Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 726 The Birch Pass (Part Two)
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Chapter 726 The Birch Pass (Part Two)

"It's not a big deal. We used to dissect dead bodies with our teacher while eating our snacks backthen," she retorted with a laugh.

"You learned from a teacher how to dissect a corpse?" Matthew thought about what she said again andagain. He realized that the more he knew about Harper, the less he could understand her. He oncethought that she was very fragile, but it turned out that her martial arts skills were exceptional. She hadjust been hiding that on purpose. And even more outstanding, she had inherited the bloodline of theQin Clan, so she had very rare spiritual power.

Matthew pondered, 'If we are to fight in bed and I exert every single fiber of force that I have now, can Isuppress her?'

"Harp, shall we have a competition?" he then asked tentatively.

"In bed?" Harper asked as she already figured out what he was thinking. She rolled her eyes at himand continued, "Don't do that. Just outside the border of the Birch Pass is the land of South Kingdom. Iwonder how many spies from that kingdom there are in this city. No matter how powerful Luther is, hecan't get rid of all of them!"

"I meant fighting. If you want to fight in bed as husband and wife, I'm very much willing to do so. Afterall, I only have you by my side." The smile on Matthew's face widened even more.

At that point, it dawned on Harper that there was an underlying meaning in her husband's words. Shethen stopped eating, put down her chopsticks, reached out for the table napkin from Forsythia andwiped her mouth. After that, she threw a glare at her husband and asked, "Are you disappointed at mebecause I sent away your beautiful younger cousin?"

Matthew blinked his eyes before asking, "What? Where is this coming from?"

Harper was so upset that she didn't even want to listen to Matthew. "Humph! No wonder that ladydared to be disrespectful to me. You're the one who's backing her up. And now what? Do you want tomake your younger cousin your concubine? Or do you want to marry her as your wife? If you regretsending her away, then hurry up and inform Rufus that he needs to send her back to you!"

Finally realizing that Harper was being jealous, Matthew burst into laughter. He grabbed her hand andsaid, "Harp, do you know that you look so adorable when you get jealous?"

"Who's jealous? I know I'm not! I'm merely giving you a suggestion. If you think you're too lonely andbored with only me by your side, I can find some more interesting women for you," Harper retorted atonce.

"I don't need anyone else by my side," Matthew said, a dreadful expression falling into his face.

"Really?" Harper exclaimed with all her strength.

"Yes, of course! You're more than enough for me! I can hardly bear you! If I have another woman by myside, that would certainly kill me! I don't care about the quantity of women. I only care about the quality.And I can say with absolute confidence that you have the best qualities that I'm looking for," Matthewstated with utmost sincerity.

Despite his sweet words, Harper only snorted. "I'm already full. Let's take a walk outside to help withour digestion."

Matthew stood up and reached out for her hand. "That's a great idea. Let me walk around in thegeneral's mansion with you. You know, I always feel like this arrangement is familiar, but I can'tremember where I've seen such a layout before."novelbin

Harper's eyes lit up. "Both the general and you are very tough people. It's like you came from the sametree so I guess you might have the same idea. Did you decorate the mansion where you lived before

just like this?"

"I've always lived in the military camp! Do you think the late emperor was generous enough to give mea comfortable private room? You're daydreaming," Matthew responded right away.

Harper thought it over. The late emperor wanted Matthew to die outside of the kingdom as soon aspossible so that he wouldn't be able to come back and get in his way. How could he give a place forMatthew to stay in? What was more, he had never given Matthew a single penny for the salary of theBlack Flag Army. If it weren't for Matthew's source of income, the 300, 000 soldiers of the Black FlagArmy would have starved to death.

"Matthew, do you hate the late emperor?"

"No, I don't have a grudge against him. There's an old saying. Birds of the same feather flock together.Wasting my energy to care about him is not worth it. After struggling for power for a lifetime, he waskilled by his own son in the end. I guess, it's true as they say. You reap what you sow." While he wasspeaking, Matthew had an impassive expression on his face. The deceased emperor had competedwith him all his life. Even though they were brothers, he hated Matthew for his outstanding militarycapabilities. He couldn't have peace of mind because of his brother's talents. So he wanted to crippleMatthew. And every time something bad finally happened, the emperor would push him away to dealwith it. From the moment Matthew had shown his talent to the second that the emperor was killed, hedidn't consider Matthew as his brother. So when he was killed by his own son Francis, Matthewhonestly thought that it was the late emperor's bad karma.

"What's the custom of the people in the Birch Pass?" Harper changed the subject.

"The customs of South Kingdom are very liberal. Since the Birch Pass is next to the kingdom, they areinfluenced by the customs of the kingdom. The people in the Birch Pass are open-minded. Many

women get out of their houses and do businesses here," Matthew promptly answered. He had alsobeen to South Kingdom, but he didn't know what it was like after all these years.

With curiosity on her face, Harper asked, "Why don't we take a walk outside tomorrow?"

Matthew had the same idea. The only way that he could know what was going on in the Birch Passwas to go outside. And he could confirm if the city was successfully managed by Luther, the appointedcommander in chief of the south domain's army.

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