Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 732 More Confusions Arise (Part Two)
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Chapter 732 More Confusions Arise (Part Two)

"Yes, Your Highness," Luther answered with determination despite his confusion. He then hesitated fora moment, before speaking once again. "I heard that Her Highness has bought a lot of herbs from theTreasure Pavilion today. I have to remind you that the Treasure Pavilion has a bad reputation in theBirch Pass. A lot of people had been deceived by them. Your Highness, please don't be fooled by themas well."

Upon hearing this, Matthew only smiled, not taking the matter seriously. "It is true that the people fromthe Treasure Pavilion are really cunning. But fortunately, I have my wife. If it were not for her intellect, Iwould have almost been fooled by them. You should have given them a warning for their despicabledeeds."

Luther was helpless. He answered, "Yes, it's true that I should have given them a warning. But the truthis that I did warn them. I paid a lot of visits to the Treasure Pavilion to demand them to be righteous intheir business transactions and stop deceiving people. But they are so cunning and sinister that theynever leave any evidence against them. As a result, we never had any fruitful investigations. So we justlet them be. But as a countermeasure, we have reminded other people not to buy things from them sothey wouldn't be cheated. That's all I can do at most."

"People who don't know much about them would be easy targets. Harper is a physician so she's quitefond of herbs. The medicinal resources from the Treasure Pavilion happen to be of high quality. So shebought some from them. In addition, the south domain and the South Kingdom are full of poisonousmiasma, so it's always good to be cautious and prepare more medicines," Matthew commented whilehe put down the pen on the table.

"But if you carried so many medicinal herbs along the way, I'm afraid it wouldn't be convenient for themarch," Luther said, expressing his concern.

"Don't worry. It's not a problem," Matthew said. He didn't explain more. But his confident demeanormade Luther very curious. Today, three chariots full of medicinal herbs were sent by the TreasurePavilion and it was not easy to preserve or escort them.

However, when the envoy team set off the next morning, Luther didn't see the three chariots ofmedicinal herbs. As for Harper, she looked worn out, as if she hadn't gotten any sleep the night before.As soon as she entered the carriage, she rested her head on Matthew's thigh and fell asleep. Lutherwas surprised but he didn't show it to the public. There were rumors that Matthew had been spoiling hiswife very much. Now, while looking at them, Luther could say that it was true.

"Your Highness, have you forgotten your herbs?" Luther asked.

"No, they're with us," Matthew responded softly. The little woman lying on his lap turned over indiscontent, so he lowered his voice even more in order not to wake her up. "Okay, it's time for us to go."

Although he was curious where the medicinal herbs were placed, Luther knew that it was notappropriate to ask any more details about it. He only ordered the guards to protect Harper and Matthewat any cost.

Meanwhile, Becky was wearing a sullen expression on her face. These days, Matthew had groundedher in the Birch Pass. No matter how much she tried, she was unable to go out. Therefore, she couldnot keep a close eye on Harper. She wasn't even sure whether the tripod was still following Harper ornot. Because of these factors, she was getting more and more anxious as the hours went by.novelbin

Jack was riding a horse, neck and neck with Becky. He curiously asked, "Beauty, you're always sulking.Aren't you getting tired of being sad all the time?"

Becky, on the other hand, merely cast a cold glance at him. She then proceeded to ignore him. Shewas fully aware that she couldn't speak to this man on their entire journey. However, it didn't mean thathe couldn't annoy her. The moment she responded to him, the disaster began and Jack would never

stop talking. What she didn't know was even if she didn't make any response, he would still talk tohimself the whole day. She was already feeling a headache out of too much irritation, but he remainedcompletely oblivious to it.

If she asked him to stay away from her by using rude words, he would continue speaking with herthrough every random topic such as a flower or the grass on the roadside. His purpose was to makeher know that as a female, she was not supposed to say anything rude. If she glared at him, he wouldtake this as a sign that she liked him. Anyway, he could always find a way to continue the conversationwith her. It made her even more annoyed and upset so she just continued to ignore him. Yet, heinterpreted her silence as being too shy to respond. He got all kinds of absurd theories. Becky was at aloss whether she should beat him or scold him just to make him stop.

Then, Barry glanced at Jack who was trying to start a conversation with Becky. He immediately noticedthat the man was making her angry so he shook his head helplessly. "This guy has been imprisoned formore than half a year. It's very possible that he didn't speak any human language for a long time. Hemust have been bored to death that he almost went crazy. That is why he could talk as long as he hasthe opportunity to do so. Ah, what a torture it is to talk with him. He hasn't changed at all. Still such atalkative person," he murmured.

Fred cast a glance at Jack and commented, "He needs to be taught a lesson; don't you think so?"

Barry remained silent. He agreed with what Fred had said about Jack. After he returned, Jack was notas arrogant as he used to be because of his flying skills. He became very hard-working in practicing hismartial skills. This time, he deliberately provoked Becky in order to have a fight with her and to practicehis fighting skills. For Barry and Fred, they were glad that Jack turned to Becky instead of them.Therefore, they were at least relieved to see Jack desperately trying to talk with Becky. In that case,they didn't have to waste their time on him.

"Fred, do you see how Jack is behaving? Who do you think can put him in his place?" Barry couldn'thelp but ask. He could not think of any woman who could tolerate being Jack's wife. It must beunbearable to be with him all the time.

Fred turned his eyes to the direction of Matthew's carriage. Both of the two people inside it could dothat to Jack. Especially, Harper would be extremely good at teaching Jack a lesson. Her mere glancewould shut him up immediately. There was no doubt that he would become extremely composed andserious after that.

Barry looked at the carriage as well. He did not forget that when Jack came back, he kept oncomplaining to Harper about what he had suffered. Out of anger, Harper stuck two needles into hisbody so that he wouldn't be able to speak for the whole day. What was more, Harper even punishedhim by demanding that he jump like a frog. They had thought that jumping in that way would not be adifficult task. But when they saw Jack lying on the ground like a dead fish after the exercise, they finallyunderstood how exhausting the punishment was. They confirmed once again that Harper was the onethey should not offend even once in their lives. She had tons of methods to punish people withouthurting them physically. With these thoughts in mind, the two men gulped nervously. Just imagining thethings that Harper could do made the hairs on their arms stand up.

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