Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 26 A Homicide Case (Part One)
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Chapter 26 A Homicide Case (Part One)

It never occurred to Harper that the whole thing would go so smoothly. She not only managed to raise10, 000 taels of silver, but she also bought a store. After her products were produced in batches, shewould be able to sell them.

"It's time to go home," Harper offered.

"It's getting late. We should go home now." Carlson was so drunk, and even Harper felt dizzy. Afterbuying the store, they had gone to the tavern to celebrate with a few too many drinks.

When the door of the tavern opened, Harper staggered and stumbled forward. Fortunately, Nina wasthere to catch and break her fall.

"My Lord, are you okay?" Nina asked anxiously. If Charles heard about Harper being this drunk, hewould get furious for sure. They had just been living a well-content life without anyone's disturbance forjust a few days. She was afraid that something bad would happen again and put an end to theirpeaceful life.

"It's okay. It's okay. I drank too much today, so I won't go back. Let's check in at an inn!" Harper tried tocome off as sure and confident, knowing that she was already too drunk to make the trek home. Asidefrom that, the chance of Sue finding out that she drank herself to oblivion would probably not be for thebest. She might as well stay in an inn for one night and sneak back tomorrow morning without beingnoticed.

"You want to stay in an inn tonight?" Nina asked in a loud voice. Upon hearing her exclamation,Carlson immediately booked a well-suited room of the best inn in the Imperial Capital for her. Rightafter securing their booking, he left the pair alone with a satisfied grin on his face.

Afraid that Anabel and other maids might get concerned about Harper's situation, Nina quietly wentback to the mansion. She informed them of Harper's decision of staying at an inn tonight. She was

worried someone might let slip out to Sue or Charles that Harper had gone out of the mansion.

Harper stayed alone in the inn and slept soundly. In the middle of the night, a ruckus about someonegetting murdered in the inn woke a lot of the inn's guests, but not Harper. She slept soundly until awaiter came knocking at the door to wake her up.novelbin

"What happened?" Harper rubbed her head and asked in confusion, still hung-over and groggy frombeing woken up from her sleep.

"Mister, someone has been killed in the inn!"

"Nonsense! I was asleep the whole night. How could I kill anyone? Maybe you killed whoever it wasthat gotten killed," Harper exclaimed, resting her hands on her hips.

"No, mister, you have misunderstood me. I mean that a murder had just taken place in the inn. Therewas no noise from your room, and I haven't seen you since you checked in. I thought somethinghappened to you, too. Constables have just arrived and want to see all of the guests, so please comedown quickly," explained the waiter. Harper's face slowly morphed into a furious one. The waitercouldn't help but shiver in fear. Harper was Carlson's friend. If he offended Harper, Carlson wouldcertainly not let them go.

Harper had completely sobered up. What a bad luck! If her identity was exposed, she would be in bigtrouble.

Harper didn't expect that even the constables would come to investigate. If she was thrown into prisonas a suspect, it would only take a few hours for Charles to know it. Even then Mavis wouldn't be able tohelp her.

Harper estimated the height of the window and calculated if she could escape successfully. On secondthought, she realized that if she ran away now, she would be suspected even more. It would not be

difficult to find a person like her in the Imperial Capital. After weighing it over and over again, Harpergave up the idea of running away.

After washing up and changing clothes, Harper went downstairs unhurriedly. The hall was crowded withpeople and the constables were asking people questions one by one. Harper breathed a sigh of reliefafter she found no familiar face in the crowd.

Before she relaxed, she heard, "His Highness has arrived."

Harper hid in the crowd as quickly as possible. Although she had changed into male clothes anddisguised her facial features in make-up, it was still possible that Matthew would recognize her. It wouldbest for her not to risk it.

Matthew was pushed into the inn in a wheelchair. The moment he came in, a hush fell into the crowd.All heads turned to look at him. He was the most eye-catching and also the most pitiful prince. He wasconsidered a jinx who brought death to his fiancee, and he was disabled and unable to walk now.

The crowd went down on their knees in front of him to show respect. "Good evening, Your Highness."

"Rise, please." The next second, Matthew's eyes fell on Harper. She went stiff as a board and felt coldsweat beading out. For a moment she thought he had found out her true identity. But he looked awayimmediately, and she felt relieved. With her disguise, she was confident enough that even Matthewcouldn't recognize her.

"How is it going?"

"Your Highness, the victim was a merchant coming from the Western Regions. We believe he waskilled by a person holding a dagger. According to the waiter, the merchant carried a large amount ofmoney with him. We can't find the money now though," the leading constable answered.

"So the murderer killed him for his money?" Matthew asked coldly.

"I suppose so."

"Have you examined the corpse?"

"No. The coroner has gone back to his hometown a few days ago, so no one can see to this task rightnow," the leading constable answered truthfully.

Matthew nodded and shifted his eyes somewhere. Barry, who was standing behind him, walked intothe crowd and threw a person in front of Matthew.

Harper laid on the floor, motionless. Matthew had found her. Otherwise, he wouldn't have asked hisman to bring her out from the crowd. But why did he single her out? Did he regret letting her go beforeand want to kill her now?

"Get up! Do you need me to help you up?" Matthew's stoic voice came. Harper froze in fear andimmediately shot up from the floor.

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