Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 684 The Death Of Lucas (Part One)
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Chapter 684 The Death Of Lucas (Part One)

The bridal procession went on their way to the Great Jade Kingdom in peace. For so long, nothingunusual happened in their journey. But all of that changed when they were faced with a group ofassassins that came out of nowhere.

Immediately, it became clear that the assassins attacking them weren't ordinary. All of them were veryskilled in martial arts and they had one obvious target. Despite everyone in the group, they wentdirectly towards Lucas. The entire kingdom knew that the prince was not that good in combat. He rarelypracticed his martial art skills because he indulged himself in alcohol and sex. It was already somethingto be grateful for that his body did not grow weak, as he did not have much free time to concentrate onhis physical health or the practice of martial arts.

So it was no surprise that Lucas was caught off guard. Even with his secret guards' protection, he wasslightly injured when one of the assassins grabbed the opportunity to stab him. Seeing this situation,Matthew wore a frown on his face. He firmly ordered his men to wipe out all the assassins at all costs.The first batch of the killers was defeated soon enough. But in turn, a lot of the procession's membershad been killed. Matthew then counted the remaining people. He ordered for the injured to be treatedand the dead to be buried. Now, the whole procession was overtaken by a gloomy mood. With a heavyheart, the members of the procession continued their way.

"Uncle Matthew, it has only been two days since we left, yet he is so desperate to attack us. It must bebecause he is not seriously injured. He must have had some spare time to think and plan our murder!"Lucas said in gritted teeth. He deeply regretted keeping Francis alive, the person who plotted thisattack. He only wished that his brother was dead by now. But then, he remembered that Francis hadbeen hurt in order to save Harper so she wouldn't just sit idly without attempting to cure him.

Hearing what he said, Matthew grew drearier. Soon enough, the people around him started to noticethis grim mood around him. As a result, no one dared to even get closer to him. Lucas was noexception. But there came a time when Lucas needed to have a word with him because of the

dangerous situation that they were in. Out of options, he walked towards Matthew. He tried to convincehimself that he really needed to discuss how they were going to face the possible attacks that werecertainly coming to them in the days ahead.

But Matthew beat Lucas to the punch. In a rather cold tone, Matthew spoke to Lucas. "There will beassassins coming for us each step of the way ahead. They wouldn't stop unless one of us gets killedand he finally achieves one of his goals. But I have come up with a solution to fix this. Lucas, we needto find a good time to pretend that you have been killed."

"Are we going to do this when the next assassins come?" Lucas asked hesitantly. Although it was agood plan, he did not think that telling the world he was killed so soon would be a wise idea. There wasno denying that he was a bad fighter, but dying so soon? It would only show that Matthew who wasresponsible for the safety of the team was a lousy fighter since he could not protect him.

When Matthew heard this, he immediately glared at Lucas. If Lucas died in the second assassination,then his reputation as a horrible and dreadful fighter would be set in stone. But Matthew would certainlyclaim Lucas' death after he made Francis pay a heavy price.

"How about I decide myself when is the right opportunity to be fake dead? Would that be okay withyou?" Lucas suggested, once he noticed Matthew's disdainful glare at him. What a lot of people did notknow about Lucas was that he was actually aware of the current affairs. He knew how to hold himselftogether as well. If he wasn't, he wouldn't have survived at that age. Although he was a frequent visitorof brothels throughout the years, all his time had not been spent on mere leisure and worldly pleasures.All those affairs and rumors which claimed that he was a good-for-nothing and reckless brat were nottrue. It was only what Lucas would like them to think. This way, he was able to protect himself.

After that first attempt, they encountered countless assassins along the way. When they reached PearlCity, they had decreased in numbers. There had been five hundred guards in their company. But now,there were only two hundred guards left. Most of them had been killed or were seriously injured. Lucas,

who had been the target most of the time, was in disarray. He had bandages all over his body to coverhis wounds that were just starting to heal. He would have literally died numerous times if it were not forMatthew's help.novelbin

Looking at the wounds all over his body, Lucas wanted to cry but he was too exhausted to even dothat. Because of the endless attacks, he was so worn out that there were times when he wished hecould just die already. It was too painful to be stabbed every single day. He would rather die at thatinstant than suffer any longer.

When they entered the official inn, Matthew went over to Lucas. He then whispered, "We are now inPearl City. You must be extremely careful and alert! The Duanmu Clan dominates this city."

Hearing that, Lucas narrowed his eyes at once. He became more cautious thanks to Matthew'sreminder. Sherry actually came from the Duanmu Clan. In the past, the clan had never involvedthemselves in any political disputes. But now, they had announced out of nowhere that they were apartisan to Francis. All these years, Francis must have been keeping a low profile in order to preservehis strength and cover up his true abilities. He had just revealed his true colors by sending assassinsafter them along the way. He was determined to kill them at all costs. They could only guess that thewar had begun now that they had entered Pearl City.

They didn't encounter any obstacle when they reached the official inn of Pearl City. The local officerscarefully served them and the waiters greeted them with a warm smile. In a nutshell, everything wasnormal. Or at least, no one noticed anything.

Meticulously, Lucas inspected all the people in the inn, from the manager to the waiters. Afterward,there was a strange expression on his face. "Uncle Matthew, I'm tired. I'll go back to my room," hesuddenly said.

"Of course," Matthew responded, his voice devoid of any emotion. He didn't pay that much attention toLucas' demeanor.

Lilian, however, called out to stop Lucas in his tracks. "Lucas, don't act so tough and stubbornly now.Let the physician treat you with medicine before you take a rest," she said in a concerned tone.

"It's nothing serious. It's just a minor wound. Don't worry." Lucas soothed her while he pointed at hisarm which was hanging through the bandage. Despite what he said, it was actually more than a minorwound. All through their journey, assassins attacked him without regard for any lives, including theirs. Itwas like the only thing on their minds was to kill him. If it weren't for Matthew, he would have died waybefore they reached Pearl City.

Lilian had wanted to say something more to comfort him. But when she noticed that he was becominga little impatient, she immediately stopped herself. Then, she looked at Matthew and asked, "UncleMatthew, who on earth would actually want to kill us? That person is sending countless people to comeafter us. Whoever they are, they're not kidding around."

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