Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 717 How Was The Qin Clan Eliminated (Part One)
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Chapter 717 How Was The Qin Clan Eliminated (Part One)

In the Secret Pavilion, seeing the mammoth collection of books arranged in rows, Harper felt aheadache coming on. Although she knew that the royal family of the Bright Dynasty had a hobby ofcollecting books about rare secrets, these many books were way out of her expectation. Even thoughthis building was built at the bottom of the lake, the air inside was surprisingly dry, with no moisture.

"We have to look for it separately," Harper suggested at once. The collection of books in the SecretPavilion was gargantuan. If both she and Matthew were to search together, it wasn't possible to tellwhen they would find the one they wanted. Therefore, the better option was to search for it separately,as that would help in saving some time.

Matthew nodded his head in agreement. The two of them moved to different places and begansearching for the book which recorded the history and secrets of the Qin Clan. They strongly believedthat they would find some trace here because it was impossible for some common people to destroythe Qin Clan. Only a powerful class like the royal family of the Bright Dynasty could destroy the QinClan. No other forces would be that capable. Moreover, they suspected that the royal family of theBright Dynasty was actually searching for the missing Heavenly Book all these years, instead of lookingfor the reason behind Qin Clan's elimination.

Harper was good at spotting things. Among all those shelves filled with piles of books, it was not aneasy task to search for the specific one which recorded the story of the Qin Clan. Fortunately, both ofthem were good searchers. It didn't take long for them to locate the one they wanted.

"Harp, I think I have found something. Come here," Matthew called and asked Harper to come over.Harper hurried over and took the book from his hand. She rushed through the pages, searching forrelevant information and discarding whatever wasn't useful. This book recorded the fact that themembers of the Qin Clan had magic power. It described the Qin Clan to be a very mysterious family. Iteven said that the Qin Clan was the main cause which led to the existence of the four countries in theworld as of today.novelbin

"It's strange. How could the Qin Clan be related to the union or the split-up of the whole world? Youknow, the world would be divided into different countries at one time and would also be unified at someother. It's just nature's rule. Why does it have something to do with the Qin Clan according to thebook?" Harper asked in surprise.

Matthew shook his head and replied, "I don't know much about it. But I have heard that the Qin Clanmanipulated the destruction of the previous dynasty and promoted the present political situation of theworld."

Harper grew more stunned. 'What on earth is the Qin Clan? How could it overturn the previous dynastyand produce four different countries? Was it just an ordinary clan with some extraordinary skills?' shepondered inwardly.

"It is written that the Qin Clan came from another place. Which is this another place?" Harper askedherself. She had been of the belief that the sooner she would get into this place and find out therelevant book, the sooner she would learn about the hidden secrets of the Qin Clan. But on thecontrary, she just ended up more confused about them. The only thing she confirmed was that the QinClan owned very strong power. But still, all the members of it were killed overnight. It was unbelievablethat such a powerful clan went extinct in such a short period of time.

"The book also says that the Qin Clan possessed three Heavenly Books and a Sacred Seal. Thoseitems would aid in finding out the background of the Qin Clan. However, only people from the Qin Clancould read the Heavenly Books." Harper read the book as she nodded in agreement. If anyone wouldread and understand the Heavenly Books, he ought to be extremely smart and talented.

Matthew also looked into the book, and then said, "Harp, continue reading. Here's what you are lookingfor."

Harper immediately continued reading. "The whole world was divided into four countries. The Qin Clanwas settled in the Bright Dynasty. This made the other three countries fearful. Thus, they were secretlypressurizing the Bright Dynasty. The first emperor of the Bright Dynasty was worried that the Qin Clanmight become a threat to them, so he reached an agreement with the other three countries. Theagreement was to kill all the people of the Qin Clan."

Looking at these words, Harper furrowed her eyebrows as her face turned pale. The first emperor ofthe Bright Dynasty was such a cruel tyrant. He had abandoned and plotted against the Qin Clan, whohad helped him to destroy the previous dynasty and helped him take the throne. He even colluded withthe other three countries to exterminate the entire Qin Clan. Even though the Qin Clan possessedstrong power, they had no chance of survival against the combined attack of the four countries. But still,there was something weird. None of the direct descendants of the Qin Clan could escape from thegenocide. That was abnormal.

"I guess it has something to do with the South Kingdom," Matthew recalled as he looked at Harper, whowas lost in her thought. It seemed that he knew what she was thinking. "According to the record, thepeople from the South Kingdom used some of their secret skills to trap the people of the Qin Clan.Then, they triggered the fire from the thunder and burned the whole Qin Clan to dust. Thus theirdestruction was complete. One of the three Heavenly Books was taken away by the first emperor of theBright Dynasty, another one was taken away by the Great Jade Kingdom, and the last one wentmissing since then. The Sacred Seal was also divided into two parts, one half held by the SouthKingdom and the other half by the Wonder Kingdom.

Now, you've got the missing one. Rolando has the other two books. Are you going to grab them fromhim?" Matthew asked. Now that they got the information about the whereabouts of the Heavenly Booksand the Sacred Seal, the next thing they needed to do was to get them back one by one. He onlyhoped their impending tasks would not be that difficult.

Harper frowned and considered his suggestion. She knew Rolando pretty well after she had got alongwith him for a while. If she went to the imperial capital of the Great Jade Kingdom and asked him togive the other two Heavenly Books to her, what would be Rolando's reaction? Would he comply withher demand? Or would he give her a slap? Harper thought the probable result would be the latter. Shewas sure that Rolando would likely give her a tight slap in the face. He had in fact got the HeavenlyBooks after so much struggle, so one couldn't expect him to give them away so easily.

"I don't think we should rush. Rolando is a stubborn man," Harper replied slowly. "As for the SacredSeal, I have no idea what it looks like. How could I find it?"

"Continue reading," Matthew reminded her. Harper then proceeded onto the next page, only to find thatit was a blank one. Surprised, she turned one more page, but the result remained the same. "Is that allof it? It shouldn't be," she said.

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