Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 770 The Battle Of The Birch Pass (Part Two)
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Chapter 770 The Battle Of The Birch Pass (Part Two)

"General, would you like to accept the challenge?" the deputy general asked.

"Who is the enemy's general that will lead the first attack?" Luther asked in a low voice. He had neverexpected that he would one day stand on the other side, as a traitor facing against the army of theBright Dynasty.

"It is said to be General Shawn."

When Luther heard that, his eyes shined a bit. 'So it's him, ' he thought. With a smirk, he thencommanded, "Give the order and get ready to fight."

"Luther, close the gates and keep watch," Francis commanded when Luther approached him.

Upon hearing this, Luther turned around and looked at Francis with the same serious expression on hisface. "Your Highness, the enemy's leader in this battle is General Shawn," he said.

Francis was taken aback by the unexpected news. He couldn't believe what he just heard. Shawn, whowas supposed to be in the north domain, had come to the south domain? When did he arrive? A lot ofquestions were on his mind but he only said one of them. "Why did he come here?"

"Presumably, ever since Prince Matthew started preparing to come here, he has already chosen aperson to be in charge of the south domain." A complex expression flashed through Luther's eyesbefore he added, "I just didn't expect it to be General Shawn."

"No, it isn't him. He isn't the one whom Matthew has chosen!" Standing on the city gate tower, Francislooked at the dark clouds gathering in the sky. With an aura of destroying everything on its way, theclouds weren't far from them. "Shawn is coming here to make the first move."

Luther was a person of great discernment. He instantly realized that there were two valiant generalsfrom the north domain: General Shawn, and the rising newcomer, General Carlson!

Carlson was a member of the royal family. He was Prince Allen's son and the current emperor's cousin,so he was the most suitable candidate to take charge of the south domain. Although Shawn's familyhad done a great favor for the late emperor, they didn't come from the exclusive royal bloodline.

"He indeed favors Lucas!" Francis exclaimed with a sneer. 'You have even figured out how to get rid ofthe malignant tumor hidden in the south domain. Do you really have no ambition, Matthew? If youdon't, why did you even train your soldiers? Why did you disobey the orders of the late emperor,making him afraid of you? If so, will Lucas tolerate you when he's in power?'novelbin

"Your Highness, please allow me to fight," Luther asked with utmost sincerity and a hint of desperation.If he could fight against General Shawn, he wouldn't have regrets even if he died doing so.

Francis closed his eyes when he replied, "Come back alive. Luther, right now, you're the only one Ihave left. My brother Jason is gone, and she's... You must come back alive."

Luther didn't respond right away for he wasn't sure if he could come back alive. He also didn't want todisappoint Francis in giving him false hopes. "I will try my best," he said after a while.

"Go ahead! Since it's your desire to fight against Shawn, I won't stop you. Yet, on one condition, youmust come back alive!" There were a lot of things that Francis was feeling—misery, desolation, andmost of all, he felt abandoned. Except for Luther, there was no one around him who kept on supportinghim. It was for this reason that he didn't want to lose the man.

"Yes," Luther briefly responded before he left in a rush.

In no time, Luther led the troops to the battlefield while Francis stood on the gate tower to watcheverything. It was in July and the sun was burning so bright that it caused pain to everyone's skins.Becky approached Francis and held an umbrella for him. "Your Highness, the sun is scorching here.Why don't we go inside for now?"

Francis shook his head and thought to himself, 'This battle is particularly important. Matthew is veryadamant and even a little desperate to defeat the Birch Pass so he can go and rescue Harper. Butthat's not going to happen for I will keep him here for as long as we can. He wants to save her? There'sno way that's going to happen!'

When the two armies came face to face, Shawn who was in a military uniform did not look like a merescholar anymore. No one would associate him with the word "frailty" now. He was a powerful soldierdressed in the grandest military uniform. However, once he removed his military uniform, he looked likea modest gentleman and a weak scholar. But whether he was a soldier or a scholar, no one dared tolook down upon him.

"General Shawn."

"General Luther.

I hope that we won't regret anything after this battle," Shawn plainly said with a calm expression on hisface.

"General, I would like to ask you not to show any mercy, please. I have admired you for a long time. Forthis battle, I won't hold back," Luther stated with a smile.

"You didn't have to ask. I don't plan on showing any mercy. Come on!"

The fight, however, ended up in chaos filled with swords and blood. Both of them were well-knowngenerals at a young age. One of them was from a prestigious and wealthy family of a marquis and hada rich life since he was a child, while the other was from an orphanage and had to go through so muchjust to survive. Both of them had rich combat experience and were very good at fighting on horseback.Indeed, they were equals both in skills and abilities.

With so much emotion written all over his face, Shawn thought, 'If you didn't rebel against the countrywith Prince Francis, I wouldn't have hesitated to be friends with you.' He then said, "Luther, if we werenot enemies, I would like to be your friend."

Luther gave him a warm smile. "General, with those words, I could die without regret. But unfortunately,I have to keep my promise to His Highness."

What happened next seemed to go by in a second. As soon as Shawn's sword was placed back into itssheath, Luther fell from his horse and immediately reached the ground. Before he died, a satisfiedsmile appeared on his face. 'Your Highness, I'm sorry that I can't keep my promise. You have to moveon by yourself, ' he thought.

Standing on the gate tower, Francis saw when Luther fell down from his horse while his soldiers werebeing executed left and right. A teardrop fell from his face. From the moment he heard Luther's requestto fight, he perfectly knew that this general had made up his mind to fight until his death. The generaldidn't want to have any more fight. After all, it was against his people that had been his comrades once!

"Luther, farewell."

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