Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 689 You Forget Yourself (Part Two)
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Chapter 689 You Forget Yourself (Part Two)

"No way!" Francis said decidedly. "I lost her once and I don't want to lose her again. Jason, don't youfeel regretful?"

"No!" Jason exclaimed in a cold tone, hiding his emotions deep in his eyes.

Francis coughed, his hands tightly clutching his chest. "When your master accepted a junior disciple,you couldn't stop talking about your junior brother. And later when you found out that the junior brotherwas in fact a junior sister, you came to me in the middle of the night looking so flustered. You werebeside yourself with happiness that you could not speak coherently. You even carved a jade pendantfor her with your own hands. I remember she always wore the jade pendant every day."

When Jason heard that, it felt like something was about to spill from his eyes, but he managed to closethem in time and said, "Francis, it's already too late! We have to accept the fact that she's UncleMatthew's wife and our Aunt!"

"So what?" Francis said coldly. "Knowing that I love her, I should strive for her love. I don't think there'sanything wrong with that."

"You could only strive for her love before she got married. Now, she has already become someoneelse's wife!" Jason felt so helpless at that moment. This was how Francis was. He was so stubborn thatno one could convince him to stop once his mind was made up.

"Jason, even though she is married, she can still get a divorce peacefully. Other than that, she canbecome a widow as well," Francis whispered under his breath, but Jason was able to hear it anyway.

"You still want to take action against him?" Hearing him say such a thing, Jason couldn't help but feeluneasy. After all, Matthew was not Lucas. The reason why Lucas could be dealt with so easily wasmainly because of his limited ability and poor popularity. In comparison, Matthew was far from being

like that. He was meticulous and had many talented followers. If Francis were to try to kill Matthew, hehad to consider if he could bear the repercussions of his actions in case he failed to kill him off.

Turning around, Francis answered, "I won't take action against him. It will be the emperor of the GreatJade Kingdom who's going to do that. The emperor and Matthew have been sworn enemies. If hekeeps Matthew detained in the Great Jade Kingdom, it won't have anything to do with me."

Looking at the receding back of Francis, Jason shook his head in disappointment. The reason why theydecided to take action against Lucas was because they were afraid that there was a testamentary edictin Lucas' hands. Now that Lucas was already dead, even if the testamentary edict to appoint him as theheir of the late emperor really existed, it would not mean a thing anymore. However, Matthew was anentirely different matter. Once Matthew raised his arm in a call for action, countless people would echowith and follow him. If Francis really took action but failed to kill Matthew, his attempt to take Harperaway from Matthew would definitely be a more than enough reason for Matthew to kill him.


"What's the matter?" Jason asked, trying to hold back his emotions. Hope was not yet lost. If he were toinform Harper about it in advance, the result might be different.

"Prince Hoffman in the Repenting Tower wants to have a word with Prince Francis."

"Hoffman." It had been so long since he heard about Hoffman. This time, the people who had seriouslyinjured Francis were a group of assassins from the South Kingdom who had come to save Hoffmanand to kill Harper as well.

"I guess it's time to see him," Jason said, turning around and heading straight toward the RepentingTower. Although Hoffman had been relegated to a civilian's status and imprisoned at the tower, he wasstill able to stir up trouble. Thus, it was clear as day that he was discontented with his current situation.

At the thought of that, Jason wondered what kind of close relationship Hoffman had with the peoplefrom the South Kingdom that they would go to the trouble of coming to his rescue.

The tower was similar to the Cold Palace in its nature, but it was significantly more desolate comparedto the Cold Palace. The security was so tight that even flies won't be able to enter. Its name indicatedthat it was a place to reflect on one's mistakes, but it was in fact like a prison. The only differencebetween the two was that the imperial prison was in the Imperial Palace, while the tower was locatedoutside the Imperial Palace. Other than that, the two of them were actually the same in nature.

Standing at the door of the Repenting Tower, Jason realized that among the many sons of the lateemperor, Hoffman was the only one who had actually escaped death only because he had beenimprisoned in the tower. That being said, if Hoffman harbored malicious intentions, they certainlywouldn't let him go so easily.

"Open the door."

"Yes, Your Highness."

The door of the tower was opened carefully, and a bad smell emanated from the inside all of a sudden.It was hard to imagine that someone actually lived here. As soon as he stepped foot inside the tower,Jason sensed a moist musty smell. Although he was aware of the fact that the living condition in thetower was not good, he never could've expected that the environment here would be comparable to theprison's, or possibly even worse.

"Welcome," Hoffman's voice greeted him. It was not until he heard Hoffman's voice that Jason finallyfound where he was. After being imprisoned in the tower for so long, Hoffman looked so despondent.novelbin

"It seems that you are enjoying your stay here, Hoffman." Jason poked fun at him. "Why do you want tomeet Francis?"

Hoffman stood in front of the threshold on the other side, while Jason stood at the entrance of thetower. The two of them were staring at each other from afar. Then, Hoffman asked, "Can you make adecision for him?"

"It depends. I can't tell whether I can make the decision or not unless you tell me what it is about,"Jason said, walking forward and moving toward the yard. Even the midday sunshine couldn't dispel thecoldness of the tower.

"I want to make a deal with you two." Hoffman cleared his throat. The environment in the tower was justtoo harsh. Had he not been living in the south domain in the past, he wouldn't have been able to holdon for so long. "I'm sure that Francis would also like to know the secret of the HeavenlyBook."

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