Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 735 Entering The Capital Of The South Kingdom (Part One)
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Chapter 735 Entering The Capital Of The South Kingdom (Part One)

Since Matthew and Harper parted from the envoy team, the team was no longer pestered by thepoisonous insects or snakes for some reason. Everyone immediately felt worried, believing that thepoisonous insects and snakes were chasing after the couple. They thought that Matthew drew awaythe poisonous creatures for the sake of their safety.novelbin

If Harper knew what these people were thinking, she would absolutely despise them. The actual reasonthat they left the team was because she and Matthew suspected that there were spies in the team.Moreover, if they continued to stay with them, everyone in the team would not be able to endure theattacks of the poisonous insects and snakes any longer. They would also run out of medicinal herbs inno time.

When a realization suddenly came to Harper, she asked, "Matthew, do you think the reason that thesepoisonous insects and snakes have been constantly attacking is that they want us to use up all of ourmedicine?"

Matthew narrowed his eyes a little. Although they had bought a lot of medicinal supplies, only a fewpeople knew that Harper had refined them into pills, making them convenient to be carried around. Sohow could those people know that they brought a lot of pills with them?

"There's a spy in the general's mansion!"

"What's more, I'm afraid there's also a spy hiding among the five hundred guards. But we don't knowwho the spies are since we don't know the army in the south domain very well!" Harper exclaimed. Infact, she was quite impressed. It seemed like the people who were hiding in the dark were by nomeans weak and incapable. Luther was not an incompetent man. The guards he selected must be atthe top of their game and perhaps some of them were even his right hand. So it would be quiteimpressive to be able to place a spy among Luther's men.

"We're going to know who the spies are very soon," Matthew said while he handed Harper the fruitswhich he had washed for her. While they continued to walk, Harper took one and started eating it.

She then blinked her eyes and stated, "You're right. A fox always shows its tail sooner or later. But Iwonder who the planted spy in the Birch Pass is."

Matthew didn't respond to her. For the time being, they couldn't tell which one was the spy, or perhaps,there was more than one planted spy.

All of a sudden, Harper stopped walking. She then turned to Matthew and asked, "Matthew, if one ofthose three people is a spy, can we get some help if something happens to us here?"

With his arms around Harper's waist, Matthew took her away using his flying skills. "Don't worry aboutit. It's time to change the commander in chief of the Birch Pass. Otherwise, I'm afraid that Lucas won'tbe able to sleep at night from worrying too much."

Harper was a little surprised to hear that. Every time she saw Lucas, he would always make impromptucomic gestures and remarks. But she knew that even though he looked inconspicuous, he was anextremely assertive person. The troops stationed at the Birch Pass had been a burden on the emperor.In the past, Harrison had used them as his private army so the late emperor didn't even want to takeover the south domain. But Lucas decided that he wanted to do what his father couldn't, which onlymeant that he was quite brave.

"Who do you want to take over the Birch Pass?" Harper pointedly asked. Actually, she had alreadycome up with a name in her mind, but wasn't sure if Matthew had the same thought as her.

"Well, who are you thinking of?"

With utmost honesty, Harper responded, "Carlson. He is the second son of Prince Allen and he hasbeen friendly with Lucas since they were children. Allen's clan is not only part of the royal family, but

they are also loyal to the emperor. I think Carlson is the best choice."

"I agree with you. However, it's not him who came to the Birch Pass this time," Matthew stated with asmile.

Harper's eyes immediately lit up when she understood what Matthew meant. The situation in the BirchPass was rather complicated. Despite Carlson's loyalty, he was actually too inexperienced to goagainst the cunning opponents in there. Therefore, a sophisticated and manipulative person wasneeded to solve the problems at the Birch Pass. And there were only a handful of people who couldsatisfy such requirements.

"It's Shawn," Harper delightfully exclaimed, unconscious of how thrilled she was. Although she didn'tknow much about Shawn, she admired him very much.

"Are you happy to know that it's him?" Matthew plainly asked.

"Yeah, I'm quite happy. Last time, you and I worked together to trick him. You even beat him so hardthat he was unable to get out of bed for days. His father almost challenged you in a fight. Now that he'swilling to forget all of this and even came to help us, we have to thank him some way. How aboutallowing them to take Wendy back when I return to the imperial capital? I will even try to cure hercongenital heart disease," Harper responded after carefully thinking about it for a while.

"Can that disease be cured?" Matthew asked in surprise. Harper had once mentioned that it wasimpossible to permanently cure heart diseases, so she could only give a person some medicine tostabilize their condition.

With a bright smile on her face, Harper said, "It was impossible before, but now I'd say we have aneight out of ten chance. I just wonder if they're willing to take the risk."

"I'm sure they are if you told them what you just told me," Matthew slowly said. For every member ofthe Shen Clan, Wendy was their treasure. But because of her poor health, Travis was afraid that shewould be irritated in the imperial capital. With a heavy heart, he had sent her to the south region so shecould recover in peace. However, Travis had another reason for doing so. He did it to prevent Wendyfrom seeing Harper.

Harper felt extremely relieved to hear that. She said, "We're about to arrive in the capital of the SouthKingdom. We should change our clothes before we enter the city."

The two of them looked at each other and smiled tacitly. Then they both changed to clothing that wasalike to the style of the South Kingdom's native citizens. When Matthew looked at Harper who wasdressed as a native woman, his pupils shrank a little. In the past, he had never thought that there wasanything wrong with the local clothes of the South Kingdom. But when he saw Harper wearing similarclothes, he felt that they were too revealing. Especially when he saw that Harper's slender waist wasexposed, a dark expression could be seen in his eyes.

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