Forensic Imperial Concubine

Chapter 597 A Prophecy (Part One)
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Chapter 597 A Prophecy (Part One)

Seeing Francis' grief, Harper felt sorry for him. As a very handsome man, when he wept in front ofothers in despair, even the stone-hearted Harper couldn't suppress her sympathy. She even held backfrom what she wanted to ask.

"Was it you who plotted against Alexander?" Matthew asked what Harper intended to ask. Seeing thatshe turned her head aside, he understood that she didn't want to ask more questions, but he thought itwould be better to clarify things.

With a bitter smile on his face, Francis said, "Uncle Matthew, do you think I am that ruthless? Howcould you even think I would conspire against a child?"

Francis knew what had happened to Alexander. Alexander was framed for murder and put into prison.If Harper and Matthew hadn't been to save him by finding evidence in his favor, he would have beenexecuted already.

"So, you were really not the chief conspirator?" Matthew didn't hide his suspicion.

"No. It wasn't me," Francis said, looking at Harper. "If it was really me, I wouldn't hide it from you. WhatI want is very simple. I just wish to take revenge on my father."

"All right. You are not supposed to say these words casually," Matthew said in a flat tone. You'd betterget back to your mansion right now. Since you've been in my mansion for a long time today, it wouldinvite suspicion from others."

Hearing that, Francis stood up downheartedly and said in an indistinct voice, "Uncle Matthew, AuntHarper, if you want me to do something, please let me know. Also, I wouldn't hesitate to let you knowanything you want to know from me."

"Send Prince Francis back to his mansion,"

Matthew ordered the steward. Francis was then escorted back to his mansion. Harper remained silentas she was immersed in thoughts about what Francis had told them. Matthew felt her silence quitesurprising.

"Don't think too much," Matthew said, holding Harper in his arms. "I'm here with you."

Resting her body in her husband's arms, she said, "It's not easy to be a member of the royal family, isit?"

"Well, that's a hard truth, and you're not the only person to share that thought," Matthew consoled her.

"Why would His Majesty poison his own son? Francis was poisoned with something that was highlytoxic. What made him hate Francis so much that he decided to torture him in this way?" Harper askedin confusion. The emperor always seemed to be very fond of Francis, but he had been poisoning himfor more than a dozen years. Harper just couldn't make out the contradiction.

"Because of a prophecy," Matthew intoned. "At the time of Francis' birth, an eminent monk was in theimperial capital. He said that Francis was an incarnation of a disaster star. He also said that he had toohard a fate, and because of this fate, His Majesty would end up in the hands of death, sooner or later."

"His Majesty poisoned his own son just because of such a groundless prophecy?" Harper wasshocked. But soon, she recalled that the people here were all superstitious, and the emperor had beenkind to Francis by not killing him as soon as he heard the prophecy.

Matthew snorted coldly, "He cherishes his own reputation. He feared for his life, but didn't want to takethe blame for killing his own son. So, he came up with a vicious idea and that was to poison Francis.When Francis turned too weak to take care of himself, he would just die out of his weakness. By then,His Majesty could get rid of the big load in his mind, and also remain safe from any accusations ofkilling his own son."

Harper sighed, "No wonder Francis found it hard to accept the truth. Matthew, do you believe inprophecies?"

"No, I don't," Matthew asserted. "I don't believe in heaven, earth, Buddha or the ghosts. What I onlybelieve in is you."

With a smile appearing on her face, she said, "Matthew, believe me. I deserve your trust."

"Yes, I know." The smile on Matthew's face was as dazzling as the moon breaking through the clouds,and this fascinated her, "Darling, your smile makes my eyes blurry."

"What? You don't like it?" Matthew asked in surprise.

"Yes, I do like it. But, don't smile at others in this way, or I will be very jealous," Harper said frankly. Shewas an honest person, and bore no formalities. If she liked someone, she would admit her feelings; andif she didn't, she would never pretend liking them.

"Don't worry. I am not going to do anything you don't like," Matthew promised in a gentle voice, andlooked even more charming with the expressions on his face. "Just regard what Francis told as true.But don't let your guards down, and we should be on alert."

"I'll ask Howard to further investigate into it," Harper said in a serious tone.

After reflecting for a while, she continued, "I have never seen Jason. I have met all other sons of HisMajesty, except him."

"You remind me. I haven't seen him for a long time either. He has remained outside and seldom comesback to the imperial capital. This time, he didn't even make it for his father's birthday, and justpresented a gift through someone."

"How come His Majesty is not angry with him?" Harper asked.

"He simply doesn't care," Matthew sneered. "The older he becomes, the more importance he attachesto his throne. He is always afraid that someone might usurp the throne. Naturally, he becamehypervigilant. He's not just afraid of me. Anyone else whom he foresees as a potential threat is also hisenemy.

Harper was thinking about something else. "To prevent his sons from usurping the throne, he wouldn'tmind resorting to extreme means. But isn't he afraid that his sons would also resort to some extrememeans?"

Matthew was dumbfounded to hear Harper's question. He seemed to have thought of something, buthe failed to seize it.

At the same time, in the Imperial Palace, the emperor was seemingly looking quite good recently.Although Felix had annoyed him, he looked radiant. "Andy, fetch my pills."novelbin

"Yes, Your Majesty." Andy fetched the Longevity Pills and aided the emperor in having one. "YourMajesty, the Longevity Pills have already begun their magic. You look much more spirited now," hesaid.

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