Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 619 The Empress Was Specially Favored (Part One)
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Chapter 619 The Empress Was Specially Favored (Part One)

As soon as Felix was released from house arrest, the officials who had been worried about him wererelieved. Felix was the crown prince and the future emperor after all. Even though the emperor wasangry, he wouldn't give him a serious punishment but only scolded him and kept him secluded for a fewdays at most.

In contrast, Hoffman and Walden had been given miserable punishments to match their miserablecharacters. One was imprisoned in the Repenting Tower, where he was doomed to spend the rest ofhis life, and the other was relegated to civilian status, being exiled to the southeast, with a dark anduncertain future. Only Felix could keep his royal position during punishment. After all, the emperor hadbrought him up as his heir, and had taught him since childhood in person, so it was hard for him to dealwith Felix ruthlessly.

The emperor had also given up on his habit of indulging in new ladies. He stayed at the Sleek Palaceevery night. He used to visit Sherry, but he wasn't seeing her recently. Instead, he spent every nightwith the empress.

Felix grinned as he heard the news that Harper was pregnant. He didn't take it to heart. He went to seethe empress these days and she was asleep every time. It would seem that his parents loved eachother so much, as if they were on a second honeymoon.

The empress woke up at noon. She moved her body and felt quite sore. After being married for somany years and even having grandchildren, she was surprised to find the emperor so crazy in bed, likewhen he was young. Although she was exhausted from the previous night, she was in a very goodmood.

"Would you like to take a bath, Your Majesty?" Nancy came in and asked with a smile. When she sawthat the empress had bruises all over, she couldn't hide the joy in her eyes. "His Majesty is quiteobsessed with you nowadays! He just wants you to serve him every day."novelbin

The empress glanced at her with a pout. "Go and prepare some water for me. I want to take a bath."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Nancy had already told the servants to prepare the hot water. They carried thewater in, and she helped the empress to take a bath. The emperor's unceasing passion was becominga bit tiring, but he came to her every day and she couldn't refuse him. She had to bear with it andsatisfy him even though it made her exhausted. It was her honor that the emperor doted on her, afterall. The greater the emperor's fondness for her, the better it would be for her and Felix.

"What has Felix been doing nowadays?"

"His Majesty commanded His Highness to assist him with court affairs. You're the center of HisMajesty's attention now, so he needs to hand over his official business to His Highness."

"Naughty girl, you like to tease me."

"I'm sorry!" Nancy gave the empress a massage as she apologized. The empress was not younganymore, so these long and energetic lovemaking sessions made her very tired. As for the emperor, hewas as passionate and spirited every night as a young man in his twenties.

"His Majesty has stayed in the Sleek Palace for seven nights in a row, and didn't visit Lady Sherryonce. I'm afraid that she may feel lonely and envious. So what? No matter how much His Majestyfavored her in the past, she is still a concubine of inferior dignity. She's not a patch on you, HisMajesty's only wife," Nancy said proudly.

"Look at you!" As she enjoyed Nancy's massage, the empress reflected with amazement about thepower of that spell doll. She had never expected that doll to have such extraordinary results! It not onlymade the emperor dote on her relentlessly, but also refreshed him and gave him the vigor of a youngman. But was that owing to the Longevity Pills?

"Your Majesty, the water is going cold. I'll have the servants add another bucket of hot water. You canenjoy a longer bath and it will get rid of your fatigue." Then Nancy turned around, walked out, andordered the maids to bring another bucket of hot water.

The empress's eyes fell on the bed not far away. There was a secret drawer beneath the bed, in whichshe kept the spell doll hidden. She prayed every day and it did work. The emperor loved her with anobsession. Every time he saw her, there was no one else in his eyes.

'The doll's potency is remarkable. If it were owned by someone else and used to bewitch His Majesty, itwould be a disaster for me.' The empress was worried about that. "Maid."

"Your Majesty."

"Investigate Cheryl's family and find out exactly who gave the doll to her. After the source is found, killeveryone who knows about it." The empress couldn't afford to let the spell doll be known by the public.After all, it was a sharp weapon in her hands, and it would be also a sharp weapon in the hands ofanyone who wanted to hurt her. So the doll, and any knowledge of the doll, must be held by herexclusively.

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, the hot water is ready for you. I put His Majesty's favorite peony petals inside." Smiling,Nancy helped the empress into the bath tub. "I will give you a massage after your bath."

"Okay. You are the best masseuse I've ever had."

The empress had been in a radiant mood for several days, with joy in her eyes. She was middle-aged,but she was looking prettier than usual, despite being so exhausted by the emperor. Unfortunately, shewas keeping the emperor away from his concubines, and they might be cursing her for it.

"Is there anything special going on in the Imperial Palace recently?"

"There's nothing special, Your Majesty. The situation is normal and quiet, except that Lady Monica iskeeping Princess Lilian locked up. You've kept yourself shut in your palace this past week and don't letthe ladies come to greet you. Don't you want them to see you?" Nancy replied in concern.

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