Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 666 Something In His Hand (Part One)
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Chapter 666 Something In His Hand (Part One)

As the guards arrived at Felix's mansion, they found that the mansion was completely deserted. Theguards rummaged the entire mansion, but found no one. Both Felix and his wife had disappeared, as ifthey had vanished into thin air.

"Where are they?" Ken asked in shock. "Where is Prince Felix?"

"General Ken, we have been guarding the mansion round-the-clock. No one has entered, or comeout…" the head of the guards said. He too was shocked to learn that the mansion was empty. Felix hadcommitted serious crimes and was placed under house arrest. Now that Felix had escaped under hiswatch, he would get punished for dereliction of duty.

"Search for Prince Felix! We have to find him by hook or by crook!" Ken ordered. He felt vexed. Theemperor had changed a lot in disposition recently. He had increasingly become crazy and bloodthirsty.If they were unsuccessful in finding Felix, Ken was afraid that he too might get implicated andpunished.

However, despite searching every nook and corner of the mansion and the surroundings around, theystill couldn't find any trace of Felix and his wife.

In the underground secret path, Howard looked at a disheveled Felix in a way as if he enjoyed greatpleasure in seeing the latter in such a miserable situation. With a faint smile at the corners of hismouth, he said, "If I hadn't come a little earlier, you would have already been decapitated."

Casting a fierce glare at Howard, Felix said, "What is it you want this time? First, you helped Hoffmanto fight against me, and now you are here to rescue me. What on earth do you want?"novelbin

"Prince Felix, don't talk nonsense. At the time when I joined Prince Hoffman's camp, I was just followingorders. Don't you remember you were the one who ordered me to do that?" Howard sneered at him."Well, I guess great wits have brief memories."

"Bullshit!" Felix cursed angrily. "I ordered you to join Hoffman's camp, but I didn't tell you to betray me!"

"When I joined Prince Hoffman's camp, I had to show my sincerity to him. I didn't know about a betterway to show my sincerity other than betraying you. Besides, though I betrayed you, I didn't cause anyfatal harm to you. I also helped you to defeat Prince Hoffman, didn't I?" Howard took the lead in walkingforward. "Follow me closely, or you will get torn apart by His Majesty."

"Howard, tell me. Whom do you work for?" Felix realized that Howard had never really worked for him.He was a goal-oriented man, and had his own reasons for doing things. He was very clear about histarget, and wouldn't hesitate to do anything for achieving his goal.

"Well, you may guess whom I am working for," Howard said, as he turned around and gave amysterious smile to Felix. Then his sight fell on Felix's wife, who was also there along with Felix. Felixstill didn't believe that the emperor had an affair with his wife.

After thinking for a moment, Felix laughed grimly and said, "You work for Matthew Jun!"

"You're wrong. Matthew doesn't deserve my loyalty!" Howard exclaimed coldly. "I have worked for onlyone person in my life."

"That's impossible. If not Matthew, who else in the imperial capital deserves your loyalty?" Felix didn'tbelieve Howard's words. If Howard was working for Jason or Francis, he wouldn't have come to hisrescue. Instead, he would have killed him without hesitation. So, Felix was sure that Howard didn'twork for either Jason or Francis.

In the imperial capital, beside Matthew, the only one Howard could rely on was Lucas. However, Felixknew Lucas better than anyone else. He was sure that Howard will not work for a person like Lucas.

"Who on earth do you work for?"

"The person I work for is really good at hiding. That's why you haven't figured about her identity,"Howard said. He led the way without turning his head back. He never bothered if Felix might use hischance to strike him from behind. That was because he was sure that Felix wouldn't survive without hishelp.

"Her?" Felix exclaimed in shock. "I didn't expect you would work for a woman!"

In the darkness, Howard's face couldn't be seen clearly, but a ghostly smile was on his face. He gavehim a clue, because he deemed it was no more necessary to hide the person he was working for fromFelix.

"Harper Chu!" Felix exclaimed in shock, though he could not believe what he himself said. "Have youforgotten that she attempted to kill you?"

"So what?" Howard didn't care about that at all. "Hatred is also a kind of emotion. I'm loving it."

"You... You're crazy!" Felix said emotionally. "How could you surrender and serve a woman who mademany attempts to kill you? How could you lower yourself to such an abomination?"

"What? Lower myself?" Howard reflected it over. Did he really lack self-respect? The answer was no.What he wanted was to appear in front of Harper, and he didn't care whether she disliked him or hatedhim. He wanted to make sure that she could never get rid of him in her lifetime. "Maybe, I lowermyself."

Looking at Howard's back, Felix pulled his wife to stagger behind him. "Are you rescuing me becauseHarper told you to do so?"

"She has her own reasons for rescuing you. Prince Felix, she wants you to give her something inreturn," Howard said, stopping in his tracks all of a sudden. "You'll get time to think about it before we

arrive at the exit."

Hearing that, Felix was stunned and his pupils shrank slightly. The only thing remaining with him thatwas worth coveting was the spies he had trained over the years!

Felix's wife had been silent all the way. She had just lost her baby and was very weak at the moment.Earlier, Felix didn't leave her behind and took her out of house arrest. She knew that was not becausehe wanted to save her. Instead, he wanted her to confront the emperor, so he could find out the truth. Itwas not he who had sent her to the emperor, and neither did he believe what she said. He believed thatshe had an affair with the emperor to create a blow to him.

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