Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 743 A Feeling Of Old Friends Being Reunited (Part One)
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Chapter 743 A Feeling Of Old Friends Being Reunited (Part One)

In order to confirm if the Holy Maiden of the South Kingdom really came to the inn for her, Harperdecided to go downstairs and have a look. When she came out of her room, it so happened that shesaw the keeper of the inn carefully making a pot of tea. It was a high-end tea set so Harper assumedthat it was going to be served to the Holy Maiden.

The moment Harper appeared at the staircase, the Holy Maiden became aware of her presence. Shepoured a cup of tea by herself and pushed it to the opposite side of the table. While looking at Harper,she asked, "Would you like a cup of tea?"

Her words took Harper by surprise. At that point, Harper was certain that the Holy Maiden really camefor her. But as far as she could remember, she hadn't had any contact with her. So she couldn't figureout why the respected maiden would invite her to have some tea.

Despite how stunned she was by the unexpected invitation from the Holy Maiden, Harper took the lastfew steps of the stairs with composure and sat down opposite her at the table. Then, she picked up theteacup and drank the tea in one gulp. "Thanks for the tea, Your Grace."

The keeper and the waiters were so shocked that their faces turned deathly pale, as if it was kind ofoffensive to sit down and drink tea with the Holy Maiden. The keeper opened his mouth several times,with the intention of saying something to remind Harper, but he gave up eventually. He was afraid that itmight be too presumptuous for him to say anything when the Holy Maiden didn't seem to mind Harper'sbehaviors. He was trying so hard to control himself that he even blushed with embarrassment.

In fact, the Holy Maiden noticed how uncomfortable the members of the staff were. However, shesimply smiled and poured more tea to Harper's cup. "Actually, I should be the one thanking you. Iconcealed my identity when I went out yesterday. To my surprise, I was harassed by a pervert. If youhadn't stood out and helped me, I don't know how I would have dealt with that matter."

"You..." Harper murmured in shock while pointing at the Holy Maiden with her finger. It took her a shortwhile before she could say anything more. "You're the lady with the veil who looked like a fairyyesterday!"

The Holy Maiden chuckled behind her hand because of how Harper described her. "Yes, I am the ladywith the veil who was harassed yesterday."

The keeper was petrified by what the Holy Maiden said. He wondered who could be so bold as todisrespect the Holy Maiden. He believed that the man who did that had been courting death. Thekeeper then stared at the Holy Maiden. When he saw that she didn't seem upset with Harper'simpoliteness, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"You can leave now. We don't need anyone to serve us here," the Holy Maiden said.

"Certainly, we're taking our leave now," the keeper said while immediately retreating from the room.

With the smile still on her face, the Holy Maiden stared at Harper carefully. "Whenever I look at you, Ican't help but feel like I've already met you before. I wonder if this feeling is the same as when oldfriends reunited after not seeing each other for a very long time."

"Your Grace, I'm most flattered that you feel like I'm an old friend of yours," Harper said with a brightand sincere smile on her face.novelbin

The Holy Maiden's eyes shined even more at that. "I don't know why but I genuinely feel so happy tosee you."

"It's the same with me. Your Grace, I didn't expect that you would be such an amiable and carefreeperson. Now that I know it was you who I met yesterday, I feel a little foolish. It was like I taught a fishhow to swim. Please excuse me," Harper said with a little embarrassment. How could she intervene

and try to rescue such a powerful person like the Holy Maiden? For certain, she was more thancapable of doing something and defending herself.

However, the Holy Maiden smiled a little, then responded, "Actually, you helped me a lot. It was the firsttime that something like that happened to me, so I didn't know how to deal with it. If you hadn't shownup, I might have been taken advantage of by that rogue."

Harper smiled, "I heard a lot of people say that the Holy Maiden is the most rigid person in the world.But now that I've met you in person, I realize that they couldn't be more wrong. You're not rigid at all. Infact, you're quite carefree. I honestly feel very comfortable while talking to you."

A bigger smile appeared on the fairy-like face of the Holy Maiden. She replied, "I have been the HolyMaiden for many years. Everyone treats me with great respect, but all of them are very cautious andnervous in front of me. However, you are the only exception. You don't seem to be afraid of me at all. Itmakes me so happy to be able to converse with someone like you."

The smile in Harper's eyes became brighter while she listened to the Holy Maiden. "You're so beautifuland kind, Your Grace. Why are people afraid of you? I don't think you're scary at all."

A touch of sadness flashed across the Holy Maiden's eyes after she heard what Harper said. Most ofthe people in the South Kingdom weren't afraid of her, but they didn't dare to get close or even speak toher. If she said a few words to them, they would be too excited that they wouldn't be able to sleep forseveral days. Because of this, she grew up lonely, with no one to talk to and even play with. Ever sinceshe was a child, she was alone in the vast Starry Palace. She didn't have any friend or relative. Fromthe day she became the Holy Maiden, she had to say goodbye to everyone she had ever known andbe the indifferent Holy Maiden without any personal feeling.

Harper noticed that the Holy Maiden was suddenly lost in her thoughts so she chose not to interrupther. Matthew had told her some information about the Holy Maiden before. So deep in her heart,

Harper felt so much empathy for her. The Holy Maiden was separated from her parents ever since shewas a child. So every single time that there was a festival or an occasion, she was alone at the StarryPalace while everyone else was meeting up with their family and friends. While everyone was enjoyinga happy time, she might have been desolately weeping in loneliness. While other children were playinggames, she was improving her poisoning skills. When other children had grown up, got married, andhad children, she was still by herself in that palace because the Holy Maiden must remain a virgin.

"Are you married?" the Holy Maiden asked all of a sudden.

Nodding her head, Harper answered, "Yes, I'm married. My husband is very kind, and he allows me tobe myself. He's a merchant who specializes in medical supplies trading. Sometimes, he would bringme along when he comes here to sell our products."

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