Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 634 Owe Me An Explanation (Part One)
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Chapter 634 Owe Me An Explanation (Part One)

Chodak left chicly and resolutely without turning back or hesitating. He was as swift as a breezeblowing across the lake, raising a layer of ripples, and then in the next moment, peace was resumedand he was gone without even a trace.

Bored to death, Harper leafed through the Buddhist scripture. "Matthew, Chodak…" she mumbled.

"Chodak doesn't exist anymore. He died by the side of the lake. From now on, the person who is alivewill be Rolando, the crown prince of the Great Jade Kingdom," Matthew said while dealing with theletters he had received. "The emperor of the Great Jade Kingdom is terminally ill. Being the crownprince, he can't stay here any longer."

"Even though his father is terminally ill, he is only a deposed crown prince…" Harper paused for a whileas something came to her mind all of a sudden. "Why on earth was he deprived of the title of the crownprince in the first place?"

"One reason was that he enjoyed high prestige, making his father view him as a threat; another reasonwas that he wanted to look for the Heavenly Books," Matthew sneered. "He is decisive and alwaysmaintains a low profile. To avoid suspicion, he even shaved his head and became a monk. Nobodywould look for a former crown prince among monks."

"So, you know all the things about him," Harper said casually. "Although I am not sure why you had lethim stay in the Bright Dynasty, I'm quite sure that you must have struck a deal with him."

"Yes, you're right. I was poisoned once, and he was the one who saved my life with a pill. So, Iprovided him with a shelter in return." Matthew explained the reason. For him, it was not a bad deal toexchange a shelter for his life.

Suddenly, someone knocked at the door and called out, "Your Highness."

Harper went for the door, and when she opened it, there was a young monk waiting outside. "What'sthe matter?" she asked.

"Your Highness, our grandmaster ordered me to invite His Highness to play a game of Go," the youngmonk said respectfully, after devoutly putting his palms together.

Hearing that, Matthew put away the letters he still hadn't dealt with and said, "All right. I've long wantedto play a game of Go with Master Thubten. Now that I'm not too busy, I'll be happy to come. Harp, youmay have a nap. I'll be back soon."

"Okay, go ahead," Harper said, nodding her head. As a matter of fact, Master Thubten was highlyrespected and admired by common people, and enjoyed a higher status than Chodak. Now thatChodak had taken his leave abruptly, Matthew had to explain the whole situation to Master Thubten.

After he left, Harper stretched herself, intending to relax and have a sleep. All of a sudden, a gust ofwind blew in and extinguished the candle in the room. Harper was alerted, but she didn't move an inch.She narrowed her eyes slightly and tried to figure out what was happening.

Suddenly, the candle was ignited once again. Harper saw a man in scarlet red sitting at the table. Shewas quick to recognize him as Marquis Scarlet.

With her eyes half closed, Harper moved her fingers, intending to strike at him. However, MarquisScarlet addressed her before she could get closer, "Dear junior sister, you turned so heartless that youeven set me up."

But hearing his words, Harper was astounded. 'Junior sister? Who is he talking with?' she thought toherself. She looked around to see who else was present in the room other than Marquis Scarlet andher. But surprisingly, there was none. So, the man was referring to her as his junior sister?

Despite the confusion in her heart, Harper sat down, maintaining her calm. "I have no idea what youare talking about, Marquis Scarlet," she said.

"Junior sister, I never thought you would be so ruthless. After you went down the mountain, you evendidn't recognize me as your classmate. If you remember, we were classmates for five years. Duringthose five years, we had spent a lot of time learning together. But you seem to have completelyabandoned our friendship." As he looked at Harper's face, Marquis Scarlet suddenly laughed grimly.What Francis had said was true. He had been so stupid that he hadn't found out that the woman infront of him was his junior sister.

Suddenly, Marquis Scarlet made a quick move and rushed towards Harper. However, she was quick tododge his attack, as if she could foresee what he was about to do. After failing in his first blow, MarquisScarlet launched another attack, but Harper dodged it again. Marquis Scarlet didn't use his internalforce. The two of them exchanged more than a dozen blows by making use of the catch skills thatHarper was familiar with.

"Stop!" Harper called to a halt.

"Your Highness," Fred greeted Harper as he rushed into the room fearing something was wrong. Butthere was no one but Harper in the room. The window was open, and a gust of cold wind was blowingin.novelbin

"Is everything alright, Your Highness?" Fred asked.

"I'm fine. You may leave now," Harper said. She walked to the window and closed it. But she wasshocked and surprised, wondering what was going on. How could it be possible? How was MarquisScarlet able to use catch skills? Not everyone knew how to use it.

Harper organized her memories—the memories she had, the broken memories of the original Harperfrom the Bright Dynasty. No matter how hard she tried, she was unsuccessful in putting those missingmemories together. She had her memories intact only from those incidents from the place of execution.

"What's going on? Why?" Harper mumbled to herself, stroking her head. She was so distressed andfelt a headache. She didn't know whether the original Harper had something to do with Marquis Scarletor she herself had something to do with him. In her faint memory, she had a father and an elderbrother. But if she had some connection with Marquis Scarlet, what appeared in her memory wouldn'tbe true.

As soon as he left Harper's room, Marquis Scarlet was stopped by Barry. Without uttering a singleword, Barry brandished his sword at him. Without any fear, Marquis Scarlet fought back against Barry.He was no match for Matthew, but his strength was enough to crush Barry.

Finally, Barry was knocked down by Marquis Scarlet, and then he made a quick escape. With no delay,Barry responded by sending a signal flare to notify Matthew. Matthew saw the signal blossoming in thesky while he was playing the game of Go with Master Thubten. He looked at the master and asked,"Master Thubten, monks never lie. Did you really call me here to play Go with you?"

Putting his palms together devoutly, Thubten said, "Amitabha. Please forgive me, Your Highness.Someone asked me to invite you to play Go with you."

"Good strategy! You were successful in luring me away from Harper," Matthew commented in a calmand collected manner. "You are someone who has been disillusioned with the mortal world, right?Then, why did you still get involved in the worldly affairs?"

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