Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 687 Where Was The Testamentary Edict (Part Two)
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Chapter 687 Where Was The Testamentary Edict (Part Two)

"Will she show it to the world?" Lucas asked. He was curious about what Harper would do with theimperial edict as she was someone who never acted according to common principles.

Ignoring his question, Matthew gave him a cold look and asked, "Do you want to go back to theimperial capital? Or are you planning to hide in the procession and go to the Great Jade Kingdom withus?"novelbin

"I'd like to hear your opinion first," Lucas replied. He didn't speak out his plan. Under the currentsituation, the best option for him was to listen to Matthew before deciding.

After a moment's silence, Matthew proposed, "I think you should go back to the imperial capital andcooperate with Harp. She may need your help."

Lucas always knew how much Matthew valued his wife. But he never expected that Matthew wouldvalue her this much. This was a critical moment for all of them. Yet, he asked him to go back to theimperial capital just to help Harper. To be honest, Lucas was shocked to see Matthew's devotion to hiswife. He sighed, "Your trust for her is absolute."

"If you are not willing to cooperate with her, then don't go back to the imperial capital as you would onlycreate trouble by acting at your own will," Matthew commented.

"Uncle Matthew, don't worry. As long as Aunt Harper orders me, I will obey her without any question. Iwill follow her orders no matter what they are," Lucas promised as he raised his hand in an oath."Please be rest assured and don't worry. I'll listen to her obediently!"

The shameless look on Lucas' face made the corners of Matthew's mouth twitch. "Harp is right. Yourfather had a good eye to choose you as his successor."

Upon hearing that, Lucas was shocked and stunned. Did he mean that Harper would have no objectionto him being the next emperor?

"Isn't Aunt Harper always getting along with Francis? Then how come…?" Lucas questioned insurprise. He had thought that Harper was a close friend of Francis. Thus, he thought she supportedhim. If it was not for the fact that Matthew had tried so hard to protect him, he would probably have nottold the truth to Matthew. But now, what Matthew implied was that Harper wasn't actually supportingFrancis. Instead, she had a high regard for him! That was quite surprising for him.

"Well, she and Francis... It's hard to explain the relationship between them with a few words. The onlything you should keep in mind is that Francis will not be a good emperor," Matthew sighed emotionally.

"Why don't you claim the throne for yourself, Uncle Matthew? Once you become the emperor of theBright Dynasty, you will be able to protect her from any harm," Lucas asked. The reason he asked sucha question was purely intentional. He wanted to test if Matthew really didn't want the throne. If Matthewwanted to fight for the throne, then no one else would stand a chance. After all, he had the Black FlagArmy comprising three hundred thousand strong warriors. That was enough for him to wipe out all hisenemies in the Bright Dynasty.

Matthew just snorted with a disdainful look, "The position of the emperor is bound with too manyrestrictions. I don't want myself to be trapped in trouble. That might get her hurt, both physically andmentally."

"Don't you think it's a bit too narrow-minded to think that way?" Lucas asked. He believed a real manwould never give up the throne for a woman. He even got a vibe that Matthew was too obsessed withHarper that he made the wrong decision. There would be just a few men who would love their beautiesmore than the throne!

Matthew, on the other hand, was quick to cast a warning glance at Lucas. Immediately, the lattercovered his mouth and said, "Uncle Matthew, I'm leaving for the imperial capital right now. If you needsomething, just name it and I'll do it for you." He knew that his words made Matthew angry and the onlything he could do now was to stay away from him.

"Castrate Francis for me," Matthew said in a cold voice.

Lucas couldn't help but drop his jaw when he heard this terrible request. He then hesitated and said,"Well... I don't think it would be possible. How about you raise another one?"

Matthew then snorted through his nose with contempt and said, "Humph! Then tell me, what is it thatyou can do for me?"

"I can deliver a message for you!" Lucas replied proudly. "I can serve as a messenger to deliver yourletter to Aunt Harper. You guys haven't seen each other for quite a while. Aren't you worried about hersituation in the imperial capital? I can also keep an eye on her for you and keep you updated about herevery day! How do you like this idea?"

"I have my special secret guards to convey my messages," Matthew said as he glanced coldly atLucas. "You are of no use to me, honestly."

Lucas was deeply frustrated. "I can also create chaos for you, but only if you want me to," he said,struggling to make him useful to Matthew.

"Well, then you'd be courting death by doing that," Matthew responded with no hesitation. "All you needto do is disguise yourself and get back to the imperial capital. Just wait for her to get in touch with you.Don't hang out around, or you may end up exposing your identity. After all, you know how cruel he isand he would show you no mercy once he spots you. I don't want my wife to get into trouble becauseof you. So stay obedient and don't act recklessly.

Otherwise, I wouldn't mind teaching you a lesson with my sword." While Matthew said those words, hedrew out his glaring sword.

Seeing this, Lucas swallowed hard because of fear and said, "No, no! Of course I will stay obedient.Don't do that to me, Uncle Matthew. We are a family!" Lucas felt depressed. Although he was thesuccessor chosen by his father, he did not make it to take the throne. And to add insult to injury,Matthew constantly threatened and scolded him. Oh, God! He couldn't think of any successor who hadlived such a miserable life.

"Uncle Matthew, I heard that your cousin is going to the imperial capital soon. Since you are not there,how do you plan to deal with her?" Lucas asked again, trying to change the topic of discussion.

"Harper can deal with her the way she wants to," Matthew said casually. He didn't care about thecousin mentioned by Lucas. As a matter of fact, he even had no idea who that woman was.

His answer left Lucas speechless. He groaned in his heart, 'You are such a ruthless man. Your cousinwould be heartbroken when she learns that you have zero interest in her. And you are giving AuntHarper the permission to do whatever she wants to do. What if she lets your cousin live in yourmansion? What would you do in that situation?'

"Uncle Matthew, aren't you worried that Aunt Harper would grant her permission to live in yourmansion? I mean, maybe taking her as your concubine?" Lucas asked curiously. It would be aninteresting turn of events if Harper really did that. He even imagined what would happen in Matthew'smansion if he went back to the imperial capital now.

Matthew clearly discerned Lucas' look of schadenfreude. He then said in a flat tone, "I've thought of anew identity for you after you reach the imperial capital. How about becoming the girl in a brothel? Theidentity of a woman would be a perfect disguise for you. Francis would never go to places like that;neither would Jason. I think that is a perfect idea. What do you think?"

Hearing that, Lucas immediately wore a long face. He whined at once, "Please no, Uncle Matthew. CanI have a better identity than a whore? Please!"

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