Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 740 The Worship Ceremony (Part Two)
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Chapter 740 The Worship Ceremony (Part Two)

"I can't believe that there's actually a man who would allow a woman to sit on his shoulders," Dianamumbled, giving a snort of contempt. As far as she was concerned, men who would do such a thingwere spineless cowards. Otherwise, they wouldn't allow women to ride on their shoulders and beabove them.

Francis didn't say a word, because the vibrant smile on Harper's face dazzled him. Even though herface had changed and she didn't look familiar to him, he still recognized her the moment he saw her.When she was with him, she had never smiled so happily that way in front of him. Was it true that hejust wasn't as good as Matthew in her eyes? He could do all the things Matthew could do for her, andhe was sure that he could give her things which even Matthew couldn't. Knowing that, why wasn't shewilling to give him a chance?

On the altar, the Holy Maiden's dance was still going on, and the people were so engrossed in it. KingLance had a rather solemn look on his face, but his eyes were filled with paternal love when they fell onthe Holy Maiden. Seeing this, Diana snorted coldly and spoke to Francis in a low voice. "Do you thinkMatthew is going to sabotage the ceremony?"

"No, he won't," Francis curtly replied. Truth be told, even though Francis knew that Matthew could bevery aggressive, he wouldn't just take the initiative to attack anyone if they didn't do him wrong first. Asfor Harper, he somewhat felt that she and Matthew were alike in this regard.

"You know, Matthew would do everything as he pleases. I'm afraid that he may do something to disruptthis important ceremony," Diana slowly said. As a matter of fact, this was what she was expecting. IfMatthew was here to disrupt the ceremony, then she would have the perfect excuse to attack Harper.novelbin

Francis didn't humor her with a response this time. The way he saw it, Matthew was not a fool; he mustbe aware that the Worship Ceremony was of great importance in the South Kingdom, so disrupting abig event like this was tantamount to turning all the people in the kingdom into his enemies. Although

he might not be afraid of a bunch of ants, he would have to admit that ants could bite an elephant to thebone. It was true that he might do whatever he pleased if he were by himself. However, with Harpercoming along with him, he would never take the risk of putting her life in danger. So, he would never doanything that might ruin the ceremony.

"Diana, behave yourself!" Lance couldn't take it anymore and finally snapped. The Worship Ceremonywas utterly important in their kingdom! As his daughter, Diana didn't seem to care that much about it.Didn't she know that it could anger the people? Moreover, the Holy Maiden was still praying on thealtar. So, this was truly not the time for chatting and gossiping.

Diana quickly straightened her body and focused her attention back to the Holy Maiden on the altar,albeit reluctantly. At this point, she suddenly hoped, rather irritably and sinisterly, that the Holy Maidenwould sprain her ankle, fall, and interrupt the dancing. That way, she would be criticized by everyone.

However, things didn't go as she hoped. The Holy Maiden performed the whole dance solemnly andquite beautifully, and she went on to finish the praying ceremony without making a single mistake. Allthings had been done meticulously, leaving no problems to be found.

"All right, all right. Thank you, Holy Maiden," said the king, in a voice filled with paternal love. "You mustbe tired; you may take a rest now."

The Holy Maiden nodded a curtsy and took her leave gracefully. Lance also returned to the royalpalace. As for Francis, when the ceremony was concluded, his eyes fell on Becky, who was standing inthe crowd. He nodded at her, and she politely nodded right back. After that, the two of them left thespot.

Seeing this, Diana ran toward Francis and said, "That woman..."

"She's the chief guard of the Secret Pavilion of the Bright Dynasty, and is now by Matthew's side. Shemay prove to be useful," Francis answered in a steady and refined voice, as though he didn't take the

matter seriously whatsoever.

When Diana heard that, a peculiar smile appeared on her face. "I think that she seems to have feelingsfor you."

"Diana, what you do mean feelings?" Francis asked, squinting at Diana.

Upon the question, Diana's face darkened. Francis had promised to marry her; however, he had neverstayed in her room at all. They were legal husband and wife, but still had yet to consummate. The onlything Francis needed was the title—husband of the princess of the South Kingdom, and Diana justhappened to be someone he could use, so their union wasn't really about love.

"Francis, I wonder... Other than Harper, who else could attract your attention?" Diana knew deep insidethat Francis liked Harper. Back then, when she went to assassinate that woman, this man tried to saveher at all cost, even if it meant putting his life on the line. If it weren't for him risking his life to save her,Diana bet Harper would have been seriously injured even if she didn't die.

Francis didn't utter a single word, and there wasn't even any expression on his face. In his opinion, theword "love" was extremely hurtful. Back then, he was willing to do anything for Harper. But even aftereverything he had done, including sacrificing himself, Harper still didn't appreciate it.

"If she is ruthless, then I see no need for me to love her and wait for her," Francis suddenly murmured."I'm afraid I've never received so much as the slightest amount of affection from her. She's a very cruelwoman."

Diana didn't offer her opinion, but she, in fact, had a deep impression of Harper. The latter wouldn'thave become Matthew's wife and held this high position if she wasn't ruthless enough. Not only wasshe cruel to her enemies and herself, but to her father, brothers and sisters as well. It was quite

challenging for Diana to compete with this woman, yet she still thought that as a woman, Harper wasindeed formidable.

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