At the moment, Catherine is not in the palace and I think I shouldtake this opportunity to go to the royal palace and visit Lance."

Fred nodded and continued to follow Harper silently. The twelve secret guards had been followingHarper secretly since they came out of the Labyrinth Swamp. Fred had always been much strongerand more powerful than the twelve secret guards. But now, he can't even make out their presencearound him and Harper as they made their way through the rarely frequented lanes of the capital city.Their strength had improved remarkably after their return from the Labyrinth Swamp.

Fred could not help but feel jealous of the twelve secret guards for their enhanced skills and power. Infact, he regretted not having followed Harper into the Labyrinth Swamp. If he did, he would also haveencountered so many interesting things. Unfortunately, he had followed Matthew to assist him at theBirch Pass at that time.

The unpleasantness on Fred's face could not evade Harper's eyes. "Fred, you seem to have too muchresentment about something. Have I done anything that makes you unhappy?" Harper asked with asmile while slowing down her pace

Fred's face slightly changed. "I'm just envious of them. After their trip to the Labyrinth Swamp, even Ican't feel their existence. I believe that they must have encountered some sort of lucky opportunities inthe Labyrinth Swamp that helped them improve their strength exponentially."

"It's nothing as such. And you certainly need not enter the Labyrinth Swamp for that. If you can controlthe power in your body that excites you, you can also improve your strength by a level or even more

than them," Harper said gently. "I know you feel empowered when you are excited. But that is the timewhen you even have a risk of harming your companions as well. But if you can control yourself, you'llwin."

Fred looked at Harper in surprise. A glimmer of hope played in his eyes. "Can I control it?" he asked.

"Of course you can. As long as your strength is out of your control, it is like a double-edged sword thatnot only hurts your enemy but will harm you as well. Until the time it is under your control, it will be yourown power. So, I suggest, you practice having control over yourself," Harper said, her eyes full of trust."And I believe you can make it."

"I can make it?" Fred mumbled, staring at his hands. All this time, he had been suppressing hisstrength for the fear that it might make him go crazy. But if he could control himself, as Harper said,then it would mean a qualitative leap to him. "I can make it. And I will do it," he affirmed tohimself.

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