Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 714 Who Will Be The New Emperor (Part Two)
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Chapter 714 Who Will Be The New Emperor (Part Two)

Watching his uncle and aunt leave hand in hand, Lucas felt many feelings welling up in his heart. Hehad always known that his uncle was not interested in the throne. Even though he had persuaded hisfather countless times, his father still didn't want to listen to him. Moreover, his father sent people toattack his uncle. It was lucky that his uncle survived. Otherwise, the whole Bright Dynasty would havebeen in danger.

The moment Lucas appeared in the Tranquil Hall, everyone understood that Matthew had forgone thethrone, and that Lucas would soon become the new emperor.

"Your Highness, our empire can't survive without an emperor. Please ascend the throne as soon aspossible," Zack proposed as he stepped out first. Yet, the rest of the courtiers hesitated. For a moment,they didn't know if they should agree or not. Although Zack was young, he represented the interest ofthe Bu Clan. Since the Bu Clan had already backed up Lucas, they found no reason to object.

"Your Highness, please ascend the throne as soon as possible," Allen too proposed, stepping out.

"Please ascend the throne, Your Highness." More and more courtiers stood out and expressed theirsupport to Lucas. Lucas had thought that it would take some time to convince the courtiers to supporthim, but only to find that Zack had helped him to ease out of his worries. No wonder Harper hadpraised Zack a lot. He was really good at reading people's mind and handling things perfectly. Nobodywould hate a man like him.

"Is the imperial astronomer here?"

"Your Highness, I'm here."

"Tell me when the auspicious time is," Lucas asked slowly. He was never hypocritical or sentimental.The throne was what he cherished for. Now that everyone had supported him, he wanted to be a goodemperor, and meet the expectations of his father and uncle.

"Your Highness, the auspicious time will be three days later."

"Ministry of Rites, I want to know if everything would be ready for the enthronement. There is too littletime," Lucas asked.

The minister of the Ministry of Rites stepped out and replied at once, "Your Highness, please be restassured. The Ministry of Rites has already been preparing for the new emperor's enthronement. Wecan get everything ready by then."

"Good. Then, I will ascend the throne three days later. Deliver the news to the people of our empire andalso inform other countries," Lucas declared loudly. "I know that I am not as talented as my uncle.Neither do I possess exceptional military commanding skills like him. But, I would like to assure you allthat I will try my best to be a good emperor. I hope all of you will work with me and lead our BrightDynasty to the peak of prosperity."

"Yes, Your Highness. We assure you of our complete support in our lifetime!"

Finally, the case of the new emperor's succession came to a settlement. After returning to Matthew'smansion, Harper had both familiar and strange feelings. "I haven't been home for a long time."

The word "home" pleased Matthew so much that the corners of his mouth slightly rose. Then it seemedthat something occurred to him. He took out a pair of jade bracelets from his pocket and put them onher wrists. "Remember to keep my gifts well in the future."

"Yes, Matthew. I promise to cherish them forever with my life..."

"No matter what, you should be safe and sound!" Matthew interrupted her and pinched her face. "Doyou have any idea how I felt when I received the divorce agreement? I felt like I wanted to kill everyonein this world."

"You won't!" Harper said, holding her husband's neck softly. "I have never shown my real handwriting infront of others, and only you have seen my handwriting."

The next second, Matthew dragged Harper into his arms. They stood face to face. "Though I was in afit of anger, it suddenly came to me that this was not your real handwriting. That made me realize that itwas not you who wrote the agreement."

"Even if it's my handwriting, you should believe me!" Harper poked at his chest with a displeased lookand scolded. "Am I that wanton… Hmm…" Before she could finish, her lips were sealed by herhusband's lips.novelbin

"Harp, I missed you so much!"

Snuggling up in Matthew's arms, Harper smiled like a blooming flower. "I missed you too, darling. I waswaiting for you, counting down the days until I got to meet you. I thought you would come back earlier.But you didn't come back until the last day, and it worried me so much."

"As your husband, I must make it up to you," Matthew said seriously.

With a big smile on her face, Harper tilted her head and asked, "So how do you plan to make it up tome?"

"I have brought you a gift." All of a sudden, Matthew remembered about the gift he had brought for hiswife. While he was in the Great Jade Kingdom, he went to its treasure house. In the beginning, hewanted to find the whereabouts of the third Heavenly Book. Yet, Rolando had hidden it too well thatMatthew failed to find it. However, Matthew found something else from the treasure house thatbelonged to the Qin Clan.

"What gift?"

"Moonlight." Matthew took out an object from his sleeve, which was white like moonlight and smoothlike brocade. With the aura it was emitting, it seemed extraordinary. "I thought you'd like your mother'sweapon, so I kept it as a gift for you."

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