Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 700 The Scapegoat (Part One)
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Chapter 700 The Scapegoat (Part One)

While looking at Francis' receding figure, Harper gnashed her teeth in anger. If she hadn't controlledherself, she would have eaten him alive. 'How dared he plot against me! Since I became PrincessHarper, no one had ever dared to do that. He was the first one.'

Even Forsythia was so surprised that her mind started to wander off. 'If Lady Harper became PrinceFrancis' wife, how would Prince Matthew react? He would never allow such a horrendous thing tohappen!'

"Your Highness, you can't be Prince Francis' wife!"

"Have you lost your mind? Of course, I won't agree to that!" Harper quickly turned to Forsythia, feelingsomewhat uneasy. When did Francis start to plot against her? He even made a fake divorce agreementand stole her jade bracelets which Matthew gave to her as a token of their love. If it was only thedivorce agreement, Matthew might not believe it. But the bracelets completely changed everything.

"Your Highness, what should we do now?" Nina and Anabel became worried as well. When Harper wasimprisoned in the palace, they too were taken there to restrain her while taking care of her. If Harper didanything to try and escape, Francis would threaten her with their lives.

Harper frowned before saying, "Don't worry. It doesn't matter if Matthew received the divorceagreement. If Matthew and I kept the matter a secret, who else would know about the divorce, right?"

The maids looked at each other and felt even more worried. They all thought that Harper was toooptimistic. Since Francis had made his move, he wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted.

"Though, I'm afraid that he still has some tricks up his sleeve," Harper added. Now that she wasconfined in the Sleek Palace, she wasn't able to be updated with what was happening outside. Thepalace was heavily guarded that even her men couldn't come in to relay information right away. As a

result, there was nothing she could do since every move would just be too risky. She really hoped thatsomeone could tell her any news from outside the palace.

"Prince Jason is here." A maid's voice came from outside the room.

Harper's eyes lit up and the corners of her mouth raised into a smile. She suddenly remembered thatyesterday, she had promised Jason she would give him the thirty-six peaches-sharing skills as a gift.Jason might be the one she had been hoping for! They were even a little close because they studiedwith the same master for quite some time!

The moment Jason reached the door, the first thing he saw was Harper waving at him with a brightsmile. He stepped back and looked at the plaque on the top of the door. Only after he was certain thathe didn't walk to the wrong hall did he walk in and approach her. He said, "Why do you look so happy?I feel like something is wrong."

"Jason, are you here for the gift?" Harper asked while serving a cup of tea for him.

Affection flashed in Jason's eyes for a moment, but he pretended that he didn't care at all. "Are yousaying that the gift is ready?"

"Not yet, but it's just a piece of cake. I can prepare it right away. I assure you it won't take long."Harper's eyes sparkled when she quickly asked her maids to prepare a writing brush, ink stick, paper,and inkstone. "Is there anything interesting that happened outside the palace recently?" she casuallyasked.

Jason furrowed his eyebrows and said, "Is it interesting that the new emperor is going to take thethrone?"

"I mean anything that I care about or anything related to me." Harper picked up the writing brush andbegan to draw pictures. Her method was actually very unique but the characters turned out wonderful.

"Well, I heard that the new emperor is planning to make you his empress. It's a good thing..." Jasonstated but his voice trailed away when he recognized the figure in the picture. "Is that me?" he asked,pointing at the pretty man on the paper.

"Since I want to give you a gift, of course, the protagonist of this picture is you." True to her words,Harper finished the picture after a short while. "Jason, I'm giving this to you as a token of ourfellowship. This is the only copy in the world. I have been skilled at this for a long time but I haven'tpainted that much until now."

As soon as the first picture was finished, Harper handed it to Jason. She then continued to draw asecond one. Jason was holding the picture in his hand when suddenly, his hands started shaking, hismouth trembling, and his whole body shivering. He was furious!

Jason slammed the picture on the table and exclaimed, "Harper Chu! What did you just paint?"novelbin

Because of that, Harper almost made a mistake in the second picture that she was working on. "I'vetold you already. It's the peach-sharing skills!"

Jason's face turned livid. "Does the peach-sharing skill mean gay stuff?"

"Yes. What else would it mean?" With a few and quick brush strokes, another figure appeared on thepaper. The protagonist was still Jason and the other figure was the gentle and elegant Francis.

Jason was enraged. He screamed, "I am not gay! I don't like men!"

"I see. You don't need to be so defensive about it. It's just a picture. I thought both of you will look reallygood on the picture so I chose to draw you. If you like it, I'm going to give it to you. If you don't, I'll justsend it to Francis then." Harper glanced at Jason briefly. Soon enough, the second picture was finishedand she passed it to Jason as well.

The prince was fuming with rage at that point, but he had to praise her fine work. She had painted thecharacters with great detail that even their facial expressions were very clear. He could only enjoy andfind the picture very attractive, if he were to ignore that there were two men in it. 'Bah!' Jason silentlysneered to himself.

"No more picture." Jason grabbed Harper's wrist.

"If you ruin my picture today, I will go to the Golden Hall and draw the same pictures tomorrow. Thatway, all of the officials can see them. Trust me. Whenever I want to do something, I'll definitely doeverything with my best efforts," Harper said in a threatening tone.

Jason felt very helpless. He wanted to stop her but was also afraid that she would take it out on him.But if he didn't do anything, he would feel sorry for himself. So he quickly said, "Replace me withsomeone else then."

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