Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 662 A Marriage Alliance (Part One)
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Chapter 662 A Marriage Alliance (Part One)

The emperor of the Great Jade Kingdom passed away, and the crown prince Rolando ascended thethrone as the rightful heir. The letters were sent to all other countries in the world. Rolando wasrenowned when he was the crown prince, and he and Matthew in the Bright Dynasty were called theHeroic Duo. Now that he became the emperor of the Great Jade Kingdom, gifts from various countrieswere sent to make friends with him.

Lilian stood still in front of Prince Matthew's mansion, hesitating for a long time. She was doubtfulwhether she should go in or leave. Looking at Lilian, who had almost trampled all the ants to death atthe gate, the guards couldn't help but feel helpless. They told her they would report to her arrival, butshe didn't allow them to. They asked her to leave, but she was not willing to.

"Well, do you think Princess Lilian wants to come in or leave? She has been at the gate for quite awhile and it doesn't look like she will come in or leave. Who do you think she is torturing?" a guardmurmured in a low voice.

"I think she doesn't know if she should go in," another guard replied.

"What are you discussing?" Noah coughed, and the guards were quick to straighten up, as if they wereloyal and responsible about their duties. With arched eyebrows, Noah looked at Lilian, who waswandering at the gate, and said, "Your Highness, Her Highness invites you to come in."

Lilian's eyes lit up, and she immediately ran into the mansion with her dress lifted. The guards quicklyrecognized that she was waiting all this time for Harper to invite her in.

In the Phoenix House, Harper was busy practicing writing. As soon as she saw Lilian running in withher dress lifted, she shook her head in disapproval. "Running with your dress in hand? What is it like?As a princess of the country, you should always be calm and should not fear at all even if the mountaincollapses."

"Aunt Harper, stop making fun of me. If I was such a person, I wouldn't have been pursuing Chodak forthe past five years," Lilian said with a smile. "I'm here to ask you something."

"To ask where Chodak is?" Harper was aware of the matters related to Chodak. She knew that sinceLilian cared so much about Chodak, she was here to seek information about him.

Lilian nodded. "The monks in the Holy Chant Temple said that Chodak had gone to heaven, but I amsure that it is impossible. Chodak may have left for somewhere, or maybe, he doesn't need his identityas the imperial monk anymore."

"Since you have already guessed it, why do you ask me?" Harper asked as she raised her head. "Areyou here to tell me about your decision?"

"No, I just came to confirm with you. Is it really him?" Lilian was restless, grabbing the corner of herdress. She hoped for a positive response from Harper, but she was also prepared to hear a negativeone. Such ambivalence tormented her.

Harper put down her pen and sat down with Lilian. She ordered her maid to serve hot tea and thensaid, "The fresh tea tastes great. You must try some."

Lilian took a sip and said, "Aunt Harper, please don't keep me in suspense. Tell me, Rolando isChodak, right?"

Harper smiled, and then asked, "Why do you care so much about the emperor of the Great JadeKingdom? Rolando is ambitious, and he intends to unite the entire world. Are you sure you still careabout him so much?"

"Aunt!" Lilian was anxious. She never cared whether Rolando was ambitious. She only cared to know ifRolando was the one she had been missing all the time.

Harper put down her teacup and said, "Well, I don't intend to make fun of you anymore. It's him."

Lilian heaved a sigh of relief, but was also a bit worried at the same time. Currently, the Bright Dynastywas suffering from internal and external strife, and her father's health was not as good as before. Hebecame more and more irritable recently. As for the national affairs, Jason and Francis were dealingwith most of them. The state would be in chaos unless the crown prince was appointed.

"Aunt Harper, whom do you think the new heir to the throne will be?" Although Lilian had been kept inthe Imperial Palace by Monica recently, she was aware of the situation in the court. After all, she was aprincess of the royal family and politics was something in her blood. If she was not sensitive about this,how could she have run wild in the palace for so many years?novelbin

"It will be the one most liked by His Majesty. But in the current situation, I'm afraid it would be uselesseven if he likes him." Harper had a gentle look, but Lilian sensed implications of her words. Everyoneknew that now the real authority in the imperial court was Francis.

Lilian played with the teacup and thought for a long while. "Since Rolando has taken the throne,wouldn't our country send envoys to congratulate him?"

"Certainly. But the envoys haven't been decided yet."

"When the Bright Dynasty is suffering from both internal problems and external conflicts, we shouldn'thave conflicts with the Great Jade Kingdom. If we unite by marriage, wouldn't it be smart diplomacy tokeep our country safe for a while?" Lilian gazed at Harper. "I want a marriage alliance."

Looking at Lilian, Harper thought for a long time. Then she said, "You should think twice, before takingany such decisions."

"I've been thinking about it for a long time now. If it's really him, I am willing to be a pawn for themarriage alliance!" Lilian took a deep breath and said, "Aunt, please help me. I want to go to the GreatJade Kingdom through marriage as a princess."

Instead of answering her in a hurry, Harper asked in a serious tone, "Have you really decided? Youshould know that any princess in a marriage alliance cannot have a good ending. Once the truce getsbroken and the Great Jade Kingdom and the Bright Dynasty have a fight, you will be the first one to bepushed out as a sacrifice to worship the flag."

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