Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 729 Join The Escort Team (Part One)
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Chapter 729 Join The Escort Team (Part One)

After making some hefty purchase of medicinal herbs, Harper didn't want to shop around anymore. Shewas eager to get back to the general's mansion and study those herbs she had just procured. Matthewknew very well about her, so he went back with her.

As soon as the couple arrived at the gate of the general's mansion, Luther, accompanied by two men,went up to them and greeted, "Greetings, Your Highnesses."

"Where are you heading, Luther?" Harper asked in confusion. "Is there something urgent at thebarracks?"

"Your Highness, there isn't any particular emergency at the barracks, but I was trying to find you. Iheard you both went out of the mansion alone, with no guards for your protection. So, I was worriedabout your safety." Luther was a very considerate person. He was ready to undertake any tasks thatone could think of, and could control an army of one hundred thousand soldiers in a short time. It wasevident that he wasn't simple-minded.

"Thank you so much for your concern, Luther. We just wanted to take a walk around the Birch Passand see its local traditions, its people, as well as its culture. If you sent some people to follow us, thecivilians would feel uneasy, and they might feel like being harassed," Matthew said indifferently."People here live and work peacefully. I couldn't find anything inharmonious or strange at all. Youindeed manage it very well."

"Your Highness, thank you for your kind words. I am just doing my job."

Matthew nodded and walked in with Harper. He turned around at the threshold and ordered, "Barry,stay at the door. When the things that Harper purchased are delivered, ask someone to move them intoher room. She needs them."

"Yes, Your Highness."

At the same time, Luther followed up and said, "Your Highness, the Worship Ceremony will be held infive days at the capital of the South Kingdom. May I know when you are leaving for the ceremony?"

"Tomorrow," Matthew replied swiftly. "In order to avoid anything undesirable, you lead the soldiers andwait at the border. By then, ask your people to deal with the changing situations tactically."

A hint of surprise flashed across Luther's eyes. He asked, "Will the South Kingdom create troublethen?"

Matthew didn't reply. He didn't know whether the South Kingdom would take the chance to stir uptrouble, but he was sure that Francis would do it. However, at the moment, Matthew was alsoconcerned with something else. The garrison of the south domain was the most complex army amongall the forces in the Bright Dynasty. Two of the three generals of the south domain hadn't met him sofar. Matthew had been in the Birch Pass since the last two days, but they never showed the courtesy tovisit him. It was obvious that even though he was the prince, they didn't take him seriously.novelbin

"It doesn't matter if the South Kingdom will use the opportunity to create trouble, but what's moreimportant is that our army can't mutiny." Matthew gave a meaningful look at Luther. "What is youropinion on the other two generals of the garrisons here?"

"General Wei is a senior leader. He has his own useful way of dealing with the South Kingdom. It's justthat he doesn't like to make friends with others." Luther was careful in his wording. "As for General Xu,despite his unruly personality, he treats his soldiers very well. He often lives in the barracks along withhis soldiers and seldom goes back to the Birch Pass. That may be the reason he didn't come to visityou in the last two days."

Matthew had also heard things about the two generals. Despite knowing that he was the envoy to theSouth Kingdom, the two of them kept away from seeing him. One directly avoided seeing him, while the

other hid in the army. It was hard to believe that there wasn't any problem. There must be a lot ofsecrets among the garrisons of the south domain, and they might mutiny.

"General Wei and General Xu have years of experience in military affairs. Still, if things end up worse,do you think you can defeat them?" Matthew asked abruptly.

"Your Highness, I am flattered. Yet, both General Wei and General Xu are hugely experienced. I am nota match for either of them. If they join hands, I'm afraid I will have to concede defeat," Luther said witha modest smile.

"Well, I think you are a match for them." Matthew tried to boost his confidence as he was convincedabout him. If not for going through Luther's file, Matthew wouldn't have known about his abilities.

"Your Highness, you must be joking. The two are mightily experienced and battle-hardened. I don'tthink I can defeat them." The serious expression on his face drew Matthew's attention. After taking aglance at him, Matthew returned to his residence.

Luther didn't follow him. He learned that the couple would leave tomorrow. What he needed was tomake necessary arrangements for their travel to the South Kingdom.

"General, the South Kingdom has never allowed any outsider to attend their Worship Ceremony before.But now, why did they decide to invite outsiders to the ceremony so abruptly?" the deputy generalasked doubtfully. After all, the Worship Ceremony in the South Kingdom was its most important festivaland was equivalent to its national ceremony.

"Who knows about the intentions of the South Kingdom? The only thing we need to do is to safeguardthe Birch Pass and stop people from the South Kingdom from trespassing our territory," Luther saidslowly. "Let our people prepare for it. The envoy team will set out tomorrow. You should select five

hundred strong warriors to stand by. They will be arranged to escort Prince Matthew and his team tothe capital of the South Kingdom."

"Yes, general."

Barry stood at the door like a spear, waiting for the delivery of medicinal materials purchased byHarper. After a slight nod at Barry, Luther headed to the military camp. Barry glanced at his recedingfigure and then moved his eyes away. He thought that Luther should be very good at martial arts andwanted to test his fighting skills with him. But he knew it was not the time for that wilfully.

After Luther left his mansion, he didn't go to the military camp, but went to a teahouse not far awayfrom his mansion.

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